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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/5/2017 9:18:24 PM
[b]The Grief[/b] [i]Outskirts of Dojo Woods, 17:34[/i] Only a week had passed since the final death of their teammate. Chase was still devastated, but not nearly as bad as Blake was. This was the first time, in all of the years since revival, Blake was crying. Not fighting or raging his way through the Crucible. He was crying. Chase sighed as he watched Blake silently cry as the Titan sat against the tree. The Titan held the Raze-Lighter, the only thing he had left of James, in one hand. He had torn off his mark and used it as a handkerchief. He wasn't wearing his glasses, which actually made sense. Chase watched with pity. He understood that this had been rough on him. He sat down, propping his sniper rifle against the tree. He took a moment to remember his lost friend, shedding a few tears, himself. They were both struck by this grief. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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  • "Im sorry your guys loss."she says [i]the voice belongs to a short bluish green scale covered woman with two different colored eyes one blue grey the other bright green and long black hair. She sounded very sincere as she knew loss was always painful.[/i]

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  • Chase looked to her. "Sorry doesn't exactly cut it."

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  • [i]she sighed a little bit.[/i] "Well then what would prefer me to say then hmm? Cause anything i would say would sound fake and half hearted. Trust me if you lived as long as i have that hurt never really goes away it just dulls slowly with time."she says

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  • "It is a lonely thing to live forever," Chase muttered. "But you're right, it will dull over time."

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  • ''It will take awhile to get over yes. but remember you guys wont ever hunted down one day for going feral or accidentally hurting someone like my late father and crazy grandmother. They were dragons like i am. So a death of someone close to you will always hurt a little more. But as long as you carry that person in your hearts their never truly dead they live on through you."she says

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  • "I know...." Chase jabbed his thumb at Blake, "I wish he would understand."

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  • "I all my 18,000 years of life i simply know this everyone has their own form of mourning the dead just like people that can understand in certain ways as well."she says

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  • A few tears streamed down Chase's tanned cheeks, as he looked at Blake. Blake wasn't taking this well at all. He has somehow more shaken than anyone else who knows of James's death.

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  • "I know that's hard right but at least he that you cared about him. Me i seen my father draw his last breath and last thing i said to him was that i hated him and would never forgive him."she says [i]with that she sighs again tucking her hands into her pockets with a sad look on her face. She understood the pain and regert of loss better than anyone.[/i]

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  • "At least that," Chase said, "Blake hates to be seen as weak. This is the first time I have ever seen him cry and not go through a state of rage."

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  • "Yeah if i rage people would die from the electricity i output. Its hard to control when your emotional."she says

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  • Blake's crying went from silent to audible. He sniffled and cried, repeating, "Why did he have to die!?"

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  • "I don't have a answer for that. I think im just making things worse sorry."she says

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  • Blake stood up, placing the the Raze-Lighter on his back, walking up, and hugging Chase. He buried his face in his best friend's shoulder, crying. "It'll be okay, buddy," Chase replied, patting Blake's back, "James is in a better place, now." "I can't believe he's gone, Chase. He's.... gone.... like that..." Blake wept. "I can't believe it either," Chase replied, "I know this week's been tough for you." Blake continued to cry.

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  • [i]Lola at this point was contemplating if she should leave to alone and grieve. But she knew level hurt he going was on the same level hurt she felt when father had died but guilt wouldn't be there from him.[/i]

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  • "Take it easy, Blake," Chase told him, take it easy.

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  • "I think im gonna go i don't im of much use here."she says [i]she looked at the two before starting to turn and walk away slowly.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]End[/spoiler]

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