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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/10/2017 3:38:03 PM
Oracle was quick to follow after Clover, looking around the area as the two walked. "Nice place." She said.

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  • The clones lowered their weapons, making their way up. —�—�—�—�—�—�— “Does a gun that can be a sniper, blaster rifle, pistol, and lock-on Ion Launcher count?” She said, pulling out what seemed to be an A180 in its blaster configuration.

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  • The stairs eventually stopped, and Nate opened a door that led into a large room, with a hut in the middle. Sitting on a chair outside the hut was a Mandalorian, who eyed Nate. "Brother Rhaink, good to see you." Nate walked towards the Mandalorian, taking the man's arm in his own. "Brother Nate, why are these clones with you?" "We're here to see Clanhead Lok, to ask for his assistance." "Go in peace, Brother Nate. But be weary." Nathaniel nodded his head, walking deeper into the complex of hallways and huts. The group passed by dozens of Mandalorians, doing various tasks. Some where crafting armour, while others were firing blaster rifles. They all eyed the clones as they passed, until They came to a large open room. It was the size of a hangar Bay, with dozens of guards posted around and dozens of huts throughout. One hut was larger then many of the others, and Nate held up a closed fist. "Bruiser, with me. We're going to see the Clan Head. Clones, play nice." With that, Nate and Bruiser walked towards the large hut and entered. A few Mandos shifted their attention to the group, surrounding it as whispering was heard. "Thought the clones were dead!" One of them yelled. --------------------- "You must explain..." Oracle said, examining the weapon with a look of shock.

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  • “Well we’re not! There a problem with that?!” One of the clones yelled, another keeping him and trying to calm him, telling him what Nate had told them. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�— “I can add different parts to the weapon to create different configurations of the blaster. So, if I take off the barrel, it’s a blaster pistol. If I add a scope and hit one of these buttons (there were three on it; one red, one yellow, and one green), it becomes a sniper. If I take off the scope and hit another one of these buttons, it’s a lock-on vehicle launcher.” Cipher explained.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/16/2017 3:07:41 AM
    "Who said there was?!" A second yelled out, stepping forward towards the clones. "ENOUGH! You idiots realize we have clones within our own ranks?! Get out of here!" A voice bellowed, causing the Mandos to scatter, besides one. "I said... Scatter." The [url=]Mandalorian[/url] approached, threateningly and eyed the last remaining one. "The last clone we had was Cannon Lok and his friends... LOOK WHAT HA-" The man was cut off as a blaster shot was heard, the man falling to the ground. "Seven Hells..." The fur coated Mando said, looking at the clones. "Everybody alright?" He asked, slinging the blaster back over his shoulder as the body was dragged away. -------------- "Oh..." Oracle said simply, looking down at the ground.

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  • “What the hell...” another one of them said in the back. The clones began to scatter, meeting the different Mandalorians, leaving just three There. One seemingly had blood on his armor...very old blood. He seemed to be the one who calmed the original clone. “We’re alright...what was that about?” The Clone asked. —�—�—�—�—�—� “Yeah...surprised most of the men...maybe except Trench...knows the inner workings of this thing.” Cipher explained, Tug almost finished throwing off the barricades.

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  • "Cannon Lok was the next in line to be Clan Head. He was a clone, but disappeared during a recent war. Since then, some of our men have had some... Strong opinions about Clones. Calling them 'traitors', and such." The man explained, looking at the ground. "No one knows what happened to Cannon, but you know how it is." The Mando's voice was gruff, and cold. Clearly a seasoned veteran. "We have all sorts of problems here. Species fights, and racism and such. Can't be helped." The man shook his head, looking back up to the clones. ------------------- "Why does Trench know? But others do not?"

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  • “Ay...I could understand that. Watched with my own eyes when some of my brothers collapsed. I respect your brothers, you Mandos...but they won’t experience the shit that we’ve had to face. Geonosis. Umbara. Christophsis. Ryloth.” The blood-stained Clone had told him, also most likely a seasoned veteran himself of the Clone Wars, as at the end he listed off events that he participated in.

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  • "You don't think so? We've been around for... Oh I've lost count. How long have you been around for exactly? 10 years? And already collapsed... Shame." The man looked over his shoulder, at the main hut, where Nate was seen exiting and walking back. quote------------quote "Why only he know? And no one else? " Oracle asked, looking over at Cipher.

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  • [spoiler]Sorry about not replying to the second one.[/spoiler] “Shame indeed.” He has told the Mando, the two clones walking back to Nate. “Who exactly are you? Second in command to the Captain over there?” He says, pointing toward Nate. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� “I...don’t know, honestly. Trench always seemed he knows everything. He had genetic defect, like the rest of us...only his is...weird, I guess.” Cipher had told Oracle. “We’re all good to go!” Tug yells out. “Let’s move people!” Clover had yelled out.

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  • "Ha. He wishes." The man turned to Nate, nodding his head. "Brother Krotaath?" Nate asked, approaching the two. He eyed the older Mando, placing a hand on the clones shoulder. "He's not messing with you, right?" Nate asked, glancing at the clone. "No, I'm not messing with your precious little science toys." "Crow, was I talking to you?" "You should really know to show respect to your elders." "I don't show respect to Mutineer Executioners... Murdering fellow Mandos." "Only the ones that to rogue." Crow shrugged his shoulders, leaning in towards Nate. "Go rogue... For me? That'd be a party." With that, Crow walked off, leaving Nate with the clones. "Bastard executioners..." Nate mumbled, looking at the clone. "What the hell happened to the others?" ----------------- "Why is it weird?" Oracle asked, slowly starting to repair her English as she walked besides Cipher.

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  • “Left; tried to talk to the other Mandos around here.” The Clone had told Nate, before looking to Crow. “What about you? Any updates?” —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� “Again, I don’t know. I mean...Trench has always been the quiet one for the most part. Dosen’t exactly talk much, and usually speaks in some type of language that you seem to understand... Que la Force soit avec lui.(May the Force be with him.)” She says, saying the final part in French, as they approached a second door. Talking seemingly was behind this one...but was it friend or foe?

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  • "F***ing Mandos." Nate said, looking towards Busier, who shook his head. "We have their support, at a price. You guys wouldn't happen to have any credits? They may or may not want 5 Million credits..." Nate said, shaking his head before sighing. ----------------- "Weapons stun." Oracle said, walking up towards Trench and taking a position besides the clone.

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/16/2017 4:08:18 AM
    “Well...Stoik is in kahoot with the Humans Systems Alliance...they could provide double in return for support against the Empire. And then some.” The Clone had told Nate. “We just need to tell her...” He says, before Nate got a comm from Zephyr Squadron. —�—�—�—�—�- “We shall do such.” Trench had told her, setting their weapons to stun. “When you’re ready, mate.” Vandal had told Oracle, them preparing to bust through the door.

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  • "Go for Nate." The Mando said, quickly answering the comms. Glancing over at Bruiser, the arc trooper nodded and went off, gathering up the clone forces. ------------- "3, 2, 1..." Oracle made a motion at the door, signaling for the team to start moving in. She raised her blaster rifle, preparing for anything.

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  • “Sir, we’ve spotted Imperial shuttles heading your way. Some are armed, and we’ve confirmed multiple enemy fighters and a few minutes behind it. They’re flying past you guys soon. Should we engage?” The leader of the squadron asked. [spoiler]- Engage the Imperials -Don’t engage them.[/spoiler] —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�- The kick worked, but would’ve ended in a headlock, as Oracle was brought into one by someone with casual grey and black clothes. “Hold your fire, hold your damn fire, they’re friendlies!” Someone yelled, Clover following up with the same thing. “ that you?” Clover had asked the person headlocking Oracle, before she stopped, Trench and Cipher grabbing Oracle, while Sun-Rei And Clover hugged it out.

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  • "Do not engage. Fall into the canyon, try staying out of the their view." Nate quickly said, walking towards the staircase they had come up in. "Just be ready for a fight, understood?" Nate asked, the group moving down the stairs. ---------------------- Oracle stumbled back, gripping the shock staff more tightly then she had before. "Who this is?" Oracle looked in between Clover and Sun, clearly confused.

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  • “Yes sir.” Zephyr leader had told, zooming away from the fighters and shuttles. “Trust me; was always battle-Ready.” He had told Nate, before saying something. “Name’s Bloodshot. Been apart of the Clone Wars as long as us clones have. Honored to meet you, sir.” —�—�—�—�—�— “Just as confused as you are.” Cipher had told her, walking up to Oracle. Trench simply stared out the window, toward the city’s abandoned buildings. “Clover and Sun-Rei were close friends during the Clone Wars.” Checkers had told them, walking up to both Cipher and Oracle. “Both of them were sent away directly from Kamino along with a veteran of the Clone Wars, known as Grover. I believe he’s left Tatakai for a family. He’s in his 80s, last time I checked.”

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  • "You as well, trooper. There's no need for formalities here, just call me Nate." The Mando said, stopping at the door of the staircase. "Why do they call you Bloodshot? Aren't those the pirate Bandit guys?" -------------------------- "Is Kaminoo... Viable option? Start clone factory again maybe." Oracle said, almost as if she were suggesting it.

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  • “You don’t want to know, Nate. Trust don’t.” Bloodshot had told him, as the roaring of Imperial shuttles was heard above them. —�—�—�—�— “Possibly. Last time I checked, though, Kamino was screwed over by the Empire.” She had told Oracle.

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  • "Alright..." Nate shrugged his shoulders, starting down the stairs back towards the gunships. "Are they passing over us, Zephyr Leader?" Nate asked as they neared the bottom of the staircase, exiting into the small interrogation room. ---------------- "Why? How?" Oracle looked over at her, concerned. If they couldn't retake it, maybe they could just retake the tech?

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  • “Affirmative, but there’s a part of the Canyon about half a hour up; bandit activity is strong there; they’re most likely landing there, Captain.” Zephyr Leader had warned Nate. “So...we move?” Bloodshot asked the Mandalorian. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�— “We’d need the Kamonians to get the clone facility back. And last time I checked, we don’t have anyone who could find soem and get their tech here on Tatakai!” Cipher had yelled, attracting the attention of Trench, who walked over.

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  • "You guys want to play heroes?" Nathaniel asked, looking over the various clone troopers in the group. "If we don't stop them, who will Captain?" Bruiser asked, clasping his hands behind his back. Nate looked over the clones, awaiting their input on the situation. ------------------ "We ask Rebellion. Or other faction! Must be someone who help us they can, correct?" Oracle asked, looking at Cipher, a bit suprised from the yelling.

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  • "Look; it's up to you, sir. Commander Stoik assigned us to you; whatever you do is up to you; we're more than ready." Bloodshot had told him, pulling out a [url=]CA-87 Shock Blaster[/url] and [url=]TL-50 Heavy Repeater[/url] with both his hands. "We're more than ready if you want us too, sir." Bloodshot had told was up to him for his next move. -------------- Trench had brought Oracle away from Cipher, who took off her helmet to reveal that she had the face of a gender swapped Jango Fett, only her hair seemed to be a mixture of blonde and black hair, in a pattern of vertical stripes. The clone brought Oracle to the window. "Apologies on Cipher's part. She...saw brutality of clone murder as young recruit. Saw...something that made her not want cloning in her life. Rebellion should help. Reason I know that..." He takes off his helmet...revealing him not look like a clone. Rather, he looked similiar to Oracle, only seemingly older and more experienced. He had white pupils, and seemed to be...blind. [spoiler]Imagine Chirrut Imwe, only a little older and that's Trench. And no, Trench isn't Chirrut...unless you want me to.[/spoiler] "I'm not clone, technically." He says.

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  • "Time to play heroes." Nate tapped a button on his wrist gauntlet, a Lightsaber ejecting into his hand. Activating it, it glowed a red sith light and he spun it around in his hand before deactivating it. "I'm coming too." Crow spoke, emerging from the room behind the group as he walked past everybody, Nate shrugged his shoulders and the two boarding one of the gunships, Bruiser stepping on board besides them. ------------------------ "What did she experience? Something with the clones? Some sort of abuse?" Oracle asked, her English was improving. Slowly but surely, and she glanced over at Cipher before looking back at Trench.

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  • "Good; the whole crew's together!" A clone in the back, the one who had tried to calm the other clone down earlier had told him. "Shut it, Lockmaker. This isn't a god damn game, anymore." Bloodshot had told the other clone, a gunship being set up for them, other clones getting ready for a potential battle. ----------------------- "Lost leader on first mission. To Ryloth. Lost most of her squad during conflict on Mandalorian, during Deathwatch occupation. As young recruit, saw disobedient clones get..." Trench was about to say, before Cipher walked up next to him, leaning her head on his armor. "She does not want clones to suffer same fate as those before her." Trench had summarized.

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