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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/11/2017 5:42:15 PM
[spoiler]You may know about the alliance, but the Empire doesn't. Does that work for you? I like the way everything was going beforehand... Plus you can never be sure which side my character is really on. For all you know he could be playing the both of you...[/spoiler] [url=]Unidentified Crash Site, Two Miles From Khalosh Imperial Sector[/url] [b]As the city gave entrance to new arrivals, something strange, and utterly inexplicable, had happened in the abandoned parts of the city. An extremely damaged and unrecognizable Imperial spacecraft (no larger than a small TIE-FIGHTER) had materialized in the sky from seemingly no where. It crash-landed into a completely empty portion of the city, and had destroyed a few small buildings on its path. Once it settled into its fiery ruin, a distress signal emanated from what was assumed to be its pilot...[/b] [quote]This is Private Jacobson of the *static* Belligerence. Requesting immediate assistance from any Imperial forces that *static* the attack. Please, someone. Anyone.[/quote]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/11/2017 6:01:49 PM
    [spoiler]I know. I’m was just saying. I’m fine with that; just know that Kiyala...isn’t that gullible. Just saying...[/spoiler] Imperial troopers were scattered to the crash site, searching through the wreckage, around 30 Stormtroopers and 10 Imperial Army Troopers. One eventually found the SOS and began using it to find out where the signal came from, others looking for the pilot.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/11/2017 7:21:12 PM
    [spoiler]And he knows it. He is too clever not to. Yet there is an argument that says he has already won... Also, this post will explain a few things.[/spoiler] [b]The Imperials there would find a blood trail, leading away from the ship's cockpit and into an abandoned building not far from the ruins...[/b] ---------------------------------- [b]As far as to where the signal came from, it had come directly from a small device left in the ruins of the ship, with an Imperial signal that was similar, yet slightly different than their own. If that wasn't strange enough, the remnant sigil on what was left of the hull was of a slightly different design, but was still clearly of the same origin...[/b]

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  • "Split up; I want to see what happened. Find a maintenance team to clean up this mess right now!" The army trooper told them, the Imperials splitting up. Some arrived inside the abandoned building, E-11s out in case there were any hostiles that were there. -------------------------- While waiting for backup, a small Scout Trooper squadron of 6 were looking at the symbol, wondering what in all's name why the Imperials symbol looked different from their own.

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  • [b]The building was in ruins, with no sign of any hostile forces in the area. The part of it that was structurally intact, however, held the rest of the blood trail that led upstairs...[/b] ------------------------------- [b]The symbol didn't belong to Korsis, or any other known Empire in the galaxy, much less the universe. And it wasn't a poor Rebel copy either. Wherever this ship came from, it wasn't from here[/b] [spoiler]What does the remnant symbol look like? Normal Imperial sigil or something slightly different?[/spoiler]

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  • “Keep a watch; and keep your weapon and guard up.” The leader said, as 12 Stormtroopers made their way up the steps quickly, following the blood trail. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� [spoiler] Here’s the symbol. I believe it’s the standard symbol. Compare.[/spoiler] “Unidentified symbol on the ship, sir. Looks Imperial in origin, but I can’t recognize the specific warlord symbol it’s from.” The Scout Trooper said, the other 5 guarding him from anything.

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  • [b]They would come across a closed door, the handle covered in blood. If they had opened it, they would find find the pilot inside...[/b] "Is someone there? Please. Help me." [b]And there he was, propped up against the wall. He appeared to be an Elite Imperial... something, as it wasn't sure wether he was a pilot or soldier. His armor was burned, with a missing helmet and a practically nonexistent left side (his left). He had white skin, brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a large, yet shallow gash on his face. He was clutching his side, which was the main source of the bleeding...[/b] "By the Empire. I can't believe someone came!" -------------------------------------- [b]The symbol was red, with slightly more design details than the traditional Imperial symbol. Nothing much different, except for the fact it couldn't trace back to anything. However, there were said to be brief accounts of seeing such Imperial craft, mainly from one particular crazy person who was immediately dismissed as viable witness...[/b]

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  • The Imperials rushed up to him, some of them healing him as best they could, one of the Stormtroopers kneeling. “Are you alright, soldier? What happened?” The Stormtrooper asked the Pilot. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� The Scout Trooper pointed at one of his guards. “Notify The Commander; we’ve got an unidentified Imperial warlord here; at least that’s what my best guess is.” He says, the other Scout Trooper notifying command.

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  • [b]The soldier looked up at the man, his face pale and sweaty[/b] "They killed us. They hunted us down like vermin. The Empire..." [b]He shook his head[/b] "I need to speak with your commanding officer. I have to warn them of what's coming..." [spoiler]I have nothing to post for the other one yet...[/spoiler]

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  • "Alright then; come on soldier." The Stormtrooper told him, the trooper and a second one helping him up. "Who exactly were hunting you down? Rebels? Another warlord?" The Stormtrooper asked.

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  • [b]He was injured, but at least healed enough to walk...err... limp[/b] "No. We were hunted by someone... far worse than that. He butchered our leaders, and destroyed everything in a blink of an eye. Those of us who escaped..." [b]He paused[/b] "It didn't last."

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  • "Damn. Could you tell us who they are? We could use this information to prepare for another attack by these...vermin." The Stormtrooper asked, the three slowly descending down the stairs, the remaining 9 covering them.

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  • "You can't prepare for him, you can't fight him. All you can do is run." [b]His face was utterly serious. He was afraid, as he had seen something that he couldn't forget. But he at least had to tell them something...[/b] "No one knows who he is, or why he did what he did. He betrayed us, culling us and our forces in minutes. When he was done, he seized the planet we were on, and then destroyed it. He hunted the rest of us across the system. I... I can't say anymore out in the open."

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  • The Stormtrooper sighed. "Sounds like our Emperor, alright." He joked, getting the pilot out onto some kind of medical vehicle, as one of the Stormtroopers walked in, the rest staying there to continue their investigation. "What's the last thing you remember?" The Stormtrooper asked.

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  • "I was... flying through space in an attempt to escape. They pursued me in deep space, as I headed toward some sort of anomaly. The systems of my ship shut down. They almost had me and then... I crash landed here." [spoiler]He needs to talk to someone important, then I'll reveal everything.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Alright...Timeskip?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Yeah[/spoiler]

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  • [i](An unprecedented amount of hours later...)[/i] The pilot was brought before the LC, being arrived at the same set of doors as before, the trooper talking to the rest of Death Troopers to allow entry. This would allow the pilot some time to...well, think.

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  • [b]Everything had happened so fast before... well... he landed here. He had never seen such a force in his entire career, with armies that destroyed them, with the weapon that shattered the planet. And he wouldn't forget the man behind it all, the one who killed her. She was the one person he was responsible to protect with his life, yet she was butchered right before his eyes. But how did he escape? The man was right there...[/b] [b]His nose started bleeding[/b] [b]It was only for a brief moment, accompanied by strange sensation. It was some sort of memory, but he couldn't remember it. Whatever it was, it was terrifying[/b]

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  • The Stormtrooper went back to the pilot, making sure he was ok. "You alright, man?" The trooper asked, noticing his nose bleed. "You need a medic?"

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/14/2017 9:38:58 PM
    [b]The pilot motioned for the stormtrooper to back off, putting a hand up[/b] "I don't need help. I'll be fine." [b]The bleeding stopped[/b]

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  • “Alright; let him in.” The Stormtrooper had told them, the doors opening to reveal Kiyala, looking at the necklace given to her by Aeron.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/15/2017 1:23:38 AM
    [b]He looked surprised, shocked even, at the fact she was standing in front of him[/b] "Kiyala?! How can you be..." [b]He almost started to freak out[/b] "You shouldn't be here. This is impossible. You... died. I saw you. I watched you die, Kiyala!" [b]His nose started to bleed again, and he stumbled. Memories were coming back to him, details of events that had happened before...[/b]

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  • "I don't seem to comprehend...what exactly are you talking about, pilot? Delusional, or just hit your head on the crash landing?" Kiyala asked, placing a shoulder on the pilot at an attempt to calm him down.

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  • "I am not, crazy!" [b]He began to calm down[/b] "Just, at least tell me this: Where am I? What planet am I on right now?

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  • “I do not know the official name, but the people of this planet call it ‘Tatakai’. We’re currently in Khalosh; we control this sector under Imperial reign.” Kiyala had told the pilot. “:..why do you ask?”

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