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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/3/2017 11:05:05 PM
[i]Dmitri and ELARA were, in truth, Luana's saviors in that situation, as the golden warriors that ELARA targeted would explode in a flurry of orange liquid, their bodies collapsing to the ground as they yelled[/i] "For Thetis!" [i]heroically, before falling to the dirt. Luana would literally leap for the thrown weapon, nodding and grunting a sudden thanks before cleaving the troop attacking her in half.[/i] [i]The unique thing about each soldier was that when they fell, their ichor shaped into a javelin, of which glistened with a light similar to that of Achilles'. Luana had a brief idea, sheathing her borrowed weapon as she took up the spear of gold. From her expression, it seemed to have burnt her slightly, though she would begin a charge towards Achilles just then.[/i] "Russian, robot - now!" [i]She yelled, at the Russian, motioning towards Achilles. She seemed to require a distraction..[/i] [spoiler][b]RED ZONE[/b] for Jonathan and Bedlam.[/spoiler] [i]Unfortunately for Jonathan, his abilities wouldn't save him from a golden forearm crashing into his face, sending him sprawling into the dirt. The golden Greek of which stood above him growled, raising it's spear with both hands and bringing it down upon the young man.[/i] "You dare to assault my lady's child?!" "Foolish boy! My lady did [i]nothing[/i] to your vicious Dojo! The bearer of my blood is innocent of affront to you vermin!" [i]Bedlam's own opponent would yell, bringing his gladius down at the (other) young man with a certain speed. The sword was swung from Bedlam's right side, aimed for the portion between his neck and shoulder.[/i]

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