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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/2/2017 3:45:46 AM
[b][u][u][u][i]Return of the Dragonslayer[/i][/u][/u][/u][/b] [i]Fac fortia et patere[/i] [i]Do brave deeds and endure[/i] An ugly, L block like ship jumped out of orbit around Takatai, cruising through the cloud filled skies and going towards the dojo. The ship slowed, making a landing at the outskirts of the village before a man clad in [url=]Mandalorian armour[/url] came down a ramp from the ship and stepped onto the ruined ground of Dojoville. "..." The man was silent, looking over the destruction that occurred only hours, or perhaps days prior. He sighed, mostly to himself as a dozen other Mandalorians followed him down the ramp. "Ordo, gather what men you can. Supplies, clothing, anything we can spare. Insure the people get it." The man finally spoke, turning to face a second Mandalorian who snapped to attention at the sound of his name. "Captain." The second Mandalorian replied simply, before pivoting around and going back into the ship to gather up more men. Meanwhile the first Mandalorian, who was clearly the leader, knelt down by a ruined building and picked up a stuffed teddy bear from the debris, giving it a quick look before rising up. He looked down the street, where a small crowd of village residents had gathered and started to stare at the ship. The man walked forward, kneeling down in front of a girl and gingerly handing her the bear. "Here, let this show you that we are friends." He said, nodding to her as the girl pulled her hands away. Slowly, however, she reached for the bear and grabbed at it, pulling it into a hug. "PEOPLE OF DOJOVILLE!" The man yelled, rising to his feet and looking around the crowd, as crates were wheeled down the ramp by various Mandalorians. "WE ARE HERE TO HELP!" He yelled, causing a cheer from the crowd as they rushed past him to the crates, where his crew started handing out various foods, clothing and water. He smiled underneath his helmet, walking over to a still standing wall and leaning against it as the people feasted. [spoiler]Open! [/spoiler]

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