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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/16/2017 4:53:20 PM
[b]They arrived on a battlefield, the sky shrouded in an almost volcanic aura of orange and black. The air felt heavy and vile to them, as if the planet was beginning to die[/b] "Here we are." [b]Several triangular warships raked across the sky, small attack vessels departing from them. They chased down what seemed to be Imperial Remnant craft, which bore the red symbol instead of the standard crest...[/b]

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  • She was...confused. But recognized the symbol nonetheless, although it wasn’t the color of her Remnant symbol. “What exactly is this?” She asked Ana, looking around the place.

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  • "Tatakai, albeit in another dimension. The Remnant fleet you see here is practically the same as your own, with a few changes in the timeline. After the death of a certain... famous commander, a new officer took his mantle. A vengeful girl who was betrayed by the Empire, and had vowed to bring about a new, and better Imperial order. That officer was you Kiyala." [b]She would have felt a strange feeling then, with a momentary sensation of duel memories. And then, her nose started to bleed...[/b] "Constants and variables, my friend. Some things stay the same, other things change. Come." [b]Another portal opened beside Ana, leading somewhere else. By this point, the sensation had stopped and everything was back to normal[/b]

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  • She looked to the craft flying along, then towards her nose, wiping off any residual blood. "What the hell is this crap?" She asked, waking into the second portal.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/16/2017 9:31:04 PM
    "This is the truth, the dealings of things much greater than you. An entire wealth of cosmic knowledge that most would never see. And what you just experienced, a side effect of inter-dimensional travel." [b]The portal led to some sort of vantage point, overlooking what seemed to be a burning city. Several triangular warships fired on it, with dropships and attack craft ravaging the rest of it[/b] "This, is the fate of almost every city on the planet. The Imperials, the Rebellion, even the Dojo, have no idea what is coming for them. Instead you fight amongst yourselves. This is what my brother wants. This is how all of it will die." [b]In the sky, Kiyala could see an Imperial Star-Destroyer hovering in low orbit. It was being attacked by hundreds, if not thousands, of attack ships, along with several warships. What was different however, was that it was also being fired on by a massive command vessel...[/b] "We should get moving. Now." [b]Ana opened another portal, as the Star-Destroyer began to fall towards the planet's surface. It was heavily compromised at that point, with little hope for those onboard. And possibly them too, as it was heading right in their direction...[/b]

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  • She widened her eyes, running toward the portal Ana had created, getting the hell out of there.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/17/2017 7:40:44 PM
    [b]This time, they had stumbled into a very... different place. It was some sort of observation window, overlooking Tatakai and the surrounding empty space[/b] "This is were he has achieved his final victory. The planet is of no use to him now." [b]If you were to glance over, you could see what resembled Tatakai's moon. [url=]A massive craft[/url], much larger that the moon itself, loomed in front of it, its eye pointed directly at the planet. It appeared to be mining it as fuel...[/b] [spoiler]Closest thing I could find[/spoiler]

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  • “What exactly is that...and once we’re done, could we go to...a more private place?” She asks.

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  • "[i]That[/i]... is an A-Class Planetary Superweapon. When my brother attacks a planet, he deploys it to the nearest celestial body, in which case the moon. It basically just uses it for fuel. When a planet is marked as 'doomed' and Aeron no longer has use for it, the weapon fires. And then... well... just watch. As for the latter, yes." [b]Suddenly, a brilliant beam of blue energy fired from the eye of the weapon, which was aimed toward Tatakai. As it hit the planet's surface and began to bore into the core, a wave of blackness spread across it rapidly. Every life form, structure, and landscape apparition was being vaporized in those moments. As quickly as it had begun, the beam had shut itself off and the ship's had vacated. And then, just seconds later, there was a silent explosion of something with a blinding flash of light...[/b] [b]And then they were outside of it all[/b] [b]They were on a beach, standing on pure white sand. Hundreds of stars filled the night sky as the moon shone down on them. They looked out onto a seemingly endless ocean, in a place where the very air held a impossible thing. Tranquility. They were somewhere beyond everything else, somewhere that wasn't really a place, but a state of existence[/b] "Ah. There we are." [b]She turned to Kiyala[/b] "Where do you want to go?"

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  • Kiyala had thought about these events and more... she wanted this be peaceful; staying and asking a few...additional questions. She grabbed her D-12 Blaster Pistol and pointed it straight at Ana, as she seemingly strongly didn’t want to believe...but based her on face, deep down, she believed what Ana had showed her. “How do I know this isn’t another one of some Jedi mind trick or some Wookie shit like that, huh?!” She yells, blaster still raised at Ana.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/18/2017 1:40:17 AM
    [b]She simply smiled, looking upon Kiyala like she was an innocent, beautiful child of light...[/b] "Oh Kiyala. My sweet, sweet Kiyala. I know you don't want to believe the things you saw, and that you want to think that everything I have shown you is a trick. But you and I both know that, deep down, you believe everything. And even if you don't yet see it, you will." [spoiler]Do whatever you wish. Everything leads to the same end[/spoiler]

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  • She lowered her blaster, hand shaking almost violently. She had accepted the idea that Aeron was the true enemy...although there was one last thing she tried to do. She raised her fist, and tried to punch Ana in the face...just as a test to see something.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/18/2017 10:45:56 PM
    [b]Ana, as if aware of what was going to happen, completely dodged the blow. She, like her brother, could perceive time as it truly was, and therefore is aware of everything that has, is, and will happen in every possible timeline...[/b] "You were testing something, gauging something about me. What where you doing?"

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  • "Skills. If I do live past this, I might as well add you as a potential ally. Or...whatever like that..." she had told Ana, proceeding to test something more powerful. "Plus...I wanna know just how powerful your brother is. And considering you're his sister..." She points her blaster and fired a shott straight toward Ana, seeing just how her powers worked.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/19/2017 12:12:49 AM
    [b]The shot froze in midair She watched it, inspecting it in its frozen state when time no longer applied. Ana had never had a desire for war, but still had the capacity to fight with abilities far beyond anything present in the mortal world (excluding her brother). Abilities of pure light and energy...[/b] "An ally? Hmm. Interesting." [b]Ana thought about things as she looked at the energy, wondering if Kiyala had completely understood the gravity of what she had seen. She wanted to tell her everything, to share with her the truths of her existence. But she couldn't. She never would[/b] "As for my brother, do not underestimate him. His power..." [b]She paused[/b] "He is a para-causal force, as am I. One can't just simply "kill" us. Beings such as us are not limited to the rules of time and reality..." [b]Ana began to mold the energy, altering it to a point of it turning into pure light that merely dissipated on command...[/b] "I honestly don't know how to give you the details on how powerful he is. Observe me perhaps? Yet again, we don't have much time."

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  • "...sure." Was all Kiyala's reply, putting the gun away and prepared to observe.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/19/2017 2:56:12 AM
    "Watch." [b]Beams of light shone around Ana, white energy soon blinding Kiyala. She would have blinked, regained her focus, and saw an indescribable being of pure light in front of her. It was awe inspiring really. There was nothing else in the universe but them...[/b] [b]And then it smiled Quietly and with utter grace, the being moved towards Kiyala. It took its hand, and gently touched her head. What she saw next was, incredible. The being showed her [i]everything[/i]. She suddenly knew what it meant to live, to exist, and was aware of both the past, present, and future. And then, as quick as she had seen it, it was gone. Ana was gone. Kiyala was back in the room they had started out in. And sadly, she couldn't understand anything she had seen in that moment...[/b] [spoiler]She still remembers everything before though. Just can't make sense of what Ana "showed" her in that last little moment there.[/spoiler]

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  • “What....the...f***?” Was all that Kiyala said, her personal Death Trooper guard escorting her to her room. [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/19/2017 6:55:11 PM
    [spoiler]Not quite. You made a decision. Now you must suffer the consequences...[/spoiler] [b]Were it so easy just to walk away... The doors that led out of the room were shut, and seemingly wouldn't budge when Kiyala tried to open them. It was strange, as no one else in the building would have locked them except for one: The pilot. She would look over to where she had seen him last, to find that his throat had been slit. He appeared to have taken his own life, but why?[/b] [b]Suddenly, a small triangular attack ship flew in towards the skyscraper, hovering near the large glass window that overlooked the city, and looked into the room... Three. Two. One. It shot into the room, destroying the window and part of the structure itself in the process. The blast of energy would have knocked Kiyala back and onto the ground. The room was now damaged, with small fires and choking smoke as well as structural and electrical damage[/b] [spoiler]Don't worry. Everything can be repaired and no one dies. Unless you want them to.[/spoiler]

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  • She slowly got up, Death Troopers walking in, one supporting Kiyala. “Open fire!” Some of the troopers yelled, Ion Launchers being fired toward the ship at around the same time that multiple TIEs of various categories fired upon the ship.

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  • [b]The ship was shot down as it tried to escape. But, thing were much worse than that... Several large warships hung in the sky, firing their weapons at the city in a barrage a fire. Dozens of attacks ships that shot down Imperial craft flew quickly in the sky as well. The city was under a full-scale invasion. And then Kiyala heard a voice. Aeron's voice. But it didn't come from anywhere. It came from her own mind[/b] [i]I'm afraid you're a little too late, Kiyala.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/19/2017 11:35:59 PM
    “Wha...” she began to say, as she looked around at the warships, then escaping orbit or jumping to other Imperial outposts on Tatakai.

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  • [spoiler]She didn't escape that fast, right?[/spoiler] [i]I'm in your mind, kid. You doomed yourself the moment you put on that necklace. And the moment you followed my sister. Now, you're paying for it.[/i] [spoiler]I have another post I might put up concerning this, but I'm sure if I should...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]No; she’s still at base. Also, this place WAS originally gonna be my endgame for the Imperial plot, but considering you changed it...[/spoiler] He would’ve felt something build within her. Something...that the other Kiyala would’ve never had. Something...that could be more powerful than him... [spoiler]Emphasis on could...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]It'll be fine. I'm gonna change it back. What is happening isn't really happening...[/spoiler] [i]Hahaha. I see. You think yourself unique. Different. No. Your just like every other version of yourself I've encountered. How, disappointing...[/i] [b]The sky turned a dark orange, and the very planet shattered as a wave of darkness approached Then she woke up She was in the room that was allegedly attacked, but seemed fine. The pilot was gone, and there was no alien armada trying to kill them. But whatever she had dreamed, it was a threat to everything...[/b] [spoiler]There we go. Shouldn't cause any more problems.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler] the PMs. [/spoiler] She woke up, looking around her... [spoiler]Now end?[/spoiler]

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