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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/8/2017 6:45:00 AM
[b]Reagan squeals again, and runs back over to Jay. Bunny is right behind Reagan now.[/b] Bunny: "A warning. If you so much as hurt a single hair on this child's head, I will turn you inside out and decimate your mind." [b]Only Jay could hear him. Tails follows Violet.[/b]

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  • Jay laughed. J: "If you knew anything about me you'd know there's nothing to worry about. Now, come along, child!" The tree lowered a branch and Jay stepped onto it, gesturing Reagan to follow.

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  • [b]Reagan did indeed step on, and Bunny appeared in a very tiny form on the branch as well, dangling his legs off the edge.[/b]

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  • The branch went back up to its original height and the tree started to walk. J: "I dunno how to teach, just so you know."

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  • Reagan: "We all have to start somewhere, right? I learn really fast, so at least I won't be hard to teach at all!"

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  • "That's helpful. Hopefully this won't be as bad as I thought. So, what do you want to learn first?" *$<@,<#*÷&#&#<^ Violet sat down at the front desk and let out a sigh. "So tired..."

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  • Reagan: "Yep! And uh... Just ignore Bunny! He follows me everywhere! He's really really nice, I swear!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tails: "I'd imagine so. And I'm surprised that you let Reagan just run off with that guy. Bunny will make sure nothing happens to her, though. So don't worry."

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  • Jay chuckled and attempted to pat Bunny on the head. "Oh, I bet he is." ____________ V: "I put a ward on them. I know what's happening and if that guy is half as good as he seems he knows I'm watching. I'm just tired from all the work I keep doing."

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  • [b]Bunny squints his eyes and tilts his ears back.[/b] Bunny: "I am compliant as long as you do not harm Reagan." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Tails: "Then go take a nap, Violet. I'll watch over the library for you."

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  • Edited by Stitch: 10/9/2017 1:30:06 AM
    Jay: "Why would I harm Reagan? She's a sweet girl in need of training." __________________ V shook her head and pulled out a pen and some paper. "I can't waste an oppurtunity to ask an angel some questions." She yawned. "Besides, a simple nap wouldn't do anything to help a mage like me that's been over using magic."

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  • Bunny: "I have seen children murdered just for the person's pleasure and thrill. Do not try to sweeten your words to gain my trust." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tails: "Alright. Fair enough I suppose. Well, if you wanna ask me some questions, ask away. I'll answer anything."

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  • Jay: "I have no intention of sweetening words just to gain trust, little hare. I simply wish to be friends." ____________ Violet smiled at Tails agreeing to being questioned. "Can angels be both created and born? I hear from some that angels can't reproduce and from others that theh can so it gets confusing."

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  • [b]Bunny seemed to get very, very angry.[/b] Bunny: "Do NOT call me hare ever again!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Tails seemed almost amused by the question.[/b] Tails: "Of course we can reproduce. It's just a lot harder to find angels of both genders in the same place. Gods usually have female angels and goddesses usually have male angels. They can also be created, just like I was. I was a fallen angel before."

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  • Jay backed off a little and nodded. "Alright, I'll respect that. I didn't know you hated the name." ______________ Violet wrote and nodded. "Makes sense.....I'm guessing you reproduce just like mortals?"

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  • Bunny: "It brings back... Bad memories. Horrendous ones." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tails: "Yep. Sexual reproduction and all that. The pregnancy period is only six months, though. Still hurts like hell to give birth."

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  • Jay: "I'll keep that in mind. I wouldn't want to make a friend remember anything horrific." _________ V: "One of the many reasons I'll never get myself pregnant. Anyway, do you have a mana pool of any kind or is it like, an infinite thing"

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  • Bunny: "I am not your friend. I am only friends with two people. I have not known you long enough to pass judgement." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tails: "You've already got a kid anyways. Plus your family's bloodline has already been passed on. Your sister Adeline had a child with the previous incarnation of Death. Though he's really more of a god now, without any power. He's got a bit of a cult."

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  • Jay: "Well, hopefully I can join that family sometime, eh?" _________ V: "Yeah, it's nice to know I have connections with the embodiment of death."

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  • Bunny: "We shall see. It all depends on your treatment of Reagan. I do not care how you treat me." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tails: "Death is literally your niece. You don't just have connections. Hm... Y'know, I've been trying to try and get Pandora to come here so you can meet her. You haven't met her yet, have you?"

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  • Jay: "How are we doing so far, Reagan? Actually, you're probably getting bored from the lack of training...." _______ Violet sighed. "Nope. Unless I had another memory spell backfire."

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  • Reagan: "The only thing I ever do is read books and practice. It's no worse than that." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tails: "I'll try to get something sorted out. Anyways, you have problems taking to guys right? I can try and help you with that, if you want. Even if you don't really want a guy, Reagan needs a father figure. And I'll be put in the pits if it's Jay."

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  • Jay: "That's boring! C'mon!" Jay jumped out of the tree, them now being in an open field. _______ V: "Put in the pits? What? Also, thanks. I-I wouldn't...mind help. It's just kind really super embarrassing."

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  • [b]Reagan jumps after him, forgetting that she is six years old and jumping from a goddamned tree. Her fragile leg bones snap like twigs as she hits the ground. She cannot heal herself, so she just lays on the ground and cries. Bunny goes into full damage-control mode, teleporting over and trying to set her devastated bones back into place.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tails: "Alright! So where should we start, then? Just introducing yourself?"

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  • Jay winced and kept his distance, not wanting to get close and have Bunny flipout at him or something. _______ V: "Go back. What did you say about a pit and Jay? I'm curious."

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  • [b]Bunny frantically looks back at him, panic in his eyes.[/b] Bunny: "Why are you just standing there?! Go get some help, you idiot!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tails: "Jay likes to hook up with girls then leave them behind. Not exactly the best role model. And the pits meaning the pits of hell."

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  • Edited by Stitch: 10/9/2017 5:14:20 AM
    Jay: "I assumed you could heal her. Now, calm down." The tree behind them slowly withered away and the child's legs began to heal. "If you had simply told me you were incompetent I would've done that sooner. You okay, Reagan? Maybe we should get you back home?" He crouched down beside her, talking in a comforting way as if he actually cared about her well being. ______ V: "Oh...okay then."

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