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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/4/2017 8:59:04 PM
Bedlam kicked the spear up to his hands before tossing it at Launa. "Launa, you take it! I'm not good with spears." He raised a hand in the shape of a finger gun and pointed it at one of the smaller warriors. From his fingers a bolt of energy shot out at the target.

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  • Getting kicked up from the dust, ELARA quickly dusted it off, pointing her SMGs toward the apparitions forming, knowing that the could end up becoming soldiers similiar to the ones that she defeated.

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  • "[i]I'm about to be crushed, damnit-![/i]" [i]Luana would yell in response to Bedlam, before being flung to the side as the giant, glimmering spear of Achilles slammed into her waist. While not the bladed end of the weapon, it certainly did considerable damage, as her lightweight plating busted and tore from the hit.[/i] [spoiler][b]RED ZONE[/b] for Royal. Cthulhu may intervene.[/spoiler] [i]Achilles, now returning his attention to the other three, would focus upon his primary threat - Dmitri, and the powerful railgun upon him. The giant man would begin a full-blown lunge towards Dmitri, as a roar escaped the hidden lips of the Greek-styled warrior: he would jump into the air, raising the spear in an incredible downwards thrust that would split Dmitri into two - if he didn't react.[/i] [i]As for ELARA, she had done her part in containing the smaller threats well, until they had begun to adapt: three warriors that rose up would bring shields of a light-like essence, something clearly different than before, as they began a charge straight towards her in a triangular formation, their spears held behind their projected shields.[/i]

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/8/2017 1:59:06 AM
    Dmitri stepped forward, lunging into a roll in an attempt to avoid the sword that was coming down upon him. He came to a halt on one knee, somewhere in front of Achilles and took aim, firing his rail gun at the center of the behemoth's chest, before rolling to the side and making a run for it.

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  • Edited by Stitch: 10/8/2017 2:32:39 AM
    When Dmitri rolled and ran, he turned invisible to the eye for a second and an illusion was still kneeling where he last was. "Thank me later if that works..." Bedlam muttered, having stopped firing his finger guns to focus on the trick.

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  • ELARA...almost smiled, as she began strangely walking up nonchalantly toward the three. "You have seen my ranged capabilities, and have seemed to attempt at adapting...but you forgot that I could adapt a lot more faster than you." She says, quickly using her robotics to jump above them, and drop right on top of one, kicking his head into oblivion. She looked toward the other two, firing her SMG rounds.

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  • [spoiler]RED ZONE for Cthulhu. Jesus, there's a lot of Red Zones..[/spoiler] [i]Bedlam's spell would succeed, while the behemoth's health would drop down to a simple 72%, another furious roar escaping the depths of his muffled throat. Though with Dmitri's disappearance, and with a renewed ferocity guiding him towards Bedlam: the giant raised his spear, literally throwing it at the boy this time.[/i] [spoiler][b]RED ZONE[/b] for Dio.[/spoiler] [i]Perhaps the leader had been destroyed, but ELARA found herself stuck within a sandwich - as the remaining two simply raised their shields and slammed into her body. The shields were resistant to plasma, apparently.. as they began to slowly crush her body. Either she had to think quickly, or an ally would need to help her..[/i]

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  • Dmitri pivoted around, using his side arm to fire off multiple rounds at Achilles in an attempt to divert his attention. He backed up slowly, nearing the edge of the crater falling into the world.

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  • Luckily it was hard to miss the fact the giant was throwing the spear and anyone could've seen it coming, so Bedlam rolled sideways so it would miss him by a few feet.

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  • "Integrity down to 80%...must think quick on my feet." She says...before jumping above both soldiers, quickly deciding to use the air she had to quickly kick one of the soldiers square in the face, using her increased strength as a result of her armor.

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  • [i]ELARA's agility saved her from being crushed, but it wouldn't save her from a sudden slash to her side: the remaining soldier allowed his blade to cleave through her waist, not deep enough to halt her wrath however. Yet it was still effective enough to harm her. The soldier would raise the sword upwards, ready to bring it down upon the woman's cranium.[/i] [i]Dmitri simply brought more attention to himself, as Achilles heaved and brought his foot down to the shattered earth: the result caused Dmitri to fly back, past the motionless Luana.. Luana, who had been clutching her side in the background, before stumbling towards Dmitri and beginning to help him up.[/i] "Get the spear-" [spoiler][b]Incoming RED ZONE[/b] for Cth. Again. because fuсk you[/spoiler] [i]Meanwhile, Achilles seriously had a vendetta against Bedlam.[/i] [i]The giant would begin to charge straight towards the boy - whatever was coming, Bedlam had better prepare.[/i]

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  • Dmitri quickly nodded in understanding, pulling himself to his feet and shoving the rail gun into Luana's hands. "Use well, cute Asian." He mumbled, nodding his head as he holstered his side arm, running towards the spear Luana had previously dropped. He tucked into a roll, grabbing at the spear and rolling across his back onto his feet, breaking into a sprint towards Achilles, stabbing the spear at the beasts heel.

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  • Bedlam nervously smiled at the large man as he charged towards him and gave a pathetic wave. "Wanna be friends? No?....For Narnia!" Surprisingly, Bedlam ran towards the boss with his bare hands, shouting a war cry.

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  • ELARA simply clutched where she was slashed. “Integrity at 75%.” She had stayed to herself, kicking the soldier straight in the gut, whilst firing off her SMGs. However, she was slowly walking to Luana whole this all happened, planning on picking her up and carry her to a safer distance.

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  • [spoiler][b]RED ZONE[/b] for Royal.[/spoiler] [i]Achilles wouldn't literally let Dmitri get close to him as the two met.. something that Dmitri found out quickly. As the Russian charged, he would be caught in the giant's pathway, as the monstrous man suddenly slammed his foot into the smaller Dmitri. The steel toe digging into his side did the most damage, as a few ribs would crack and snap. The result send Dmitri rolling across the ground, as Achilles diverted his attention to his body.[/i] "[b][i]Is THIS the best you have to offer? It is time to finish this pathetic act. ...Mother![/i][/b]" [i]Light would grace the desolated area, only then, as the tower in the background would shake and tremble. Beams of brilliant white energy would escape the cracks within the cobblestone, the entire foundation glowing with a certain holiness. Out of it's depths rose a platform from the highest point, and even upon that was.. something robed, and the source of all of the light bounded within the tower. It's figure was feminine, yet had no name that appeared above it's head. Though one could assume that it was.. Thetis, arriving at last.[/i] [spoiler][b]RED ZONE[/b] for Dio.[/spoiler] [i]Whatever Thetis planned would wait, though, as a projectile suddenly slammed into it's side. The being reeled and fell down to it's knees as the projectile tore through it's back, while Luana looked back at the assisting ELARA.[/i] "-No! Fall back-!" [i]She tried to yell out through the pain, as Achilles brought the spear up once more and sent it flying towards the two. The weapon's head formulated massive blades of coursing light from it's edges.. it would catch both Luana and ELARA.[/i]

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  • Dmitri rose to his feet, groaning as his cybernetic enhancements kicked in. Adrenaline pumped through his blood as medigel was deployed to his wounds, healing cuts and bruises and mending the broken bones somewhat. Dmitri raised his hand into the air, throwing the spear straight towards Achilles' heel, collapsing to knee as the toss was made.

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  • "We're f*cked..." Bedlam threw mini balls of energy, that explode mid-air, infront of the spear's trajectory in hopes of knocking it off target so it wouldn't hit his allies. Without wasting time to see if they landed, he began to retreat a little.

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  • Realizing that it could potentially kill the both of them, ELARA decided to quickly jump to the right of the spear's radius, tumbling both her and Luana away from Achilles's massive spear.

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  • [i]The massive spear would skid to the side due to Bedlam's usage of his abilities, the bladed end flying past Luana and ELARA, whirling up a storm of rubble and stone. Luana would push ELARA up, groaning with a renewed pain as the left side of her waist bled.[/i] "It's nothing," [i]She muttered, picking up Dmitri's railgun and looking up at the looming body of Achilles.[/i] [i]The giant would yell out again, this tile falling to his knees as his heel was literally sliced open. His health would drop down to 47%, golden ichor stopping it's flow out of his body while he suddenly slammed his fist into the ground. Yet, high above, the robed Thetis began to rise up after the railgun shot, seemingly unaffected - it was stunned, if anything. It rose it's hand, as a surging light would surround Achilles entirely - the word "immortalis", etched upon his chest.[/i]

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/16/2017 11:35:20 AM
    "что это за хрень?" Dmitri asked in Russian, walking backwards away from Achilles. He pivoted around back towards Luana, running towards her and reaching out for his rail gun. [spoiler]Translation: What the f*** is that thing? [/spoiler]

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  • "Yeah, what ever he said....The hell?" Bedlam stared in confusion of what was happening, now feeling like he was at a somewhat safe distance.

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  • "Immortalis?" ELARA would ask herself, getting her and Luana up. "Perhaps he is most likely immortal in that specific area?" She asked, activating her wrist SMGs. "No matter; everyone dies eventually. Even gods."

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  • "I think he's just immortal.." [i]Luana forced out, as Achilles simply took to forcing himself upwards. His grey health bar began to degrade rapidly, as if he was trying to free himself from his heavy armor. 40%.. 35%.. his body began to surge with a bright crimson energy as well.[/i]

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  • "ATTACK WHILE CAN YOU! Dmitri yelled, firing off a round from his railgun at the beast's heel. He moved backwards, pivoting around and running as soon as the shot had been fired.

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  • "I'm gonna blast this guy to hell!" Bedlam kneeled and extended his arms out infront of him, toward the boss. Between his hands a large red vortex appeared. "Aaaand fi-" The vortex sparked and collapsed, leaving a small bunny with long red fur on the ground. It began to hop around aimlessly. "...well sh*t." Bedlam looked down upon the rabbit with annoyance and a sigh.

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  • “Um...I believe that the being isn’t dying...belief is that he could be upgrading himself.” ELARA states, looking at the boss while slowly making her way back....

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