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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/18/2017 3:47:17 AM
[b]As orange flame darted across the great city that was Dojoville, a move was being made. There was one building unscathed by the stupidly hot flames. It was a large, grey warehouse. Bigger than a large parking lot. Why was it so big? It couldn't hold anything that big, could it? No. It did not. It was just cheap. The large doors slowly slid open, to reveal a small group of people. They were numbered only four. Two of them wore the same outfit, perhaps it had something to do with ranking? The first of the figures to arrive outside was also the most infamous. It was the Vampire Hunter, as he was known. And that was all he was known for. His giant, white smile shining like a star from behind his wide-brim hat. His eyes burned like a huge, blue fire. His smile suggested that he loved, and relished in, every moment of this stupendous chaos. And he did. He loved it all. The suffering. The death. The gore. It was almost fetish-like with how much he loved it. Well, not just fetish-like. It was... Disconcerting to say the least. He wore an overcoat, pants, and gloves. All were made form the same course fabric. He had on a pair of black boots. At his sides were to pistols, huge hand cannons of devastation. They could easily tear someone in half with a few shots. They were a light gray metal, and had hundreds of carvings on them. One for each he'd killed. They were mostly Bible verses and holy words. He smiles a little wider, and licks his lips. The other person was dressed exactly as the Vampire Hunter, so only her blue eyes were able to be seen glowing. On her back was an anti-tank sniper rifle, but it was painted a deep navy blue. It was loaded with explosive shells this time, for crowd control. This was the Vampire Hunter's second-in-command, Huntress. The Huntress was the Vampire Hunter's chosen, his only living... Well. Let's not ruin the surprise. To this end, she was completely enamored and obsessed with him, and would follow every order without a single question. The next person was another man, but not nearly as tall as the Vampire Hunter. The man only stood at six feet tall compared to the Vampire Hunter's seven. He didn't have anything in common in appearance with the Vampire Hunter. He was dressed in a black robe that covered all his body, save the very end of his legs and arms. He had on white gloves and shoes. He wore on his neck a cross. He was a Catholic priest who'd shown himself an extremely productive member of the vampire-hunting community, and was admitted into their ranks. He used a blessed crossbow, one with bolts that contained holy water mixed with a bit of sodium on impact. Explosive holy water bolts. It melted vampires and ghosts alike. He had silver-tipped bolts for everything else, and the receiving end of a rapier for anyone who stood against him in close range. He adjusts his glasses, and runs his hands through his long hair. It goes down to his shoulders, and is a brown color. He also has a pretty good beard going on. He was here to smite some bloody heathens in the name of Jesus Christ! The last person was perhaps the most generic and forgettable. He was tall, at six-feet-five-inches, but still not as tall as the Vampire Hunter. This was Pierre, the greedy mercenary. He wore a brown duster, with a white shirt underneath. He wore black jeans as his pants. He just had a generic assault rifle with specialized bullets for killing undead monsters. Well... That was until the Vampire Hunter blew his damned head off without looking at him. The other two didn't even look over. The Vampire Hunter smiles even wider.[/b] "And out first blood was the filthy rat. I knew what he was doing all along. Helping the undead escape for a fee. I will not take incursion like this, you got that?" [b]The Vampire Hunter's voice was deep and mellifluous, like honey on he ears.[/b] Priest: "Oh... I get you." [b]The Priest's voice was of a higher pitch, and showed determination instead of the Vampire Hunter's mania.[/b] Huntress: "Crystal clear, zir." [b]The Huntress had a German accent, and her voice showed admiration and appreciation.[/b] Vampire Hunter: "Now... Huntress, you're with me. As are you, Priest. We're hunting tonight. Hunting many, many things. We're not just killing what we say we want to this night. At least, I'm not. I'm killing anything I see, and using its blood as fuel for my next blood orgy. Got it? Don't answer, don't get in my way." [b]The began to run off, the Vampire Hunter shooting certain civilians that seemed doomed to die, but would help the ones that stayed still. Get them out of danger, have Priest administer blessings. At least he wasn't just gunning them all down. But any dying person was shot down by him or Huntress.[/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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  • Nearby a large set of black, spiky wings rose up from behind the rooftop of a large building and a furocious roar shook the ground. Fire in the area seemed to die down slightly and weirdly move toward the position of the winged creature.

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  • [b]The Vampire Hunter smiles widely. Hopefully this was a demon or witch or something. Then he could get new quarry. That'd be... Just amazing.[/b] "Huntress. Priest. Let's go see what our flaming friend is. Hopefully we've just found some new quarry." [b]The Vampire Hunter laughs, and him with his posse run towards the creature.[/b]

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  • When they arrived there was a two story tall beast with a scaly black hide that leaked small amounts of lava. The creature's head had a large horn that grew from between the eyes and curved upwards. The eyes burned a bright red, full of hate and out of the mouth came a breath hotter than the fires of hell. Thick smoke was exhaled out from between the beast's teeth and onto the ground, clouding the area. With a loud roar the creature's arms, thick as tree trunks, rose toward the sky. The wings folded onto the monster's back as it took notice of the hunters before it, snarling at them.

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  • "Priest. Huntress. Stay back. I'm going to go have some... Fun" [b]The Priest just turned tail and full-on sprinted away. He know what was going to happen if he stayed. It rhymes with rye dorribly. The Huntress just calmly started walking away. She knew he wouldn't kill her on purpose, but she'd rather keep all her limbs for the moment. The Vampire Hunter, with a mad grin, began to walk towards the giant creature, pistols drawn.[/b]

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  • The hunter didn't catch the beast's interest as it turned toward the slaughter happening elsewhere and began to walk away, each step shaking the ground. The lava coming from its hide left a deadly trail behind it.

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  • [b]He quickly began to fire upon it, handling the recoil of his two hand cannons amazingly. It was inhuman, how well he could control them. He ran alongside it, and if he could, he tries to shoot it in the eyes when it would turn to him or he got far enough.[/b]

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  • The rounds were absorbed into the body of the creature as if they were hitting liquid. After a few moments of just absorbing gunfire, the bullets flew back at the hunter, the rounds now covered in fire and moving far faster than when originally fired. The creature didn't even turn to the man and kept walking, but winced a little when shot in the eye.

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  • [b]Literally every single round hit the Vampire Hunter, and left holes in him, but he didn't even flinch. Blood dribbled from the side of his mouth, but he just kept smiling. He ran yet again, focusing all fire on the creature's eyes now. This would be his quarry.[/b]

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  • Like a whip, a long pitch black tail snapped at the Hunter's hands out of no where in an attempt to disarm him, the tail previously hidden by the black smoke. The creature still didn't turn, but did casually raise a hand to cover the side of its face.

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  • [b]And disarm him it did, but not because it knocked the guns out of his hand. He dropped the guns and grabbed the tail. He was going to ride this beast, and then he'd tear it's eyes out entirely. This would be a barrel of fun.[/b]

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  • The beast kept walking, pulling the hunter because he held its tail. It didn't seem to care or notice the man was there.

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  • [b]He began to climb up the massive beast. He was a man on a mission, and the mission was to conquer this goddamn thing. He held his knife between his teeth, and climbed up. Good thing his clothes were black, or he'd have to get one hell of a dry cleaner.[/b]

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  • It kept on moving, not doing anything new.

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  • [b]He kept climbing and climbing, until he reached the head. He waited to see if it would do anything to stop him at all.[/b]

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  • At one point it lifted an arm to scratch at where he sat like it had a simple itch, the large sharp claws coming down fast.

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  • [b]They very easily speared through the Vampire Hunter, but he just coughed up blood and laughed. Something like this wouldn't stop him. In fact, he was pretty much just stuck to the thing's claws now.[/b]

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  • The beast lowered its arm to its side, the hunter now dangling while impaled by ebony claws. He was slowly slipping off however.

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  • [b]He looked up at the creature, giving it a tip of his hat and a wave.[/b] "Hello up there!" [b]He stabbed his knife down into the nail part of its claw. Because of the cleavage of a nail, this would probably work out. Maybe.[/b]

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  • The beast flicked its wrist and flung the hunter off the claw and flying several dozen feet away, crashing through burning buildings.

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  • "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING HEEEEEEEEEELL!" [b]He crashes through every single building, before hitting some steel and falling to the ground. His arms are very obviously broken, but he somehow manages to get a vial of blood from his jacket, and drinks it. After a minute or two he stands back up, sprinting as fast as he can to find the beast again.[/b]

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  • The monster could be seen biting several people in half that were trapped between its claws. They screamed as its jaws enveloped them, but the silence was instant when the teeth sunk into their bodies.

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  • [b]He started laughing maniacally as he shoots it in the eyes some more, and jumps onto its tail, trying to climb up it again.[/b] "I WILL CONQUER YOU!" [b]He starts his ascent again. [/b]

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  • The tail swung rapidly back and forth to send him flying once more. The creature was beginning to get annoyed by the hunter's antics.

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  • [b]Very quickly, he was back again, trying to climb it.[/b] "DENY ME ALL YOU WANT! YOU WILL NOT GET RID OF ME UNTIL I HAVE COMPLETED MY GOAL!" [b]This time he uses two knives to act as climbing picks.[/b]

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  • The beast roared and began to flap its wings, gradually gaining speed and altitude. It was growing tired of the tickling feeling the hunter gave it.

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