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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/27/2017 12:59:13 AM
[i]"War on All Fronts"[/i] Dojoville would be the center of all war at the current moment. Well, so would the Dojo, but that wasn't really the point. Nonetheless, [url=]TIE Bombers[/url] and [url=]TIE Fighters[/url] began to litter the Dojo, firing their shots toward the pathways toward the Dojo, effectively planning to block off access to the outside. A massive platoon of various Imperial troopers were on their way there...and they were armed and ready, as they landed in the Dojo with their shuttles,firing their various weapons toward anyone that looked like they had a weapon; and used any civilian as a potential meat shield. [spoiler]Open to everyone here. Go wild.[/spoiler] ----------------- A sniper shot rang out, missing Victoria, as the Scout Troopers from before slapping their foreheads at their missed shot. Stormtroopers surrounded Charlia and Gurven, as the Imperial trooper went over the plan again, mentioning that the advanced fleet would test their defenses, and that those that were landing would provide additional covering fire for the shuttles to land, and to distract the towers. [spoiler]Open to Orn, only here.[/spoiler] ----------------------- [spoiler]Time skipping here, JT.[/spoiler] [i](25 miles W from Dojo, 5000 ft above ground level)[/i] JT's ship, along with various other mercenary ships would've been slowly making their way toward the [url=]Star Destroyer[/url] [i]Belligerence[/i], its cannons beginning to fire. "Hold on!" Shila had shouted, as she began to pilot around the massive fighting happening in the skies. [spoiler]Open to JT, here.[/spoiler] ------------------ [spoiler]Just reply here Vile. Open for you only, here.[/spoiler] Kiyala was...well, looking at him, almost in a...was it a seductive way? It seemed like while a massive fight was happening at the Dojo, the two leaders were having a peaceful dinner with their leader, seemingly in some fancy setting. ------------ [spoiler]Timeskipping you a bit as well, Arbiter. Open to you only here.[/spoiler] Korsis would've no longer been on the [i]Belligerence[/i], but in a shuttle, piloting for space. It seemed that they were going up to a second Star Destroyer to go see the actual leader, the officer from before touring him the Star Destroyer before leaving to avoid them being in the crossfire at the Dojo. --------------- [spoiler]And open to you only here, Jen. [/spoiler] Athena's Interceptor would've driven here straight toward the Dojo, where everything was literally going to hell. She would have to land at the Dojo, being in one of the Imperial Interceptors allowing the enemy to be thrown off that she was on their side.

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  • [i]"Aside from the huge hole in my chest? I'd say I'm doing fine," JT responded, a tone of sarcasm masking his anger for the armour. He disengaged his set and the back skid open, pushing all the plates and supports to the front. The engine was lifted to roughly where the head was and JT slipped out, putti the behemoth of his armour into a form of autopilot while he grabbed the guns crafted for regular people. His kit changed considerably, consisting of weaponry far smaller than the twin G11's, though he looked far more western than before. Beneath the trademark duster he had a set of he Imperial Stormtrooper armour covering his body, though it was modified to be slightly thicker after it was smelted down by an E11 while time was being passed and reformed to fit him in specific. It was painted brown to prevent him from looking like a trooper, and rather than a helmet, JT ran with a series of Nanites wrapped around his head with a colour scheme that looked exactly like his face. "Ready to move?"[/i]

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  • Shila was...well, a bit more surprised nodding her head. "Let's move!" She yells, the troops making their way forward. On their way to the bridge, the ship shook a couple of times from the attacks from their side. The sound of the Star Destroyer's cannons firing definitely was loud inside the ship. More Stormtroopers appeared near the door to the bridge, opening fire on the group, them being forced into cover.

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  • JT dashed behind cover with his men, standing behind a wall. He turned his gaze from the soldiers to Shula, a grin on his face. "Any ideas?"

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  • “Yeah; make every shot count!” She tells, smiling while pulling out her E-11, firing multiple shots with her weapon. With the help of the mercenaries, they took out most of the Troopers, before the ship violently shook, throwing everyone up to the roof and back down.

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  • [i]JT being sent to the roof and the ground caused a small crater where the mass of metal and guns stood. He rose to his feet, stowing all his weapons in favour of his fists and nanotechnology. "What the -blam!- was that!?"[/i]

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  • A call came from Liara, seemingly urgent on his comm. "I don't know Master..." she says, before a second less violent jolt occurred, making them go a few inches up and down.

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  • JT raised the bottom of his right forearm to face him and opened a comm link with Liara via his TacPad.

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  • Liara appeared, seemingly a bit...surprised. “JT, are you alright?” She asked worriedly.

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  • [i]"Aside from taking a rocket to the gut and demoralizing the FÜCK out of the Space Klansmen? Yeah, I'm good." JT had an eye on the scene around him for a moment, as he surveyed the condition of the ship and his men. The numbers could have been more plentiful, but he really couldn't complain. "What's going on, Li?"[/i]

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  • "There were two other Star Destroyers in space; they just fired on the Dojo. Massive laser blasts. Currently unknown number of casualties. And wounded. And missing. The majority of the Imperials are retreating, but it seems the Dojo was..." A massive creaking of the ship was heard. "I have more info on where the majority of the Imperials are heading to. You need to be able to get out of there; I think the Destroyer's collapsing from some of the stray Star Destroyer fire." She says, the ship being heard approaching a airlock ahead.

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  • [i]"-blam!-ing hell, now I need to escape [b]another[/b] crashing ship without understanding what the -blam!- is happening? THIS EXACT SAME SHIT HAPPENED LIKE TWENTY TWO YEARS AGO! IF I NEED TO PULL SOMEOBE ONTO THE SHIP AFTER A CLOSE CALL, I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL TEXT LANCE AND HAVE HIM COME SEPPUKU MY ASS!" JT shouted, wholeheartedly believing he was having some sort of pseudo PTSD attack as he ran to the airlock. [/i]

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  • ....Fortunately, that wasn't the case, as the ship pulled in, everyone seemed to be jumping smoothly, Shila allowing JT to jump first upon the ship.

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  • [i]"Oh -blam!- that, you're my favourite weeb. And considering one of my best friends is pretty much Space Ninjeesus, that's saying something." JT grabbed Shila by her waistline, wrapping his left hand around her and lifting her off the ground. He would spin once and use the momentum to let her into the ship first, before individually helping the rest of his crew. Once everyone was onboard, only then did he join them. [/i]

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  • He did...just as the airlock caved in with mechanical stuffs, the ship escaping the ship. "You alright, sir? Just saw that Destroyer get blown in two!" One of the mercs asked JT.

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  • [i]"I'm fine. How's the crew?" JT responded, shrugging off the question and replacing it with one of his own. He knew there were at least thousands of casualties brought on by the explosion, from innocents who were just keeping up with repairs to the soldiers who were sent to die against their wills. While they were fighting his team, he never enjoyed thinking of any soldier as just a suit and a gun. [/i]

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  • "Shaken, sir. Weed and his Krogans got out alive; they've gotta go back to Tuchanka; Cerberus activity's increasing there. Shadow Broker's willing to send more mercs to support us, but the Imperial Star Destroyers and all those spaceships around Tatakai might prevent more from coming in after that." The mercs told him. Another call from Liara came through.

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  • [i]"One sec," JT said to the Merc as he made way to his personal quarters. He closed the door behind him and faced his TacPad, before answering Liara. "Heyo."[/i]

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  • “I’ve gotten new information; Dojoville...just got hit. Massive artillery strikes, from space. Some of the allies on the ground, the ‘Galactic Republic’...they escorted some of the civilians and most of the warriors out of there. We know where the Imperials have the majority of their leaders at...but right now, we need to regroup with whoever we have.” She says to JT, showing that the Imperials had retreated west.

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  • [i]"-blam!-... We need a rendezvous point. Any ideas?" [/i]

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  • “Actually, we have some idea on where they are.” Liara had told him, opening up a map of the city of Khalosh, almost half of the city in red and a small blue dot in the non-red sector, far from edges of the red sector. “The Imperials had taken over half the city of Khalosh; they’d used it as their ground base here on Tatakai. The other Dojo forces are going to rendezvous at the blue point here; that’s where everyone is going to meet.” She says.

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  • [i]"Right, well, should we meet y'all there then?" [/i]

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  • “You’ll meet the majority of them there. I’m stuck on Illium; the war that’s going on with my people has prevented me from leaving the planet, at least without the chance of death. Your best suggestion is to meet up with them and try not to get caught by the Imperials. Is there anything else, JT?” She asked.

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  • [i]"Yeah: Sexy Wrexy went home and half of this company is KIA. Any other buddies you can call up? I'll pay you back what I can in galactic credits soon, a couple mill." [/i]

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  • "I'll see what I can do. I'll call you when I get any new updates. Be safe, cowboy. Liara out." She says, cutting off the comm. [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Mhm. [/spoiler]

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