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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/27/2017 12:59:13 AM
[i]"War on All Fronts"[/i] Dojoville would be the center of all war at the current moment. Well, so would the Dojo, but that wasn't really the point. Nonetheless, [url=]TIE Bombers[/url] and [url=]TIE Fighters[/url] began to litter the Dojo, firing their shots toward the pathways toward the Dojo, effectively planning to block off access to the outside. A massive platoon of various Imperial troopers were on their way there...and they were armed and ready, as they landed in the Dojo with their shuttles,firing their various weapons toward anyone that looked like they had a weapon; and used any civilian as a potential meat shield. [spoiler]Open to everyone here. Go wild.[/spoiler] ----------------- A sniper shot rang out, missing Victoria, as the Scout Troopers from before slapping their foreheads at their missed shot. Stormtroopers surrounded Charlia and Gurven, as the Imperial trooper went over the plan again, mentioning that the advanced fleet would test their defenses, and that those that were landing would provide additional covering fire for the shuttles to land, and to distract the towers. [spoiler]Open to Orn, only here.[/spoiler] ----------------------- [spoiler]Time skipping here, JT.[/spoiler] [i](25 miles W from Dojo, 5000 ft above ground level)[/i] JT's ship, along with various other mercenary ships would've been slowly making their way toward the [url=]Star Destroyer[/url] [i]Belligerence[/i], its cannons beginning to fire. "Hold on!" Shila had shouted, as she began to pilot around the massive fighting happening in the skies. [spoiler]Open to JT, here.[/spoiler] ------------------ [spoiler]Just reply here Vile. Open for you only, here.[/spoiler] Kiyala was...well, looking at him, almost in a...was it a seductive way? It seemed like while a massive fight was happening at the Dojo, the two leaders were having a peaceful dinner with their leader, seemingly in some fancy setting. ------------ [spoiler]Timeskipping you a bit as well, Arbiter. Open to you only here.[/spoiler] Korsis would've no longer been on the [i]Belligerence[/i], but in a shuttle, piloting for space. It seemed that they were going up to a second Star Destroyer to go see the actual leader, the officer from before touring him the Star Destroyer before leaving to avoid them being in the crossfire at the Dojo. --------------- [spoiler]And open to you only here, Jen. [/spoiler] Athena's Interceptor would've driven here straight toward the Dojo, where everything was literally going to hell. She would have to land at the Dojo, being in one of the Imperial Interceptors allowing the enemy to be thrown off that she was on their side.

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  • "Well, last tim I checked, you weren't exactly the best at knowing what us Imperials were planning. You just happened to...accelerate such plans." She says, almost in the same tone that Charlia had to her. "We already got we got from the Immortals while you provided a massive distraction." She says, pulling something from her suit, seemingly [url=]not Tatakai in origin[/url]. "Although their leader had escaped, we've taken one of their surviving scientists, along with power of what he calls the 'Delphi Key'. With it, we could bring the past to the future; be able to take some of the most powerful beings in past history, and bring them to our side; possibly even take over the galaxy while we're thanks for the distraction." She had said to Charlia, before pulling her in. "We're gonna make great allies." She whispers to Charlia, almost...forcefully. ___________________________________ Vel had dragged Victoria to cover, pulling out her Sniper Rifle. "I'd think it's YOU that needs to stay behind me." She says, chuckling before firing a couple shots of her sniper, picking off a few Imperials who were coming too close to them, clones driving the Imperials toward the gates.

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  • [i]Charlia had went silent, staring the woman in the eyes as her face simply went pale. After a few moments, she closed her eyes, placing her hand upon Katya's chest as she whispered.[/i] "...very well," [i]She would simply force Katya back, then.[/i] "...get me my artillery strike, then." ------------------------------ "Soldiers won't kill you, but this damn stray fire will!" [i]Victoria yelled, over the chaos.[/i] "-Will you [i]please[/i] just get to cover?! I'm not losing you too, damnit!"

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  • "Fine..." she says, before she opened a hologram in her hands, as the deafening sound of massive lasers were heard, as three massive lasers fired from space, crashing all across the Dojo, followed by various explosives. "Done; the remainder of the Imperial forces are meeting in Khalosh; where we've retaken most of the city from the Immortals and the other lowly people of the city. If you wouldn't mind." She says, hinting that they would use the artillery strike as a retreat, while Charlia would join Katya to meet with the remainder of the Imperial Remnant. -------------------- (3 minutes before, Dojoville...) "You're gonna kinda regret what I'm about to do then..." Velinnea had said, regretfully stabbing Victoria in her neck with some sort of syringe, making her really...really sleepy, for which it would only be a little bit of time before she would be knocked unconscious. A few gunships appeared nearby, getting as many wounded Dojoites, women, and children into the gunships.

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  • [i]JT sighed inwardly as he looked outside the ship's windows from his room, strapping on the last of his armour. He applied the gauntlet onto his right hand as protection, each of the exploding ships a harrowing reminder of what could happen to the ship's crew at any given moment in time. Sure he acted all happy and gleeful to his crew, he had to keep spirits up, but really? JT was scared shitless in any space battle, he wasn't a pilot and rarely trusted others to drive the same cars as him, let alone fly him in a ship - alongside others working with him - straight to their deaths. It didn't comfort him that he had to don his armour once more, which was always a feeling bringing memories of shame to him. Regardless of how he felt in the moment, the sorrowful Marshal gazed into his reflection in the window, just barely able to make out the rough, tanned mug and well-kept beard on his face. It was enough to make him remember to put his helmet on, which prompted him to load up his guns. From the G11-Chainsaw Turrets mounted to his hips, to the Winchester Rifle on his back beside Triple Tap and the nuclear launcher, he stockpiled on ammo and put a few of his .50 Caliber revolvers on his hips,chef ore sliding a few Smith and Wesson's under his armour for if he needed to disengage. The armour was fierce despite being primarily dirt-brown, with his duster and hat overtop it. He would make way to the loading bay of the ship, an E-11 in his hands as he waited for the doors to open and hell to reign freely once more. [/i]

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  • Shila stood next to him, armor on (minus her helmet) and her weapons in her hands. “You ready for this, Master?” She asked JT, looking to him, before hugging the cowboy.

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  • [i]"I've been at this shit for some odd twenty years, still ain't easy," JT honestly admitted, wrapping an arm around Shila to share in the hug. Inside his hulking suit of armour JT was about two feet taller than he usually was, so Shila was attempting to hug an eight foot tall behemoth of metal, though JT aided in that. "Still though, great workout." [/i]

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  • She hugged JT tighter. “If I...or you...or any of us’s been an honor fighting alongside you, Master...JT.” She says, smiling and hugging JT a little tighter as the doors began to open, revealing the hangar of the Star Destroyer, various mercs and Imperials exchanging fire with one another.

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  • [i]That settled it; JT couldn't let Shila die. He had lost too many friends in his lifetime already, he wasn't going to lose another person. The Marshal stepped out of the ship as either of the twin hip-mounded LMG's roared to life. Their internal Thermal Sensory Modules located the Imperials on the other side and the echo of the guns boomed through the ship. As one of the 7.62 rounds was unleashed from one gun, another was being primed in its place and the other gun fired to make up for that priming time, allowing for a never ending stream of bullets to fire almost endlessly on the soldiers. The crew needed cover and Nanocyte could provide. A miasma of nanites awakened within the ship, soon seeping out through the floor like a layer of smoke that would manifest into self-repairing barriers for almost all of the company that came to assault, with e exception of JT, who in and of himself was tanking shots left, right and centre with he ceramic and steel composition of the armour he wore. [/i]

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  • Shila jumped out and fired a few shots straight into an Imperial trooper, before slashing the trooper's throat. She grabbed one of their blasters, and opened fire on the troopers, said troopers dropping like flies as explosions surrounded JT in an epic way, Stormtroopers firing their respective weapons toward the cowboy.

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  • The guns were little more than ionized plasma, but it still managed to eat away chunks of JT's armour. In response, JT picked up a second E-11 and started firing those off, giving four guns to one guy.

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  • They dropped dead from the shots, as more Stormtroopers poured out of a massive blast door straight ahead of JT. His mercs were helping to keep up with him, as soon, Scout Troopers arrived with their snipers, firing headshots, taking down a few of the mercs. Shila jumped next to him, firing her own E-11, taking down a trooper that was gonna shoot at both of them to his left.

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  • [i]"Someone toss a frag!" JT shouted to the mercenaries as he ducked down behind cover, just enough that his nanites would mould around the barrels of his E-11's and the guns. It was a single wall in his bit of cover now, which was opened just enough for him to provide a base of fire. [/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/27/2017 11:16:22 PM
    "Throwing frag!" Someone had shouted, two frag grenades landing right in the Imperial line of fire. It exploded, throwing Imperial bodies across the place, leaving one specific one right on top of JT. "Retreat and close those damn doors!" Someone shouted, the remaining Imperials retreating, the blast doors slowly closing.

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  • [i]JT shrugged the course off himself after looking to see what made it specific, though he would focus on his men first and foremost. Primarily he wanted to use his nanites to make a small, roofed pit for the wounded and tired to sit in for a moment, like a small base of operations for them all to hide in. A mini blast shelter, which he used the nanites to construct. [/i]

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  • ...And it seemed to work, as Shila activated her medi-gel to help as many wounded as she could. Currently, JT’s original amount of mercs had about 3/4ths of his original number of mercs with him, dogfighting he heard in the skies above. From JT’s comm, a small signal could be heard, most likely something within the Star Destroyer jamming the signal as best it could. “To all*static*....Victoria of*static*...under attack, I repeat, we are under attack by the invading*static*...” was all that was heard from the unknown signal, seemingly originating from the Dojo. “Master...what was that?” Shila asked him, as she healed a wounded human, his leg bleeding from the shrapnel of an explosion.

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  • [i]"I'm going to guess they know we're 'ere, and some Victoria chick is too?" JT inferred, reloading the LMGs at his hips. He gave Shila a curious look, no fear or remorse but instead intrigue. [/i]

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  • “Well, we did shoot their entire hangar...makes sense that they know we’re here.” Shila had told him, chuckling a little bit. “Maybe there’s a way we could access those blast doors?” She asks, pointing out the doors where the Imperials retreated from.

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  • [i]"Can they be melted?" [/i]

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  • “I don’t know...had anyone even tried that?” She asked, throwing JT her Sword. “Maybe you could...super heat it? Act it like some type of cutting laser, only in your hands.” Shila has told JT.

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  • [i]JT took the sword, removed his helmet, and approached the blast doors. He reared his head back, the armour moving one foot behind the cowboy as he prepared himself for use of his Dragons Breath augmentation. The sword was held out flat ahead of him, just between the door and the Marshal. A barrel of steel and iron poked out of his mouth then, though at a distance the flames spewing out of it in a cone of fire and greases being spat out, it was almost impossible to tell with the naked eye. It would take JT some good few minutes to burn through it, but not only was the sword red hot and by his side now, he had burned his way entirely through the door and reduced it to a pile of nothing. "Don't -blam!- with the dragon!" [/i]

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  • On the other end, a few Stormtroopers seemed to not notice JT’s little entrance...well, that was until they turned to loon at him, almost looking like if McCree and Genji combined their look and powers. “Shit, it’s the Rebel!” One of them had yelled, firing the blaster straight toward JT.

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  • [i]The blaster shot left a scorched marking on his already blackened armour, which caused JT to turn towards the Stormtrooper with a look of confusion on his face. Needless to say, this Imperial was about to get an asswhooping of a lifetime. "Seriously? I just cut all of your friends down, and you try to shoot the worthless Pew-Pew Laser Pointer at me, the guy who LITERALLY just burnt down a metal door? How the -blam!- did you pass basic training soldier?" JT asked, his voice more patronizing than anything. He placed his helmet onto his head once more and slowly approached the trooper, where he stood in front of him. Ten feet tall and holding a borderline flaming sword, he looked down to the Trooper. "Tell me, what the actual -blam!- did you hope to accomplish with that? What level of headassery made you think that was smart?" [/i]

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  • ...Let’s just say the other Stormtroopers began running for their lives, running as fast as they could, some grabbing RPGs. “Jedi!” One of them shouted, firing toward JT.

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  • "THE -blam!- IS A JEDI? JEREMIAH? JED? JETHRO?" In JT's complete confusion over the term, he had been slammed into by the rocket. Thankfully it hit his chest, but it blew right past the ceramic and bit through most of the solid steel below it. He stepper back from the impact, drew his gun, and fired six shots at the explosive warheads in each launcher. All in under a second, due to the whole gunslinger thing.

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  • As a result, of He rockets backfire on the troopers, blowing them up, everyone I that hallway clear for the time being. Shila has ran to JT, a dozen of the remaining troopers arriving behind her. “You good, Master? Some of them are still good enough to push on.” She says.

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