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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/16/2017 9:39:12 PM
"Oh she will..."says Lola [i]Lola watched her sister's every move. Leyla smiled wickedly snapping her fingers again healing some of her wounds before she transformed turning into a massive dark blue dragon with tiny silver scales dotting her large body. Leyla wasted no time bathing the surrounding the area hot blue flames where irina was standing. Leyla was now hunched low to protect her underbelly from irina trying to attack it.[/i] "You know your mama actually killed my papa but it was he fault though he almost killed someone."says lola

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  • "Okay but when will she wake?"says yerin [i]the others seemed pretty quiet jura could be seen hugging his syrilth as she cried quietly. Jura didn't say much though just letting her cry knowing exactly how she felt about lola.[/i]

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  • To the best of my knowledge, Yerin, all I can say is Soon. But, until we can get everything resolved, you'll all be living with me, here, far from the Dojo. And, there was something that I wanted to give you, but I was never able to find the right time. I think, to make it easier for everyone, that the timing is right.. *He calls over a doctor, who quickly rushes over* Doctor Brown, execute project Necrogenesis. *The doctor seems to ponder this with sheer importance, then nods, rushing out of the building*

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  • "Okay then what's that?"says yerin [i]yerin didn't really know what he was talking about to the doctor about but he would just wait and see. He also wasn't really sure where here was having not really traveled to much yet since he wasn't old enough. [/i]

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  • I don't want to tell you right now, but I believe you'll like it when I do. *Another doctor emerges from Leyla's room, hands behind his back and has a calm demeanor* Sir, the patient is coming to, would you like to visit her? *Mortar nods, and the doctor returns to the room, Mortar following* Come on guys, you'll be able to see your mommy again

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  • "Okay."says luka [i]Both luka and yerin follow him into the room. Leyla would be just sitting up as they would come into the room.[/i]

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  • *As she sits up two doctors help her, one holding onto her as she rose and the other adjusting the recliner on the bed she is in. Mortar walks up to her, shooing the doctors away, and stands at her side* Doctor Richards, can you get Serenity for me? *One of the doctors nods, and leaves, coming back with Serenity* Hello, Leyla, how are you feeling?

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  • "A little sore and a little fuzzy from the fight though. she hurt me really bad."says leyla [i]leyla looks at her two boys following mortar. She could see the worry on both their faces. She wanted to pick them up but she was just too sore from the surgery. Serenity had walked in after shortly after they had fetched her.[/i]

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  • Yeah, you weren't the only one roughed up in that fight... *He sighs, reluctant to tell her about Lola* The important thing is that you're alive, and, hopefully soon you'll be able to get back on your feet. But in the meantime, you'll have to live here with me, it's safer that way.

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  • [i]Leyla looks at serenity who isn't crying anymore but Leyla can tell she has been because her eyes were slightly puffy and red. Leyla then looks mortar in the eyes and asks the one thing he has been dreading to say. [/i] "Mortar where's Lola? Why isn't she here? Did something happen?"asks Leyla [i]Leyla sounds worried and looks like she knows. Leyla was hoping that it was just a hunch she had. She didn't know that she was though.[/i]

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  • Well, Lola... Lola, erm... *He doesn't seem to want to repeat himself, as he sits there contemplating whether or not to say that her twin sister is gone; that part's obvious. He takes a moment, almost not saying what happened, but sighs. But as he opens his mouth, a doctor rushes in, interrupting him* Doctor: Sir, Necrogenesis is complete. He's here. Mortar: It worked? It worked! Bring him in, I'm sure the Hayes would love to see him! Oh, and if you pass a vending machine, can you get some waters for the room? *The doctor nods, quickly leaving*

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  • [i]The kids had little idea what the doctor was talking about but Leyla's two boys took to sitting near the edge of the bed that Leyla was currently sitting up in. [/i] [spoiler]yo i got a post up that you should take a look at Leyla's grandmother has paid a visit to the dojo i got a link to her bio. [/spoiler]

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  • *Mortar, despite the bad news he has to eventually tell her, smiles a little, as the good may outweigh the bad* Girls, children, gather 'round, for today the science of Necrology has taken root! By means of machinery and biological reproduction, we have finally brought back Mr. Hovark Hayes! *He points to the doorway where the Dotor ushers Hovark in*

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  • [i]Hovark walks in and syrilth is the first by giving him a hug. This makes Leyla smile even she doesn't risk getting out bed as she still weak and sore. [/i]

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  • *Mortar walks up to him, extending an arm to him* Good to see you alive again sir

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  • "Yeah i agree i still got my memories too. I see you have been keeping a good eye on daughters. I hope they weren't too much of a handful.''says hovark [i]he shakes mortar's hand when he offered to him. With his other he gave syrilth a loving pat one the head as the little lass was hugging him.[/i]

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  • *His face drops when Hovark mentions his daughters... Yeah, Serenity is fine, and Leyla can recover, but Hovark had three daughters, and as much as Mortar hates to be the bearer of bad news, someone has to do it, and since it was with someone close to him, he had to be the one to say it* Sir, you give me too much credit when it comes to them... I wish I could keep everyone safe, wish I could've saved her...

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  • "What are you telling that Lola is dead?"says hovark [i]hovark had serious look on his face. He wasn't type to beat around the bush. He was straight and to the point. [/i]

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  • *As Hovark says that he quickly shuts up, nodding with a miserable look on his face* Yes, sir. There was a fight between the Vileblood and Leyla, and Lola jumped in to protect her when Leyla was losing...

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  • "I see.. she was always the one to do that sort of thing. She loved her sisters."says Hovark [i]Hovark remains silent for moment thinking about his daughter's sacrifice. He couldn't blame him for something that was his daughter's choice. Cause he knew full and well that lola would have willingly chosen to do so.[/i]

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  • She truly did, sir. *He is unsure of what to say, as a person's death isn't exactly a conversation starter* Hopefully Garuud won't be hard on her, she's a good person but he'll likely take a person's kindness for weakness.

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  • "I hope so but she's tougher than she looks."says Hovark [i]Hovark glance over at leyla who is looks really sad at the moment. Luka is sitting next to her on the bed holding her hand because he can't really hug her right now like he wants to. cause he sees her crying and he does not like seeing his mother cry. yerin is on the other of the bed sitting next to her his ears drooped down a little bit as he watched her cry. Hovark walked over and sat down by his daughter leyla who is crying right now. Hovark can't really think of anything that would bring her comfort right now. [/i]

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  • *Mortar, quietly thinking of what to say, sits down at the foot of the bed, trying to console them; Leyla especially. The two were twins, the closest link between two people, and with that link severed, he believes that this could only leave a large hole which could take years to mend. Knowing what to say, he takes a deep breath in.* I... I know how hard it can be to lose someone; I've lost too many friends and family members to death, and have seen close ones lose their friends and family, too. I know that it can be the worst feeling possible, but I want you to know that she loved you, she really did. She saved you, from your fight with the Vileblood. Most of the people I knew died fighting for what they believed was right, and their names were remembered with honor and bravery. I know that we'll remember hers with honor too.

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  • "It's my fault though isn't it... if hadn't... if only.."says Leyla [i]she gets really quiet for a bit the hurt was visible in her eyes as she looked down. She felt that this was her fault all of it. She felt really guilty about it too. The emptiness she felt was real and it hurt more than the wounds irina had inflicted upon her she created one that would take a long time to heal.[/i]

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  • What? No, not at all. This isn't your fault, trust me. When I was dead, Cyan, Cross and Wit went down into the pits of hell to find me, and in the end only Cyan and Cross came out of there. When I realized Wit sacrificed himself for me I was devastated, putting the blame on myself for something he did. This is no different. Don't beat yourself up.

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  • "Well it definitely feels that way even if you say it isn't."says leyla

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