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10/2/2017 3:01:06 AM

Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery are not real.

For real check out youtube or other sources, but I had to prove it to myself first. (Plus this is only applied to PVE from my experiments) Originally I wanted to check why my speed felt the same on my hunter no matter what i did, and when i looked into it and experimented in a controlled environment I found out I was right. 1st attempt: Nightstalker perk for faster sprinting, hunter sword, and Stompees (Exotic boots) are equipped with mobility at 10. Time on run with flat surface and no interruption was 21 seconds. (Not counting ms) 2nd attempt: Nothing equipped for additional speed but the lowest I could get my hunter was 4 mobility and the time still ended up being 21 seconds. (Not counting ms again) Jumping height will change but is not relevant with maps based around customized jumping for all three classes. Now Resilience was tested on several different enemies. I just kept record of amount of hits received needed to be killed. I solo'd the enemy and made them my sole source of damage. With my zone's changing from open world to raid to test this, I came up with the same results on damage received from the different resilience stats. Starting from 0 then to 7 on my hunter the amount of shots needed to be killed does not change, and the damage is extremely resembled when compared to the point it seems pointless to even worry about this stat. Recovery is slightly better but still isn't what most consider worth while to focus on. From the stat 0-10 experiment i attempted, I found the recovery time is almost the same with two seconds separating the lowest stat from the max stat. I know this is vague, but I advise you to check it out for yourself and to not force your character build around these stats. (AGAIN NOT TESTED FOR PVP) If anyone knows of a page or individual that has these stats tested elsewhere or just wants to test this out for themselves that come up with a different solution please do comment back and tell me I'm wrong, because i'm rather pissed at my experiments.

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  • Everything is probabaly already said here but... Resiliencd is only about 1% max hp per point so it's hard to notice but can save you. Mobility doesn't affect sprint speed, only run, strafe and jump. Recovery decreases time before shield regen by ALOT and I would recommend anyone maxinh this stat or at least getting it as high as possible. Mobility is really only useful for pvp and tricky platforming.

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  • Hey I'm going blow up your whole post right now

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    2 Replies
    • My Titan with 9 resilence feels like it loves forever compared to my warlock or hunter. My high Recovery Warlock starts recovering his health much faster once he stops taking damage. My high Mobility Hunter can jump much higher, slide further, and strafe faster than my high Resilience Hunter set or my titan or Warlock when they have no mobility. [i]I don't know what you are talking about.[/i]

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      • 1
        I have 10 recovery and it does make a difference.

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      • Recovery does alot. Everything else is downright useless.

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      • All of your tests are flawed.

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        2 Replies
        • So I put on 8 mobility on the gauntlet...FOR NOTHING?!?

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        • Mobility is walking speed and strafe speed.

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        • Recovery is the only proven stat to actually reduce the time between shield recharges. Mobility and Resilience do jack all.

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          • Mobility increases jump height and movement speed. (wich is really helpful when strafing) Resilience does actually increase the amount of damage you can take. ( by a small amount) Recovery boosts the speed of your health recharge. (It is the most sought after max trait right now because the difference between low and high recovery is huge) Me I personally run recovery and resilience for pve and resilience and mobility for pvp. You can also boost your numbers with armor mods with 10 being max. So you have to test all of them and see what your playstyle requires

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            1 Reply
            • Pretty dumb to talk about things that you dont know anything about yoir way off on all these things what i would give to watch you doing your experiments that are useless and stupid cause the results you were looking for weren't even things the different stats do try learning how each one works and what there supposed to do next time dummy

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              3 Replies
              • Mobility can't melt steel beams

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              • Personal opinion, but I think you may be retarded.

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              • Mobility doesn’t affect sprint speed, only jumping and walking/strafing. This has been the case since destiny 1 Resilience clearly gives you more shields, as a low resilience can die to four shots of a scout while a high requires five Recovery clearly shows that you recover faster. You are dumb

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                2 Replies
                • Recovery affects the delay between taking damage, and beginning health Regen. It doesn't make the health Regen itself any faster.

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                  • Sorry but you are overthinking this. And so is everyone else youtubing and listening to complete strangers on the net. Stack on 10 resilience and 0 mobility like I do on my Titan. I can take a whoopin and have a harder time jumping/sprinting/sliding. Very noticeable in gauntlet. Speaking of gauntlet. I drop my resilience stack and put on a set that gives me 5 mobility. huge difference for jumping and moving with accuracy and freedom. Now i stack a 10 recovery 8 mobility 0 res. on my Warlock. I move at a much faster pace, i get my health back super fast, and yet die in 2 of the same hits my Titan can take 5 or 6 of. Play the game. Vary your gear. Its not hard to see a difference. Stop youtubing other morons and see things for yourself.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Edited by Sd Kfz 1824985: 10/3/2017 3:10:03 PM
                      Recovery is how fast health/shields regen, not the delay before regen.

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                    • Recovery works for sure. Haven't tested mobility. If resilience does anything at all... it seems to be negligible.

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                    • You clearly don't know how any of these stats work, go read about it, or check a video and come back.

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                    • I disagree. My warlock has 8 recovery, my hunter has 0. My warlock recovers health [i]way[/i] faster.

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                    • #REKT

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                    • The Recovery is amazing but as for Resilience, so far I've noticed a substationally larger HP pool comparing 1 v 10. Without solid numbers its hard to tell but it most certainly works. Mobility is meh. I dont care for more jump height but base speed could be helpful for Run & Gun'N. But Mobility seems more for Crucible which, by the way, isn't my topic.

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                      • Oh boy

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                      • There's a YouTube video that explains this

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                      • Edited by whoTFisJG: 10/3/2017 10:32:38 AM

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                      • I guess you weren't here for Destiny 1. Let me tell you a few things from a Destiny 1 player: Mobility has never affected sprint speed, it only affects walking speed. Mobility tests need to be done without sprinting if you want to test it properly. Resilience does make a difference, but it's minimal. They didn't want to make resilience feel required if you want to do a harder activity, so they made it a not very significant stat. Hope this information helps.

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