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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Diase: 10/17/2017 9:26:49 PM
[b]There was a man in the Dojoville area, standing very tall. He was seven feet tall, and wore all black. Jacket, boots, gloves, pants, and a wide-brimmed hat. There were two huge pistols at his side, stupidly large for regular pistols. They were engraved all over, mostly bible verses and holy words. But there were a few new marks since he'd arrived. In reality, the original ones were to bless his guns, but the new ones marked each undead heathen he'd killed. There were hundreds upon hundreds of engravings, and there were two new ones. One was a random Bible verse, and a star. The star for the vampire child he'd brutalized, and the verse for a fully-grown vampire. He was very proud of both of his new killings. His eyes began to glow a very bright blue as he walked around, thinking about it. He walks, just waiting around for some undead abomination to show its face so he could administer righteous justice. Well... Not righteous. He just played up the Christian act so he could justify his use of blessings and wouldn't have to use more satanic means. Satanic rituals costed blood and bodies and souls. That was just annoying to gather, as much as he did enjoy the messy part of it. He reveled in gore and murder in blood. It was almost sickening how much he enjoyed it. He strutted around with a smile on his face, pulling a small bottle from his jacket. The bottle had a label on it. It was labeled "Sabine- Vampire". It was extremely dark, looked like blood. And it damn sure was. He enjoyed giving them a taste of their own medicine. Plus picking up on a few vampire skills did indeed help. And... It just tasted good. To him, at least. Like thin honey. Perhaps that was something to do with his particular... Kind, we'll call it. Suddenly, he heard someone passing begins him, but he knew exactly what it was. He turned to face them. They looked scared for a second, but saw his smile and eyes and relaxed. The person was dressed like him, but instead of pistols they held a sniper rifle. They were also a woman, so that was something. She was a foot shorter than him. Her eyes flowed like his.[/b] Woman: "Zir! Ve are on ze trail of anozer one of ze undead! Do you vish us to purzue?" [b]Her voice was higher pitched that normal, and she had an extremely stereotypical German accent. When she says these words, he smiles a lot wider, and puts a hand down on her shoulder. He speaks now, he voice deep. It was mellifluous, like honey.[/b] Vampire Hunter: "Yes... But you stay with me. We have something to speak about." [b]She seems a little surprised, but looks up at him with hopeful eyes.[/b] "Yes. It's what you're thinking, little huntress. We're going to discuss some things about your unit." [b]She seems thoroughly disappointed.[/b] Woman: "What do you mean? We're the only unit you have. You're not making any sense, sir." Vampire Hunter: "For the last damned time, do not call me sir. We're crusaders, not a military outfit." [b]The woman seems a little embarrassed, turning her face away.[/b] "Walk with me, Huntress." [b]He takes his hand off her shoulder, and began to walk. She walked just behind him.[/b] "You are well aware what you are correct? What I am? Why you manage the unit? Why you're the only one I directly speak to about these matters?" Huntress: "Because you trust me?" Vampire Hunter: "No. Because you're too innocent and oblivious to tell anyone else the more sensitive things I tell you. This isn't very sensitive, however. In fact, I want people to here this. So they know I'm not the only one. But I want them to know the difference between you, our followers, and me. They know your difference. What's the difference between me and the people who follow us?" Huntress: "You love the kill, not the effect it has. You're not totally in it for making the world better. You want an excuse to kill." Vampire Hunter: "You truly do get me. Precisely. But I really do care about the people. I really do. It just takes a backseat to the thrill." Huntress: "It's why you lead us. You're ruthless enough to handle us all." Vampire Hunter: "Great way of trying to intimidate people who are listening in. You really are just a treat... An absolute treat." Huntress: "You've said that to so many people it's lost meaning." Vampire Hunter: "I'll think of something else soon. Don't worry Ms. Snowflake, you'll be special again soon." [b]The Vampire Hunter laughs, and they keep walking.[/b] [spoiler]Open. Got bored.[/spoiler]

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