I don't either and like static rolls. I think it comes down to who you want to please. The guy who plays 5 to 8 hours a week or the guy who plays 5 to 8 hours a day
Im someone who would play 6-8 a day, but theres no reason to now. But i have to agree with this statement, in the full knowledge that we are the 2% and we are not going to be catered to, it doesnt make good business sense. Thats why i just cant see myself playing anymore, maybe bungie are happy to sacrifice the 2% to keep the rest happy, just makes me sad cause i know it was the 2% that kept this game alive.
Thing is though, that 2% is massively important to bungie. They're the guys that stream. They're the guys that keep this game high on the Twitch listings. Without those guys, the game would barely feature on there and that's a huge amount of lost free advertising.