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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/11/2017 9:12:26 PM
Garin sighed as he looked out from his perch near Khalosh. He had decided to borrow Ian's rifle for the invasion and was going to help out the home team as much as he could. He brought the scope to his eye and scanned the battlefield. He fired a shot. One. Two. Three. The Trooper's head exploded in a display of white and red. He would continue his merciless slaughter until he saw something out of the corner of his scope. 200 Imperial dropships, emblazoned with an emblem he hadn't seen in 19 years. He pulled the scope away from his eye as the ships shifted to fly towards the Dojo. "You've gotta be -blam!-ing kidding me." [spoiler]NEW CHARACTER/INVASION HYPE[/spoiler] [spoiler]Garin is, like, 40.[/spoiler]

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  • [b][i]Close by he saw a ship being covered by a storm cloud, lightning crackling and roaring like some old, forgotten merciless god inhabited it. Then BANG! A bolt lept from the cloud and slammed into one of the ship, downing it with ease, before slamming another bolt into another one. On a nearby building, a man crackling with the same electricity could be seen.[/i][/b]

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  • "What the hell is that?" Garin slung the rifle over his shoulder and unsheathed his swords. He had no idea if the man was friendly or not. He turned to shout at the man. "HEY! STOP! THOSE MIGHT BE FRIENDLY!" He had to know just where the dropships were going to land. Suddenly, Garin was next to electricity man on the building.

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  • "Considering they've got the same markings as all the other mofos down there, I highly doubt that." [b][i]He said, looking at Garin. The man wore Ivory ballistic armour, his jeans covering the leg armour. His helmet looked skeletal, like he skull of a three eyed humanoid creature. A speak was on his back and a crossbow on the ground[/i][/b]

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  • "My... listen, someone important to me might be on one of those ships, and I intend to find them. I suggest you come with me." Garin grabbed the man by his arm, and then they were in the Dojo. The dropships had started to land outside the Dojo's walls.

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  • "If my motorcycle is destroyed because I left it there I will end you slowly." [b][i]He says, grabbing his crossbow and aiming at incoming enemies.[/i][/b]

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  • "Put the fuсking crossbow down. I need to talk with these people first." He sheathed his swords and pushed open the gate to the Dojo.

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  • "That's how you die in the military. As far as I'm concerned these people are hostile until proven otherwise, so that's how I'll act." [b][i]He said. It was clear he wouldn't shoot anyone yet, but if they showed aggression he wouldn't heasitiaye[/i][/b]

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  • "Fine." Garin and what's-his-name step out of the Dojo and in front of thousands of troopers. Directly in front of them stood Korsis and four others. "Who's your friend, Garin?" "I don't know his name." Korsis tried to see the faces of the other four, but their features would covered by their hoods.

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  • "Leon." [b][i]He said briefly, his weapon still at the ready, though not pointed at them.[/i][/b]

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  • The four that stood behind Korsis removed their hoods now, revealing their features. There was a man with a small beard and short, unruly hair. He had a burn scar across the left side of face. Then there was an older man, his withered and scarred features showing years in a minute. Next, there was a younger boy, near Ian's age, with short, red hair. He was blind in his left eye. Finally, there was a young woman who could've only been nineteen at most. Her long, golden blonde hair was tied into a braid behind her head. She had a single scar across her cheek. Upon seeing her, Garin's eyes widened and his heart nearly stopped. "Leon. I need you to leave, for your own safety."

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  • "I survived 8 years in the military when my job was to drive at people with a spear. I'm a living piwer box. I don't think I need to be worried for my safety." [b][i]He said, not budging. He had his combat armour on, he was ready for a fight.[/i][/b]

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  • Garin sighed. Korsis walked forward, his eyes fixed upon Garin's face. "What is it, Garin? Do you miss your daughter?" Garin was suddenly upon Korsis, punching him twice in the kidneys and once in the throat. The woman behind him rushed forward and ignited a dual-bladed lightsaber.

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  • [b][i]A bolt of lighting slammed into her from Leon. Not enough to kill her, but it would damn well hurt. Leon crackled with electricity, a demonic gleam in his eyes.[/i][/b] "Now it's a party."

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  • The woman was able to absorb it into her saber, but was still blown back into the crowd. Korsis had managed to get Garin off of him and had backed away, his face bloodied and throat bruised. The woman at last spoke. "You seem familiar. What's your name, old man?" "Old? I'm 40. And I seem familiar because, uh, well..." Garin scratched the back of his neck for a moment. "You're my daughter. You're Evelyn." [spoiler]Tfw I set this up months ago.[/spoiler]

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  • "Ok so who is and isn't it ok for me to turn into charred leftovers?" [b][i]He said, his body still cracking with energy. Storm clouds had rolled in, as he looked around at people[/i][/b]

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  • [spoiler]At least give me your reaction, or something.[/spoiler] "You can try, Leon. We're surrounded by literally tens of thousands of potential enemies." Evelyn was shocked, and was looking back and forth between Garin and Korsis.

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  • "Ok. Well let's leave the family reunion until we're somewhere significantly safer please?" [b][i]He said, looking st the two.[/i][/b]

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  • Korsis would flash a grin at Leon as he ignited his own sabers, the other 3 around him following his lead. The troopers around them readied their weapons. Korsis chuckled. "Vengeance at last."

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  • "Ok, well then." [b][i]Leon said as he looked around.[/i][/b] "Hey, can you do that fancy teleport trick again? Cause if you can get out of here, I can handle myself."

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  • "I doubt that." Garin tackled Leon to the floor of... the Dojo courtyard. "Fuсk. The gate." Only Korsis and the four others had gone inside, and only Korsis was smiling.

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  • "well what the -blam!- are we waiting for. Get off me and let's turn these -blam!-ers into ash. Minus your daughter of course."

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  • "No. I'm not like that anymore." He stood and brushed himself off. "Don't kill anyone, ya hear?" Garin unsheathed his katanas and readied his stance, just like old times.

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  • "Fine. Setting phasers to stun." [b][i]He said as he stood up, not taking out any weapons[/i][/b]

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  • Korsis's hands started to crackle with electricity, as the other warriors prepared various stances. Garin took out an old iPod and some earbuds and started blasting Black Sabbath into his ears. Evelyn's eyes held no emotion- no fear, no anger, no joy, no despair. "Listen, Leon, this might be my last time fighting for the Dojo. If that's so, I want you to get a friend of mine named Dmitri to my body as quickly as possible. He'll know what to do." [spoiler]Not the official death post yet, not enough people replied.[/spoiler]

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  • [i][b]As Leon spoke his voice crackled as the electricity on himself did, him overclocking his power. It was dangerous, but he could withstand it for the fight.[/b][/i] "Got it. Now, let's slay some sons of bïtches." [b][i]He said, he he pointed a hand at some of the Warriors, firing a chain of electricity at them[/i][/b]

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