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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Wheatley: 10/7/2017 12:35:50 AM
[b][i][u]New Arrivals[/u][/i][/b] It was a fine fall day in Dojoville, with the leaves on the trees changing color and the crisp, cool air filling the atmosphere. It would be a very enjoyable thing, if the area hadn't been destroyed a few days prior. Alas, there was nothing left but ghosts and ruin. It was, for lack of a better word, abandoned. At least, it had been for time. A small, triangular dropship that was made of rough, black stone landed inside the city. The hidden door on its side slid open, revealing ten soldiers that were clad in black. Their faces were obstructed by dark helmets, closed visors, and utter starkness, while the rest of their body was covered in heavy armor. On it bore an unrecognizable insignia that pointed to them being ancient... The soldiers dispersed, checking that the area was secure. Once that was verified, [url=]someone strange[/url] stepped from the ship and began barking our orders... "Scout out the area. Analyze and verify potential defensive capabilities, and scan for hidden entrances into the Dojo complex." They did as they were told, and began to search around. Whatever they were doing, it wasn't a good thing. [spoiler]Open to any stragglers or people visiting. Fight, hide, alert Dojo warriors, I don't care. Just know these people are powerful and will be tough to take on[/spoiler] -------------------------------- Meanwhile, not long after, a strange signal had been sent to certain Imperial holdings across the planet and its orbit. It seemed encoded, meant strictly for the Empire's leaders to hear. The message is as follows: [quote]Looks like you've just gotten an ally. That fleet you were promised is finally on the planet, and requests confirmation to proceed in the aiding your forces. Any response is appreciated.[/quote] [spoiler]Open to Dio. This might be a little early, but I can always adjust.[/spoiler]

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