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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Wheatley: 10/7/2017 12:35:50 AM
[b][i][u]New Arrivals[/u][/i][/b] It was a fine fall day in Dojoville, with the leaves on the trees changing color and the crisp, cool air filling the atmosphere. It would be a very enjoyable thing, if the area hadn't been destroyed a few days prior. Alas, there was nothing left but ghosts and ruin. It was, for lack of a better word, abandoned. At least, it had been for time. A small, triangular dropship that was made of rough, black stone landed inside the city. The hidden door on its side slid open, revealing ten soldiers that were clad in black. Their faces were obstructed by dark helmets, closed visors, and utter starkness, while the rest of their body was covered in heavy armor. On it bore an unrecognizable insignia that pointed to them being ancient... The soldiers dispersed, checking that the area was secure. Once that was verified, [url=]someone strange[/url] stepped from the ship and began barking our orders... "Scout out the area. Analyze and verify potential defensive capabilities, and scan for hidden entrances into the Dojo complex." They did as they were told, and began to search around. Whatever they were doing, it wasn't a good thing. [spoiler]Open to any stragglers or people visiting. Fight, hide, alert Dojo warriors, I don't care. Just know these people are powerful and will be tough to take on[/spoiler] -------------------------------- Meanwhile, not long after, a strange signal had been sent to certain Imperial holdings across the planet and its orbit. It seemed encoded, meant strictly for the Empire's leaders to hear. The message is as follows: [quote]Looks like you've just gotten an ally. That fleet you were promised is finally on the planet, and requests confirmation to proceed in the aiding your forces. Any response is appreciated.[/quote] [spoiler]Open to Dio. This might be a little early, but I can always adjust.[/spoiler]

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  • A low hum of energy was heard, before a [url=]Mandalorian[/url] ran out of the door leading into a building and slashed a soldier down with his Lightsaber. Around the area, various other Mandalorians and civilians popped up from behind cover and appeared in Windows, firing off blaster shots at the strange soldiers that had landed in the village. The Green plated Mandalorian turned his attention to the larger of the soldier, who was clearly the leader, and aimed the Lightsaber in his direction.

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  • [b]The stranger turned towards him, and laughed[/b] "Fool. Do you really think you can beat us? Do you really believe you can get out of this alive? No. Soldiers! Kill them." [b]They drew their weapons, and began firing back. A few other elite units vanished, drawing swords and killing their enemy from behind. The man then drew a large sword, and looked at the mando with utter hatred[/b] "Time for you to die."

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  • As the battle raged around them, soldiers on both sides fell at the gunfire flying around the streets. On the Mando side, it was mostly the civilians dropping down dead, the Mandos fighting was far superior to the civilians, hence why they were able to live longer. The green plated Mando, Nathaniel, rushed forward at the man and swung his Lightsaber at the Knight.

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  • [b]The knight clenched his fist, brilliant orange light in combination with shadows surrounding his hand. He slammed at the ground, creating a resonating shockwave of energy in response[/b] "You are fighting against forces you do not understand. There is no hope for you." [b]He swung his sword down, a hit that would kill the mando if he didn't block...[/b]

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  • Well.. Since the Mando had already swung his Lightsaber, it nailed the Knight in his sword hand. The Lightsaber, presumably since it's a Lightsaber, would cut through the Knight's armour and arm, in an attempt to cut it all off.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/8/2017 5:46:21 AM
    [b]But it didn't. The lightsaber had left not even a scratch. It didn't make sense, as it should've been able to cut through anything...[/b] "Now, you see that you have no hope in winning." [b]The man sent another shockwave of fire and darkness out from him, knocking Nathaniel back. It the sky above, he could see several more... triangular ships fly across the sky. There were to smaller ones, and then a larger warship in between the two[/b] [spoiler]He's one of the commanders. Very powerful. Also that armor isn't normal...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]He better be killable. That's all I'm saying [/spoiler] Nathaniel, realizing the situation quickly ran into the alleyway between two buildings, disappearing into of them. The Mandalorians and civilians that had been firing their blasters had also disappeared, leaving the commander in the streets alone once again.

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  • [spoiler]He is. Just not now. He's just too important of a character at the moment, and serves future purpose in my plot...[/spoiler] [b]The commander looked around at any remaining soldiers, almost annoyed[/b] "Find them. Kill them all, and bring me the one with the lightsaber." [b]The troops did as they were told, as two more drop ships landed[/b]

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  • [spoiler]K[/spoiler] "Ordo, meet back up at the ship. We're getting out of here." The Mando spoke over his comms, as he and a number of the shooters approached a ugly and blocky L shaped ship, which had been hidden in the forest. The group boarded onto the ship, more people joining up and boarding as well. As soon as they had been loaded up, the ship fired off into the sky and jumped into hyperspace, disappearing from view [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Sure[/spoiler]

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  • A response was sent...from the city of Khalosh. [quote]”This is New Imperial Base Alpha, leader has accepted such reinforcements. Welcome to Tatakai.”[/quote]

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/7/2017 11:14:05 PM
    [quote]Much obliged. Aeron sends his regards. Where should we proceed to reinforce?[/quote]

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  • [quote]”City of Khalosh, Ollimand continent. Reason is to believe that Imperials had sent remaining Imperial leaders there, to avoid possible space combat and destruction.”[/quote] This was the Imperials’s response.

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  • [quote]Copy. Will proceed to reinforce immediately[/quote] [b]Two triangular warships and a command ship floated in orbit, activating and beginning their course towards Khalosh, while engaging precautionary cloaking tech...[/b] [spoiler]I think you know what my ships look like, so I won't describe them. Also, would you mind time-skipping to their arrival in Khalosh?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Yeah. Just for continuity sake, you'll arrive ahead of everyone else. [/spoiler] [i][url=].........[/url][/i] From there, the escorts would've arrive in Khalosh, the Imperial banners proudly displayed on the city... Which wasn't much, considering that it was away from most Dojo activity. Scouts, AT-STs, and multiple speeder patrols and [url=]MBT-Harriers[/url] protected the outside gates to the city, as they noticed the ships passing by. Various TIEs had been flying around the skies, pending for any type of enemy attack.

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  • [quote]Attention all Imperial forces of Khalosh: We are allies to the Empire, sent to aid in the recovery of your forces. Are we clear to approach?[/quote] ...The arrival message broadcasted. This was just to make sure they didn't accidentally get shot at or anything.

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  • [quote]”Accepted to pass through. Follow the TIEs; any infraction or movement beyond our TIEs and you will be shot on sight.”[/quote] The response was, two [url=]TIE Strikers[/url] approaching them for them to follow.

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  • [quote]Copy[/quote] [b]The ships began to follow the TIE's[/b]

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  • They would’ve traveled throughout the part of the city that the Imperials controller, a skyscraper towering over all of them. “Proceed to landing bay 12; we’re landing.” One of the pilots had told him.

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  • [spoiler]They can't fit I don't think.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Oh...maybe they can launch smaller shuttles? If your ship has them?[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/8/2017 11:21:17 PM
    [spoiler]Sure. A single warship is much larger than a skyscraper could fit, while the command ship... well, it can fit warships.[/spoiler] [b]A hanger on the command ship opened, a small, triangular passenger ship leaving and entering the one in the skyscraper[/b] [quote]Cannot maintain current discreet status with Command Ship on surface. Immediate relocation to orbit is required.[/quote] [b]The ship, along with one warship, departed for orbit. The third warship, however, stayed yet parked itself in the sky on the edge of the city[/b]

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  • The passenger ship would've been led by a few Imperials in civilian uniforms, leading the ship to a hangar tucked inside the skyscraper, red lights designating a landing zone.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 10/9/2017 4:22:16 PM
    [b]The ship landed inside, becoming temporarily idle as it landed. A hidden door on its side slid open, and a group of ten soldiers stepped out. They made two columns, almost in Imperial fashion, of five on the sides of the entrance. As per usual, they were clad in black[/b] "Here we go." [b]A small party of three left the ship, consisting of a female lieutenant, a high ranking captain, and a stranger wearing an intricate metal mask[/b] [spoiler]I don't have enough time to describe them properly, so just respond and I'll introduce them[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Alright then.[/spoiler] An Imperial officer came up, multiple Death Troopers walking as a guard to the officer behind him. "What is your inquiry here, much humbled guests?" The officer asked.

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