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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/12/2017 9:27:19 PM
Richter took off his helmet, looking like any other clone, and pointed to a patch in his brain. "Someone warned us. 501st clone, I think. Separatists planned to rig something in our minds using chips, force us to turn on our fellow Jedi. Myself, and my platoon...we didn't want that. So we ripped the chips out of our brain when that happened; and we've been with the Commander ever since." Richter had told him. "What about you? You seem like the more rich type of fella; kinda looks like your from around here, rather than born a pure Mandalorian." ---------------------- Clover put in a filter of her own, specifically a clear mask that clamped onto her face, as she gave a thumbs up to Oracle. "Yeah; let's go kill some shit!" Tug had yelled out, running straight ahead of the rest. After that, Vandal and Trench came out shaking their heads in disappointment. "God damnit Tug, probably already alerted everyone alive here that we're here!" Vandal had yelled out in what seemed to be a thick Irish accent, Trench mumbling something in what seemed to be recognizable to Oracle. "保持眼睛清晰。(Keep your eyes sharp.)" Oracle could hear Trench barely mumble. Next was Checkers, who slapped his hand on his forehead. "Don't mind Tug. They said he had some sort of defect when he was cloned. Annoying defect...but, it helped us during dark times. Us clones have built in air filters in our helmets; we'll be fine." He says, Cipher chuckling. "Missed the days when Tug would've loved beating battle droids senseless with his blaster and fists." Cipher had said in a French accent. Finally, Boomer came out, with a bandolier of Dioxis and Thermal Detonators. "WOO! TIME FOR BOOMER TO MAKE SOME BOOM BOOM!" He yelled.

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  • "Well, you're right about that. I'm not Mandalorian at all." Nate said, looking up at the ceiling of the elevator. He spoke again, his voice softer than before, "My father was knight. The great Dragonslayer Ornstein. My mother was a mage, one of the best actually. Pyromaniac Nora, of the Blue Flame." "My past is written in the honour of knights, in the blood of once great warriors. I became a Mandalorian to follow in their footsteps, to become a warrior." Nate looked down at Richter, sighing slightly. ----------------- "獵人之王 給我的手穩定,我的目標是真實的,我的腳快。 如果最壞的情況通過,給我寬恕." Oracle muttered a prayer in Chinese, taking the Shock staff off of her back and following behind the squadron. [spoiler]Translation: Lord of Hunters. Grant that my hands be steady, my aim be true, and my feet swift. And should the worst come to pass, grant me forgiveness.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/13/2017 12:16:48 PM
    The clone thought about that for a second. “Must be really damn important, then, around here.” Richter had responded, the elevator stopping. “Come on; Commander ain’t gonna wait much longer.” He had said, motioning Nate to follow him. —�—�—�—�—�—�- The group would’ve entered what used to be some type of kitchen or storage area, based on the emptiness of the room. A rotten corpse hanged from the ceiling, seemingly placed there by some unknown source. “Shit...this is...very damn creepy, if I do say so myself.” Checkers had whispered, Trench simply staring at Oracle. “你怎么知道我在说什么?(How do you know what I’m saying?)” Trench asked.

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  • "It is." Nate said, walking out of the elevator and following Richter to wherever Vel was. ------------- "My family is Chinese, Trench." Oracle said, in English this time as she looked at the clone. "How do you know Chinese?" Oracle asked, walking behind the squad.

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  • Nate would’ve entered some kind of what looked to be a command center, it being obvious who Velinnea was based on her Mandalorian Armor. “Richter, mind telling me who’s there; I’m trying to check and see if Sun-Rei’s there, for the hundredth time. Maybe even a damn signal.” Vel had told Richter, focusing on the holographic map on Tatakai in front of her, not noticing the Mandalorians. “They’re part of your mind, ma’am.” Richter had told him, whispering to Nate, “Good luck.”, before exiting, locking the doors behind him. Vel looked up and sighed. “Oh brother.” She states. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�- Trench proceeded to clear his throat, as they began to walk through the spore-infested area. “Geneti defect.” He says with his best English. “Learn from old book as well, at old base.”

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  • "You must be Commander Stoik. Pleasure to meet you, sister." Nate said warmly, walking towards her and extending a hand to shake. "I'm Captain Nathaniel. No last name, unfortunately." ---------------- "Ah, interesting." Oracle said, activating the shock staff as she walked besides Trench

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  • "Huh...Velinnea. I've heard of you guys. Running around, making peace and murdering people...(thank Kasumi for that...)" Velinnea had told Nate. "I'm guessing you heard about what happened?" She asked. ---------------- Out of nowhere, an Imperial Stormtrooper was seen flying out from the window, into the ground a lot of feet below. And then the assailant came up. [url=]That...thing[/url] seemingly turned toward the group, screaming an inhumane screech. "Open fire!" Checkers had yelled, firing a lot of shots at the beast, with Tug firing his minigun. This did, indeed, take down the monster...but that was only one of them. "What the hell was that?" Cipher asked the group.

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  • "Yeah, got here as soon as we could from Shi." Nate said, most likely referencing the Shi Canyon. Where there was a Mandalorian base. "We brought some relief, pulled out what citizens we could. There's some kind of enemies coming down, immune to damage." -------------_--___ "Zombie?" Oracle asked, walking towards the beast and shocking it for extra measure.

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/15/2017 3:03:25 AM
    “Enemies immune to damage? Great, as if the Empire wasn’t enough to deal with...” Velinnea had told herself, walking to Nate. “What’s the threat? You know anything about it?” She asked. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�— “No...something much worse.” Checkers had told them, more of those things being heard nearby.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/15/2017 3:14:04 AM
    "Threat? We saw a warship, maybe two on our way here. There's alot of landers, I'd say at least 10,000 of em." Nate said, walking towards the map of the world. "I'll call on Clan Lok." Nate said, pointing towards the Shi Canyon. --------------- "Like what?" Oracle asked, staying with the group.

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  • Vel seemed to go back to the table, heavily sighing to herself. "Do it; if we have to worry about both the Empire and this unknown damn fleet at the same time, then we'll have to. I'll get the remainder of the Resistance here and anyone left at the Dojo to be ready." She says. -------------------------------- "I...honestly don't know. But I feel it's worse." Checkers told them, as they arrived through a hallway. The sound of gunfire came from behind a locked door, along with screeches. "How should we do this people?" Clover tells the group. [spoiler]...You decide who goes where, Roy.[/spoiler]

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  • "Commander Stoik, if I may. I'd like to take a squadron of clones and go with Captain Nathaniel here." Bruiser approached the map, looking between the two. "It's fine with me if it's fine with you." Nate shrugged, nodding his head at Bruiser. -------------------------- "Checkers, Vandal and Trench move in. Tug keeps covering fire from here With Vel, Boomer, and Cipher move along the flanks of the room if you can, use your abilities." Oracle said, walking next Checkers.

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  • "That's fine. Whatever the hell's going on, I want reports back; need to know what this new enemy is made of." She told Bruiser, returning to Nate. "You've got your return, you're willing to help me with the Empire?" ----------------- [spoiler]You mean Clover? Lol.[/spoiler] "Yes, sister Oracle." Trench responded, slinging his sniper rifle on his back, and pulled out an SE-14C blaster pistol, the rest setting up their position. "GUESS WHO'S READY TO GO BOOM BOOM ON THESE SCALLYS!" Boomer shouted. "When you're ready, ma'am, we can go and kill some shit!" Vandal had yelled out. All Oracle needed to do was kick the door.

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  • "I thought the Empire was trapped in the Core Systems? Aren't our Mando brothers and sisters waging war on them?" Nate asked, a bit confused. He shook his head, "In any case, we'll help with those BASTARD imperials." Bruiser nodded his head, leaving the room to gather up a squadron of troopers. [spoiler]You can either take control of Bruiser, or you can have some clones on the squadron. It's not mandatory, but I'm giving you the option of doing so. [/spoiler] ------------- [spoiler]Yeah, I meant Clover. [/spoiler] "3, 2, 1..." Oracle sent a kick towards the door, rushing into the room as it flew off its hinges.

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  • [spoiler]I’ll take control of the clones, you could deal with Bruiser and Nate’s Mandos. I have a familiar squadron coming to back them up. But...Timeskip?[/spoiler] —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� The door reveal a massacre. Imperial Stormtroopers were firing upon the Chargers, a massive barricade of other clones being set up on the other side of a very long room. “Open Fire!” Checkers yelled, him and Vandal running into the fray, Trench staying with Oracle. Tug fired behind them, taking down multiple Chargers coming at them, with Boomer firing grenades from behind them, some flying out of the windows while others blew Stormtroopers up. 20 Chargers, 5 Scout Troopers, 10 Stormtroopers remaining...

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  • [spoiler]Sure. [/spoiler] ------------------------------- Oracle ran into the room, sliding across the ground and slamming the shock staff into the leg of a scout troop, taking him down in one swift motion. She spun around, slamming the staff into the helmet of a second scout trooper, pulling his blaster from his grip. She pointed the blaster downwards, shooting the first scout trooper she had downed and then firing second blaster shot into the second scout trooper, firing off severe more rounds at the other scouts.

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  • ([i]Timeskipped to later...)[/i] 3 gunships, supported by 4 ARC fighters, supported the Mandalorians as they made their way to the Shi Canyon. "Captain Nate, this is Zephyr Leader. Standing by for your orders. She's saving the rest of the squadrons for if we invade the Imperial Sector, over." Zephyr leader told Nate via comms. ------------- Tug managed to take down most of the Chargers, everyone else but Trench focusing on the troopers. Oracle managed to take down three of the five scout troopers. One such trooper was about to strike Oracle with his dagger, before a headshot cleared him off, Trench being the cause of it. "Watch six, sister." He says, joining the the remainder of the squadron. 0 Chargers, 1 Scout Trooper, 10 Stormtroopers remaining.

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  • "Understood, Zephyr leader. Keep the fighters above the Canyon. Gunships are clear to make a landing on the canyon floor, should be enough room in between its cliffs." Nate told the clone, looking at Bruiser. "Captain..." "No need for formalities, Bruiser. Just call me Nate." "Nate, where exactly is the Mandalorian base?" "It's inside the canyon walls, with very few entrances. Hence why we're landing in the canyon itself." ------------------------------------------ You have thanks." Oracle said back, using the scout troopers blaster to fire off several rounds at the Storm troopers that were there.

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  • "Yes sir; radar spotted Imperial shuttles moving South, but we don't know why. We'll circle around the canyons a few more times for any activity." Zephyr Leader told Nate, cutting his comm. "Landing at the canyon now, Captain." The other clone told him, the ships landing in response. ------------------ The remaining Stormtroopers were eventually shot off, leaving the room bare and empty. A barricaded door was up ahead, clearly to hide something...or to keep something away. "I've got this." Tug had told them, proceeding to slowly get things off the door. This would Oracle to talk to one of her teammates, whoever it may be. [spoiler]Up to you, Roy.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/16/2017 12:49:34 AM
    [spoiler]You need to reply to Orn's battle post! So we can continue that![/spoiler] "Follow my lead." Nate looked at Busier and the other clones in the gunship. As the doors of the ship slid open, Nate walked out and went towards one of the walls, looking up and down the canyon. "This way." He said, starting to walk through the canyon and into one of the tighter areas, where the ships couldn't fit. --------------------- Oracle walked up next to Cipher, looking the clone up and down. "What your role again?" She asked

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  • “Yes sir.” One of the clones said, 12 that were with Bruiser coming out, the other two gunships landing nearby, clones coming out of there as well to follow the group. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� “I act as their tech...woman, I guess. Make sure all their weapons are at least operating.” Cipher had told Oracle, looking around the place.

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  • After a few moments, Nate came to a halt and placed his hand on the wall, a soft click being heard. Followed by mechanical whirring, a metallic door opened in the cliff side with sand falling to the ground from the opening. "Keep your weapons low. We're here for friendlies." Nate walked into the opening, leading into a small interrogation sized room. A staircase was built into the back wall, spiraling upwards into the wall and Nate started up the stairs. -------------------------- "Tech. What kind tech you have?" Oracle asked, looking around as well.

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  • The clones lowered their weapons, making their way up. —�—�—�—�—�—�— “Does a gun that can be a sniper, blaster rifle, pistol, and lock-on Ion Launcher count?” She said, pulling out what seemed to be an A180 in its blaster configuration.

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  • The stairs eventually stopped, and Nate opened a door that led into a large room, with a hut in the middle. Sitting on a chair outside the hut was a Mandalorian, who eyed Nate. "Brother Rhaink, good to see you." Nate walked towards the Mandalorian, taking the man's arm in his own. "Brother Nate, why are these clones with you?" "We're here to see Clanhead Lok, to ask for his assistance." "Go in peace, Brother Nate. But be weary." Nathaniel nodded his head, walking deeper into the complex of hallways and huts. The group passed by dozens of Mandalorians, doing various tasks. Some where crafting armour, while others were firing blaster rifles. They all eyed the clones as they passed, until They came to a large open room. It was the size of a hangar Bay, with dozens of guards posted around and dozens of huts throughout. One hut was larger then many of the others, and Nate held up a closed fist. "Bruiser, with me. We're going to see the Clan Head. Clones, play nice." With that, Nate and Bruiser walked towards the large hut and entered. A few Mandos shifted their attention to the group, surrounding it as whispering was heard. "Thought the clones were dead!" One of them yelled. --------------------- "You must explain..." Oracle said, examining the weapon with a look of shock.

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  • “Well we’re not! There a problem with that?!” One of the clones yelled, another keeping him and trying to calm him, telling him what Nate had told them. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�— “I can add different parts to the weapon to create different configurations of the blaster. So, if I take off the barrel, it’s a blaster pistol. If I add a scope and hit one of these buttons (there were three on it; one red, one yellow, and one green), it becomes a sniper. If I take off the scope and hit another one of these buttons, it’s a lock-on vehicle launcher.” Cipher explained.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/16/2017 3:07:41 AM
    "Who said there was?!" A second yelled out, stepping forward towards the clones. "ENOUGH! You idiots realize we have clones within our own ranks?! Get out of here!" A voice bellowed, causing the Mandos to scatter, besides one. "I said... Scatter." The [url=]Mandalorian[/url] approached, threateningly and eyed the last remaining one. "The last clone we had was Cannon Lok and his friends... LOOK WHAT HA-" The man was cut off as a blaster shot was heard, the man falling to the ground. "Seven Hells..." The fur coated Mando said, looking at the clones. "Everybody alright?" He asked, slinging the blaster back over his shoulder as the body was dragged away. -------------- "Oh..." Oracle said simply, looking down at the ground.

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