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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/15/2017 10:18:13 PM
[b]Dojoville Bar, 10:00 PM[/b] [i]The door opened with a ding from a low-hanging bell inside, alerting the bartender of an incoming presence to the moderately full bar. The stench of alcohol masked the metallic scent of the cowboy as he wandered in slowly, brass stars on the backs of his boots clinking with each step he made up to the bar ahead of him. JT had his hat placed on the bar and he ordered the drink of the evening, a whiskey with two cubes of ice, before the bell rang again and JT sighed with annoyance. Approaching him was a lonesome woman and her two compatriots, either in a similar duster to the cowboy with the woman in a darker one than heaven he wore. They took their places beside the cowboy, all the whilst the blonde-haired female approached the other side of the counter as if she owned the place and started pouring all three of them a whiskey. The first to get the drink was JT, and the others got theirs after the woman grabbed the order from a minute ago and started sipping on it. "It's been a while, JT," the woman said, a sharp grin placing itself on her lightly tanned face. Her accent wasn't the same Texan tone that the Marshal always maintained, rather she had a voice without an accent to it. Beyond generic, if she didn't also have a distinctly smooth voice and deeper than usual words adjoining her slow speaking. She leaned over the counter slightly and put her elbows on them, tucking them inwardly as the man to JT's left removed his jacket. He was instantly recognizable by JT, as soon as the dragon tattoo on his arm was seen and the kevlar vest on his body was revealed. "What is this, a -blam!-in' family reunion?" JT inquired. He laughed in unison with the other man, Derek, and the woman simply stayed silent in her own glass. She placed it against the table gently, removing the duster to reveal a tucked plaid shirt and a pair of tight jeans. "You could say that," said the fourth and final man. This one was not quite as recognizable, though JT could tell who he represented with the coat. "Let's get down to business," the woman, Aveline, said to the three of them. "We know that Lopez couldn't find Maurice and Vaughn's dead. That leaves us four, Nat, and Anisha, yeah?" "Anisha said she didn't know anything." Derek reached into the pocket of his olive cargo pants and pulled out a black box, putting it on the desk in front of him. A small hologram popped up a foot above it, displaying a few text files. It zoomed between them, displaying hundreds of lines of information before it pulled up a picture of a slate grey flask. It had a red fireball imprinted upon it - A message. "Well, shit... Anybody know what this means?" Aveline asked the group, staring at the documents. The rest of the bar was either too drunk to notice or just didn't care. She was thanking the gods that the Dojoville denizens found this kind of thing to be normal, consodering the Dojo. "It means we're being hunted," the fourth man said. He pulled out a similar flask, leaving it on the counter. "Found this in Anisha's room last month, before I got here." "Y'all bang it out?" JT playfully asked, giving the man a playful tease. His relations to the female Marshal had been all he needed to recognize the figure as Benny. Aveline shot him a disapproving glare and Derek took a sip from his drink, closing the hologram and pocketing the box shortly after. "Not the time? Fine. Anyone have any leads?" The group noticed someone was listening in, however, and quieted down. [/i] ((Open))

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  • [b][i]Someone[/i] wasn't exactly correct. Behind and to the left of them stood two people. The first (the, arguably, most noticeable) one was an Asari. Two rather large and futuristic-looking pistols sat on her hips. Her fashion sense was very much akin to that of Aria T'Loak, though this definitely was not Aria. The other of the two also proved to be an interesting sight. Her hair was long, colored a deep crimson. Her skin was pale, abnormally so. A scar ran down the length of her left cheek. The ring finger from her left hand was gone, as were the middle and pinky fingers of her right hand. Her irises matched her hair almost perfectly. She was dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a sleeveless black shirt with the cover art of [i]Kill 'Em All.[/i] The blood on the album's cover, like her eyes, matched her hair almost perfectly. When her hair dangled in front of it, the two seemed to meld together in some weird way. Like the Asari, she was in possession of two pistols. Hers, though, were much more recognizable: Desert Eagles. When they were finally noticed, the human merely laughed, muttering, "Took you guys long enough."[/b]

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  • [i]JT was having some serious Deja Vu at the sight of the Asari - First Wrex (or as JT ironically calls him, Sexy Wrexy) gets him in contact with Liara, who he does things for from time to time, and now more of her people are on the planet? He definitely felt that he would need to ask if the blue woman was an employee of hers, at some point, because any employee of Liara was good in his books. Meanwhile, Aveline shot a glare to the crimson haired woman, though she masked it as more of an annoyed look than anything. "Right, and you say that like you wanted us to look over?" [/i]

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  • [b]"I don't give a shit either way. I'm just surprised. Eavesdroppers normally get spotted [i]before[/i] the majority of the important shit has been said. And you guys don't exactly look like amateurs."[/b] [b]The Asari just rolled her eyes. Doing pretty much anything to piss off four people - one of which looked like they could rip you limb from limb - wasn't a very good idea in her experience.[/b] "So, who did you guys piss off? Seems like someone wants you dead."

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  • [i]"We haven't a -blam!-in' clue. I hope it ain't that Space Weeb or Wilson, but this is far away from either of their MO's," JT said in quick response. Aveline, Benny, Derek and the others usually kept as low a profile as they could - well, since Derek runs the Extryte, he tends to distance himself from the Marshal and his crew - but JT has pissed off a LOT of people in his life. [/i]

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  • [b]"So not only are you being hunted, but you have no idea who's hunting you, how they might go about trying to kill you, all that shit. That sounds fuсKing wonderful."[/b] "I'll second that."

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  • [i]"Yeah, now mind your -blam!-in' business, will you? Thanks, princess." [/i]

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  • "Princess?" [b]"Well, he's not wrong, Lycoris."[/b]

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  • [i]"Really are royalty, huh? -blam!-in' purple bloods..." [/i]

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  • [b]"She's not exactly royalty, but if you consider Aria the Queen of Omega, 'Princess' is perfectly fitting."[/b]

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  • [i]"The -blam!- is Omega?" [/i]

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  • [b]"Lawless criminal haven. Anarchists' paradise carved out of an asteroid.[/b] "Headquarters of the largest criminal empire in the Milky Way."

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  • [i]"Kid are you -blam!-ing impaired? You just told that to a guy who's alias it literally Marshal." [/i]

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  • "Dos it look like I care? There's a reason The Council and their ungodly-sized military leave it alone."

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  • [i]"Do I look sane enough t'give a shit about what the Council leaves alone?" [/i]

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  • "You make any attempt on her life and a couple million angry mercs'll be knocking on your doorstep. [i]And[/i] you'll be inciting galactic war. Her followers will assume you're either an agent of the Council or an agent of one of the major merc factions. All-out war would be inevitable."

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  • [i]"And you think I'm sane enough to give a shit about any of that? I'm in good terms with 4 galactic armies, a PMC, and that Shadow Broker blue chick. Try me." [/i]

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  • "Knowing Liara, she'll back up Aria over those dimwits on the Citadel. After that shit with Saren, then Shepard coming back and them telling the Galaxy's savior to fuсk off... They're not exactly on good terms."

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  • [i]"Then -blam!- it, I still have several armies to get lost in." [/i]

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  • "So does Aria. And I'm pretty sure she's banging Tevos, so that would create even more problems. Also... You have a few armies. She has two thirds of the Galaxy."

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  • [i]"And I don't even need this galaxy, not body, nor the bullshit you're tryin' to send my way." [/i]

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  • "I'm just telling you the possibilities. You do you, but don't be surprised if your head ends up on a pike. I'm not tryna start shit here. 4v2 is never good, especially when she doesn't even have all her gear. Just be warned... Aria is a powerful ally and a terrible enemy."

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  • [i]"Right. Now y'all done interferin' with our shit?" [/i]

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  • [spoiler]Using xexa seeing how she fits the most[/spoiler] [i]sitting at one the tables was Xexa a alien from a unknown solar system. She was currently sitting with Marcella someone he met previously before. Marcella was currently talking to here when she noticed her staring a bit.[/i] "You didn't hear a damn word i just said did you Xexa"says Marcella sternly [i]xexa looked back her feeling embarrassed and drinks from her cup.[/i] "Sorry Marcella i zoned out.."says xexa [i]Marcella simply sighs looking at the 6'5 purplish grey skinned woman with her electric blue hair hanging loose over her face. The woman had on a black t-shirt and grey cargo pants. This woman was definitely full surprises as she watched the ai perched on her left shoulder. It wasn't doing much at all. But Marcella wasn't sure but she got the feeling her new friend was trying to eavesdrop.[/i]

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  • [i]"JT, didn't you... You know?" Aveline inquired, teasing the cowboy jokingly as he noticed the staring Xexa and her friend. JT remembered the night with Marcella in a vivid clarity, though he had enough respect to keep quiet. Derek and Benny were occupied in discussing the murders, all the while Aveline averted her gaze and whispered something to the Marshal, who stood and hopped to the other side of the bar. He approached the girls, a chuckle and smile resting on his face." "Afternoon ladies, what'll it be?" [/i]

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  • "Hi jt um sorry about my friend staring she's still pretty damn new this planet." But i will take a rum but im not too sure about what xexa likes to drink."says Marcella [i]Xexa much but return his smile with a much shy one.[/i] "H-hi..."says Xexa shyly

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