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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/10/2017 1:55:06 PM
“Yes ma’am.” The Clone said, before walking inside what seemed to be the abandoned skyscraper, meeting up with his other allies. They were at least 12 stories up. “Don’t worry, kid; the two of us a good friends, me and Vel. Even though I haven’t seen her for months...hadn’t exactly talked to her since just after the whole Twilight shit happened.” She whispered to herself, promptly patting Oracle on the head.

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  • "Twilit?" She asked, her Chinese accent butchering the word as she looked around, walking behind Clover wherever she went.

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  • “...It’ll take pretty long to explain all the details. Basically, all you need to know is that the Dojo wiped it out a long time ago.” Clover had told Oracle, smiling as she got Oracle off her leg, and proceeded to wait for Oracle to follow her, the orange rays of the sunset shining on the two.

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  • Oracle was quick to follow after Clover, looking around the area as the two walked. "Nice place." She said.

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  • “Not ours, really; Vel set up what resistance she could here on Khalosh; we moved from an abandoned desert city, used to house a small-time Black Market. They’re planning on reopening it in the Tatakai Plains at some point. Or wherever. Bandits took over some old mine there.” She had said, walking into the building. Inside it, hallways were filled with clones, seemingly healing civilians as best as they could, and other Dojo people involved in the process.

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  • "Why your leader want me to see?" Oracle asked as the two walked through the halls, clutching her staff.

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  • "I honestly don't know; maybe you were there during the invasion?" Clover asked, as the two continued to pass by various other clones, along with those civilians who survived the attack, some crying, other sleeping. In front of a set of what seemed to be ornate doors, two clones waited at the doo, looking to Oracle. "Name?" He asks.

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  • "Oracle." The woman said simply, looking at the clone with sad eyes.

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  • “Welcome to the Resistance then, Oracle.” the Clone says, activating and opening the door. Inside seemed to be some form of temporary command room, mostly scrambled together from scratch. In the middle, a woman wearing what seemed to be Mandalorian Armor was in the center of a massive table, the Dojo itself laid out on a holographic table. The woman had dark red hair, a single blue streak in her hair being shown. She looked up to Clover and Oracle and smiled. “Vel; nice to see that you’ve gotten some new shit on ya!” Clover had yelled out, referring to Vel’s new armor. “Nice to see you’re not dead, Clover.” She had sarcastically said to the green-jacketed medic, the two hugging it out. “So...this is the girl...woman...that you go out of the Dojo.” Vel has said, walking up to Oracle, looking her up and down.

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  • [url=]Oracle bowed downwards in respect, a common practice among Japanese and some other Asian cultures.[/url] "Herro." She said, her accent once again interfering with saying the word correctly.

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  • "Huh..." she had said, reminding Clover of someone... "So..." she looked toward the shock staff. "Anything that you could exactly of? Combat-wise, that type of stuff? I want to know; that way, I won't have you in the wrong place at the wrong time; that type of thing." She asks Oracle.

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  • "I like to stick to sniper rifle." Oracle said, gesture to the rifle that was slung over her back.

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  • "Ah; so similiar to me then?" She asked, slinging the customized sniper she had off her back. "Of course, I'm also efficient in using tow pistols, but once in a while, I'd like to stick what originally made me so good." She had said, looking over the map. "They hit the Dojo bad; can't exactly blame them, really. Had to relocate everyone; otherwise...they'd be dead, obviously." She had told Oracle and Clover.

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  • "Of course... But why I here?" Oracle asked, looking at the map then looking over at Vel.

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  • “Because you helped us with the Dojo invasion. And these Imperials are kind of...old enemies of mine...and they did try to murder people in the village...and bombed the Dojo...we’d need as much support as we can.” Vel had said, the map showing that the Imperials w re currently in Khalosh, but in some kind of locked sector.

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  • "Very well, I understood." Oracle said, nodding her head as she looked at the map. "What is plan?" She asked, looking at Vel.

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  • “We can wait until the rest of the Resistance comes; then we’ll discuss our major plan. Considering g you’re a of my own friends, known as Sun-Rei...they were investigating the old Immortal hideout nearby in search for any survivors, but we lost contact with them. I want you, Clover, and a small squadron of locked to head there; find out what happened to her, if she’s alive, bring her back here.” Velinnea had told them.

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/11/2017 5:53:08 PM
    [spoiler]>accidentally becomes a part of the story, when I was going to kill Oracle off[/spoiler] Oracle turned her head to Clover, looking around some more. "I like to meet squadron allies." She said, eyeing Vel. "Commander Stoik, news from Dojoville." An [url=]Arc trooper[/url] by the name of Bruiser walked up the group, looking at Oracle then at Vel.

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/11/2017 5:57:49 PM
    “Report, Trooper.” Vel had told the trooper, looking back toward the map. “I’m...guessing you might need something before we go?” Clover asked Oracle, making sure she was ready. [spoiler]Lol[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I told ya I would![/spoiler] "A Mandalorian crew led by a Captain Nathaniel attempted to combat troops that came from those triangular war Ships we're seeing. He did not succeed, and did virtually no damage to the enemies they encountered. Several civilian soldiers were killed in the conflict, and Captain Nathaniel is requesting to land somewhere in Khalosh." Bruiser reported, standing up straight. ----------------- "I... Use a close range weapon. For back up emergency." Oracle told Clover, gesturing to the sniper on her back. "All I have, besides staff."

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  • [spoiler]Lol, I know. [/spoiler] " have anything on their numbers? They can land outside; should be safe enough for them." Vel had told them, tiring her Sniper Rifle back on her back. "I'll send someone out to bring them here." She had told them. ---------------- "Welp; guess it's another mission then." Clover told her, pulling out a small pistol, most likely not of Tatakai or Republic origin (it was an M-5 Phalanx Pistol). "Then let's move." She tells Oracle, as she prepared to head out.

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  • "Yes ma'am, the Captain said that there's about 50 Mandos on board, along with 80 or so civilians from the dojo." Bruiser said, giving the Mandos the all clear. An ugly, L shaped block ship landed outside the building, a ramp opening up with various civilians walking out of the ship. ------------------- "I follow you." Oracle said, following behind after Clover.

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  • “Alright; I’ve sent Richter to greet them; hopefully, it dosen’t start another damn Mandalorian War or some type of stuff like that.” Vel had told Bruiser. —�—�—�—�—�- At the landing site, Richter, along with 2 other clones walked up to the shuttle, blasters put away. “Hey!” He yelled, waving his arm a hello. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� Clover and Oracle would’ve walked up to their original gunship, 6 clones there; one had what seemed to be a mini gun, two more had standard E-11 blasters, another had a T-21B Targeting Rifle, the fifth had what seemed to be some type of customized grenade launcher, four shells and a lot of buttons loosely wired into his personnel. The final one had two shock staffs on him, seemingly salvaged from Imperial hands in a similar way to Oracle. “Welcome to Lucky Squadron, Oracle!” One of the clones, the one with the mini gun shouted.

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  • "Aren't the Mandos supposed to be working with the Rebels?" Bruiser asked, relaxing slightly and crossing his arms over his chest. -------------------- [url=]A white Armoured Mandalorian with green Stripes along his armour came down the ramp, holding his hands towards the sky.[/url] He wasn't armed, but there were multiple weapons see holstered in various spots along his armour. "We come in peace." The Mando said, a dozen others in various arms behind him walking down the ramp, following their Captain. -------------- "Thank for welcome me." Oracle said, bowing her head downwards in respect.

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  • “Yeah; but you never know. Some might still resent the Republic for what they did during the war.” Vel had told him, staring back at the console. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� “We know, sir; welcome to the Resistamce, Captain! Try not to kill anyone on our side!” Richter had yelled out toward Nathaniel, weapons down. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�— “It; it’s no problem mate. Always gotta introduce the nice people into your squad.” The mini gunner had told her, raising his hand to shake hers. “Name’s Tug.” He introduces, the other members getting into the gunship, Clover speaking with a second member.

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  • "Of course, Commander. Should I set snipers up in case the Mandos try anything?" Bruiser looked at his comms device on his gauntlet, raising it towards his helmet. _-----___-----___-----_ "Will do!" Nathaniel said, walking down the ramp and extending a hand towards Richter. "Captain Nathaniel. Call me Captain, Nate, Nathaniel, whatever the hell you want really. Show me to your Commander, if you please." He gestured at the building, the Mandos behind him walking down the ramp and spreading out throughout the area. _-----___-----___-----_ "I would introduce self, but you know name already." Oracle said, shaking Tug's hand with a firm grip.

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