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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 10/17/2017 11:38:43 PM
[i]Lola let out a strange gurgling noise as she felt her throat being sliced into. her had went to her throat freezing the blood that was pouring from it quickly. Gone was the friendiness in her once kind and forgiving eyes as the took on a different look as they were now cold and unfeeling for anything other than her sister. Leyla knew good well that her little sister had pushed to far especially seeing the armor. All the things she kept hidden came to the surface as red hot rage as lola transforms as well her wounds becoming a dull memory as she unleashes a massive surge of electricity from her dragon form paralyzing any to close to her. Leyla could do little now to stop her sister lola. her sister lola had leapt into ring crushing everything with her huge unforgiving body.[/i]

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  • [i]That was, if Lola got any farther.[/i] [i]As the Vileblood dropped off of Leyla's dying body, she landed into a thick puddle of the dragon's own blood, of which had pooled around the entire arena. Blood.. an a dragon about to crush her.[/i] [i]Irina's senses would kick in.[/i] [i]As if acting with a mind of it's own, the crimson liquid would shoot upwards, sending a spike right through the landing Lola's body. The head protruded through her back, thickening it's base to where it was wider than a tree. It pierced her entirely, keeping her bleeding body stuck upon it.[/i]

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  • [i]Lola in her blind rage realized too little too late on that fact. She felt the spike pierce her body. Lola let out a pained roar as she essentially skewered herself and her massive bulk was just driving it in more. Lola be seen struggling as she could heard chanting as spell as blood dripped from her maw and signifying internal injuries. Leyla was losing strength and looks like she might just pass out from blood loss. But she somehow managed to freeze the blood that was in puddles around the two dragons.[/i]

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  • [i]Irina sighed a little, as she felt her feet against frozen blood. It had only halted her ideal plan for a few seconds, and nothing more.[/i] [i]The blood tendril stuck into Lola's chest would suddenly begin to melt, as a fiery red tunnel of flames would traverse upon it's outside, diving into the spike itself. Lola could feel her very vitals beginning to cook and incinerate, the Vileblood studying the gruesome affair with an evil intent.[/i]

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  • [i]Lola pretty much sank to the ground at that the pain too great for her bear. With in pained gasps of words of a spell as she tried vain to heal herself just one more time. Lola looks at her sister that is passed out cold. Lola knows if she passes out now that irina and her offspring will probably kill them then hunt down the rest of her family. But as stubborn lola is she is still trying to move as injured as she is.[/i] [spoiler] the brutality !![/spoiler]

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  • "Oh, fuсk off, you oversized worm." [i]Irina would mutter as she stared at Lola's pathetic, overly stubborn attempts at survival, as the Vileblood's face contorted into a grimace of utmost hatred for the dying dragon. From the ground, she leaned down to pick up the family sword, smiling to herself before looking back at Lola.[/i] "Before you go to Hеll, I want you to know that it was Leyla who brought this judgement upon you." [i]That was all that she said, before halfswording the weapon - one hand on the blade, the other holding onto the hilt - as she rammed the weapon deep into Lola's skull.[/i]

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  • *While Talath holds her back a strange portal opens, someone walking up behind her and pushing her in. The portal closes before she can get up, revealing Mortar. He saw the whole thing, the death of Lola, the fight with Leyla, everything. Unsure of what to do, he simply stares at Irina, then back at Lola and Leyla. Slowly, he walks over, picking up the passed out Leyla, leaving the body of Lola. He doesn't want anyone else to die; he made a promise to Hovark to keep them safe. But Leyla was cocky, and didn't think much through. And that would be her downfall if he doesn't help her* [spoiler]didn't wanna intervene, but I also kinda did.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Irina would return that heartless stare towards Mortar's suddenly appeared form, the bloodied sword still encased with the life essence that was once housed within Lola's body. She would remain motionless and cold, before resting the sword upon her shoulder.. and beckoning Mortar forth.[/i]

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  • *As she beckons him he stops, staring at her again. Slowly, his head shakes, back and forth, left to right and left again. He declines her challenge as he props the limp Leyla on his shoulder* Not now, Irina. I cannot guarantee that we will never fight in the future, but you won. You got what you wagered and you killed another dragon, another one of the Hayes. We'll meet again, but for now, let us both rest. *The two of them, staring at each other seem like polar opposites: From an outsider's perspective it seems as if Mortar would be the one taking the moral high ground as the wretched abject Vileblood stands drenched in blood. But both knew that they are the same, one way or another. Except Mortar has their father's sword, while Irina only had their mother's*

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  • [i]Irina would remain silent for a few moments, before a slight, quiet laugh would escape those smiling lips, the drenched weapon's blade dripping with scarlet blood. The laugh was such a satisfying, devilish guffaw, as if the Vileblood had found true enjoyment in such a terrible event.[/i] "Oh, we'll meet. And you'll be dead for good, I'll traverse Hеll and back to make sure of that." [i]As Arianna, still twitching from the electricity, steadily rose up, the mother of the two younger Vilebloods would beckon for them to leave, as Isaac, the only innocent other than Mortar in the current situation, lifted up his sister's shoulder and carried her off. Irina merely let the blade of her new sword slam into the earth, that cruelly edgy- er, dreadful chuckle repeating over and over again, only growing louder until it became a sharp laughter of absolute joy.[/i] [i]It seemed as if Irina had descended back into insanity.[/i]

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  • *As he opens a portal, holding the limp but bleeding slightly less Leyla, sighs* You were mute for so long, can't we just go back to then? *Before she can respond he walks through the frame, the portal closing quickly behind him*

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  • [i]and with that lola's struggling ceased as she died from the family sword piercing her skull. Her twin leyla had reverted back to her normal form as she was still passed out from blood loss and some her injuries that she had failed to heal. "Lola!!!! Nooo.. let me go talath!!"she screams But then the familiar screams of their older sister rang out she hadnt wanted to go with her sisters earlier. The look on her face as she looked at her two sisters the one dead and the one suffering nasty injuries. Talath was with her holding her back. As she was beyond upset. He simply spoke them coldly while trying to hold their sister back a hard thing to do if your not one. [/i] "You need to leave right now i don't care who started what just leave us now"says talath

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  • *While Talath holds her back a strange portal opens, someone walking up behind her and pushing her in. The portal closes before she can get up, revealing Mortar. He saw the whole thing, the death of Lola, the fight with Leyla, everything. Unsure of what to do, he simply stares at Irina, then back at Lola and Leyla. Slowly, he walks over, picking up the passed out Leyla, leaving the body of Lola. He doesn't want anyone else to die; he made a promise to Hovark to keep them safe. But Leyla was cocky, and didn't think much through. And that would be her downfall if he doesn't help her* [spoiler]didn't wanna intervene, but I also kinda did.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]okay i be making a new post too just so you know.[/spoiler] [i]all serenity could was cry as she had just lost another family member she kept crying as Talath was standing there just letting her cry. Lola on the other hand was in such bad shape after that battle it would be a surprise if she even remember it later. She was covered in thick mixture of her own and Lola's blood. It would destroy when she would learn that this was all her fault.[/i]

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  • *Mortar sighs, carrying her on his back so that she doesn't drag on the ground. She was certainly in bad shape, but the hair he took from her when his original intent was to find Lola's actually will help him out. He opens a portal to the dimension where Serenity is, except it is in a white, clean building, a hospital of sorts. He lays her down on a soft bed, preparing to fix her*

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  • [i]serenity was still crying though not noticing the portal opening and that he had leyla. Leyla is still really unresponsive as he laid her down on the bed. Her blood already staining the sheets on the bed.[/i]

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  • *Shadows spring from the ground as both shadows of people in doctor's coats and masks as well as seemingly REAL doctors tend to her. They use special flasks with certain tools and... Skin and other stuff? labeled "L.H." While Mortar is also helping as he can, he isn't the best in medicine, but he notices Serenity breaking down, and runs over to her, trusting Leyla's life to the doctors* Serenity! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you feel any pain? *He obviously knows she is hysteric over her sisters, however he doesn't want to bring this up as he sits next to her, hugging her tighter than he ever has*

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  • [i]serenity didn't really say much anything other than cry into his shoulder as he hugged her. She was more upset over her sister's sudden death and her other sister being gravely injured. [/i]

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  • *He could do nothing really other than hold her, letting him be a shoulder for her to cry on, and when she will regain her composure, then they can talk about what happened. In the meantime, a doctor rushes over to him with a clipboard and a pen* Mortar, sir, the grafts you made seem to be accepted by the body. Should we begin the stitching process? *Behind Serenity's back he lifts a thumb up, causing the doctor to nod and return to the table.* She'll be okay, Serenity. You won't lose two today, I bet my life on it. *The two simply sit on the ground, hugging each other for what seems to Mortar like an eternity*

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  • [i]serenity had eventually calmed enough to talk some but it was clear she was still upset.[/i] "Why does she hate my family so? "Says serenity still crying a bit

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  • *Despite Mortar wanting to say "No, she doesn't hate your family. No, this was just from stupid decisions, you'll be alright," he can't bring himself to say that because he isn't so sure himself.* I don't know, Serenity. She is evil, twisted, spiteful. Why Leyla thought she could win I don't know. But we'll be safe so long as we're away from her. *He beckons a shadow over, handing it his PST* Bring Serenity's children to the waiting room please. *It nods, opening a portal and leaving*

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 10/21/2017 2:30:22 AM
    "What about leyla's two boys? Will they be safe?"says serenity [i]she is still very upset and worried that irina would come after the kids. She knew her kids were with lizzie lola's best friend. Serenity felt bad that she have to find out like this. This made her cry a little more thinking about this[/i] "i should have been there to protect my sisters. This feels like its my fault."says serenity [i]she cries a little more after saying this her face still buried in his shoulder. She felt she failed to keep what remains of her family safe and now she would have to bury what would be left of her sister. As she knew that lola's body would be harvested by irina and her twisted offspring.[/i]

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  • Serenity, no, not at all. This is more my fault than yours, I had seen more of it, I could have stepped in... *He hasn't let go of her yet, but he squeezes her a little tighter. He is going through the same things she is: Whether or not the family would be safe, if he needs to relocate them. He has been planning to leave the Dojo for a couple weeks now, and he is almost ready to leave but with this it only makes it more difficult. Sure, he could let them come with him but he doesn't know if they would want to do that* I'll call for Leyla's kids when he returns. *Meanwhile back at the cave, a portal opens in the doorframe, a shadowy figure stepping out of it. He calls for the kids with a slightly urgent tone*

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  • [b]at the cave...[/b] [i]lizzie is sitting on the couch watching the kids veena, jura, sivath and syrilth. She had been asked to watch serenity's kids on her behalf. But she didn't know what happened in the slightest so when the shadow appears like that it startles her a little bit.[/i] "Whats happened why do her kids need to come with you?"asks lizzie [i]syrilth is the first stop what she is doing and come over to the portal. She knows something is wrong but she knows not what but she beckons her siblings as she speaks.[/i] "Its okay lizzie he one mortar's shadow clones we need to go clearly something has happened."says syrilth

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  • *He smiles to the child he looks down upon* Hey guys, there was a little... accident, unfortunately. Leyla had a small problem, and I need you to come with me guys. *He pauses, holding a finger to his ear* Good news, your cousins can come along too

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  • "Okay"says syrilth [i]her and her siblings all steps through the portal not really knowing where they were going. But the kids could something was wrong. [/i] [b]elsewhere...[/b] [i]leyla's two boys were currently being watched by lizzie's big brother talug. Who was currently watching them play with a rc car he had brought them.[/i]

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