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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/27/2017 12:59:13 AM
[i]"War on All Fronts"[/i] Dojoville would be the center of all war at the current moment. Well, so would the Dojo, but that wasn't really the point. Nonetheless, [url=]TIE Bombers[/url] and [url=]TIE Fighters[/url] began to litter the Dojo, firing their shots toward the pathways toward the Dojo, effectively planning to block off access to the outside. A massive platoon of various Imperial troopers were on their way there...and they were armed and ready, as they landed in the Dojo with their shuttles,firing their various weapons toward anyone that looked like they had a weapon; and used any civilian as a potential meat shield. [spoiler]Open to everyone here. Go wild.[/spoiler] ----------------- A sniper shot rang out, missing Victoria, as the Scout Troopers from before slapping their foreheads at their missed shot. Stormtroopers surrounded Charlia and Gurven, as the Imperial trooper went over the plan again, mentioning that the advanced fleet would test their defenses, and that those that were landing would provide additional covering fire for the shuttles to land, and to distract the towers. [spoiler]Open to Orn, only here.[/spoiler] ----------------------- [spoiler]Time skipping here, JT.[/spoiler] [i](25 miles W from Dojo, 5000 ft above ground level)[/i] JT's ship, along with various other mercenary ships would've been slowly making their way toward the [url=]Star Destroyer[/url] [i]Belligerence[/i], its cannons beginning to fire. "Hold on!" Shila had shouted, as she began to pilot around the massive fighting happening in the skies. [spoiler]Open to JT, here.[/spoiler] ------------------ [spoiler]Just reply here Vile. Open for you only, here.[/spoiler] Kiyala was...well, looking at him, almost in a...was it a seductive way? It seemed like while a massive fight was happening at the Dojo, the two leaders were having a peaceful dinner with their leader, seemingly in some fancy setting. ------------ [spoiler]Timeskipping you a bit as well, Arbiter. Open to you only here.[/spoiler] Korsis would've no longer been on the [i]Belligerence[/i], but in a shuttle, piloting for space. It seemed that they were going up to a second Star Destroyer to go see the actual leader, the officer from before touring him the Star Destroyer before leaving to avoid them being in the crossfire at the Dojo. --------------- [spoiler]And open to you only here, Jen. [/spoiler] Athena's Interceptor would've driven here straight toward the Dojo, where everything was literally going to hell. She would have to land at the Dojo, being in one of the Imperial Interceptors allowing the enemy to be thrown off that she was on their side.

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  • Oracle ignored the direction of the ships, firing off rounds from her sniper at the storm troopers that were still on the ground. [i]Damn, must have a forward operating base. [/i]She thought to herself, moving into the dojo.

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/3/2017 10:16:01 PM
    She took out some of them, turning to see that some Imperials still haven’t given in. Going in nearby, an AT-ST was entering, its back turned toward Oracle. But... A woman with a green jacket, and what looked like one of the Imperials's weapons walked up to her. "Might wanna follow me if you want to live; you'll regret staying here much longer." She says, pulling Oracle in an attempt to make her follow her.

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  • "The.. Dojo." Oracle said with a heavy Chinese accent, following behind the woman reluctantly

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  • The two arrived at a gunship, multiple clones waiting there, seemingly within women or children native to the Dojo, along with any wounded warriors from the Dojo. “Best suggestion is to get in here; Dojo isn’t gonna be here much longer.” She says. [spoiler]Don’t worry, just a few lasers strikes from Star Destroyers.[/spoiler]

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  • "Very well." Oracle said, nodding her head in thanks before boarding the gunship. " about?" The Chinese woman asked, looking around the gunship.

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  • “We’re the Republic. Well, they are; I’ve simply been called in by an old friend of mine as a favor.” She had told Oracle, the gunship closing and leaving. “Did Velinnea make it out, Clone?” She asked. “Yes sir; hauled one of them before the ar...” He was about to say, before the deafening sound of lasers were heard, rocking the ship a little bit. “Damn!” She yelled.

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  • Oracle pushed towards the gunship doors, trying to get a good look at what the hell had happened.

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  • Gunships were flying the same direction the other one was, as massive laser artillery from space began to rain down on the Dojo, explosions running across the place.

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  • "... No... " Oracle whispered, slumping against the wall of the gunship and putting her head in her hands.

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  • Clover kneeled in front of Oracle, comforting her. “We many out as we could. But right now, we’ll have to fight the Imperials...all of them. We’re meeting with the majority of the remaining Republic near the heart of an Imperial controlled-city here on Tatakai.” She tells Oracle.

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  • "Do... We have allies?" She asked, thinking about whether they could call anybody for assistance.

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  • "Lots...I don't know who specifically survived the explosion, or who exactly we were able to rescue. Or if there's anyone beyond Tatakai that could help. All I know is..." she says, almost putting her head down in shame. "We're heading west. And so are the Imperials. We're going on the offensive...and we're gonna make sure that they pay for that they've taken." She bitterly she had personal thoughts.

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  • Oracle sighed, placing her head against the wall of the ship and rubbing at her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. "For the People."

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  • "For the People." Clover says back, before waiting in silence as the gunship doors closed, as they flew Khalosh. [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Victoria's muffled curse wouldn't be heard over the several protectors and soldiers aligned to the Dojo's safety that had reacted to the sudden shot taken at their supposed leader. As soon as Victoria had even aimed the Bolt Pistol at her waist, she lowered the weapon, as a machinegun nest had already began to fire upon the Scout Trooper's position.[/i] [i]Whatever Victoria had gathered had stationed itself here: roughly eight-hundred men and women who had no superpowers, but could listen, heavily outnumbered and outgunned by the Imperials. What she needed was a working stratagem, not allow them to take control.[/i] "Civilians, get out more transmissions if you want this city to be standing in the morning! All platoons, set up trenches and guard posts. Anti-aircraft gunners, prepare for the fighters' sweep!" [i]Soon, more gunner nests and positions were set up as the Imperials drew closer.[/i] ((Gonna skip Char. She's fine rn, lol.))

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/27/2017 2:41:59 PM
    [spoiler]Gotcha fam.[/spoiler] The two Scout Troopers from before were sliced up from the machine gun fire, the third making a damn run for it, back through the woods and toward the Dojo via the woods. The First Imperial platoon opened fire on the nests, scattering into trenches and behind trees or other forms of cover. [url=]Imperial Shock Troopers[/url] fired their [url=]RT-97C Repeating Blasters[/url] and [url=]Smart Rockets[/url] straight toward the nests, some of the [url=]Imperial Jumptroopers[/url] daring to use their jump packs and jump over the rubble and straight into the Dojo, following the Imperials suit and attacking anybody that had a weapon on them. The TIEs made their way back around and opened fire, 12 Bombers and 20 or so TIE Fighters in total.

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  • "DOWN! NOW-" [i]Boom![/i] [i]Victoria's armored body collapsed to the ground, the TIE Fighter's beams rocking the earth next to her. She had to push herself up, her concentration kept in line due to the components within her helmet. She raised a man to his feet, before yelling orders over the chaos and firing at the enemy once she reached cover.[/i] [i]The anti-aircraft nests in the back would target the swooping Fighters as they came close, the massive rounds flying towards the incoming ships as they fired upon the new battlefield. The ground troops were either destroyed by the explosions, mowed down by blaster fire, or had set up a new perimeter, whilst more men had begun to mow down the Imperials from above. It was.. chaos, really.[/i]

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  • As she would've looked around, the Dojo's main defenses would've been activated, engaging with the TIEs above the skies of Tatakai, taking some of them down. Meanwhile, Imperial troopers who'd made it into the Dojo itself ducked behind any cover they could, throwing more thermal detonators toward the additional perimeter, as soldiers on the Imperial side continued to die off. Soon, two shuttles crash landed right in front of Victoria and her men. They had the Imperial symbol on them.

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  • "...Goddamnit, this is a trap." [i]Charlia muttered, looking outside at the newly arrived fleet that, supposedly, supported Korsis.[/i] "Get news to your leader. Korsis is a known supporter of the Dojo. [b]Go, damnit![/b]" [i]She had been compromised.[/i] ----------------------------- "Grenades up!" [i]Victoria yelled, as four men and women would throw grenades at the suddenly arrived shuttles. With the resounding explosion coating both a few Dojoites and Stormtroopers, some of the fighters charged right into combat as the Imperials drew close, blinded by debris, for the defenders of the Dojo specialized in melee combat.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/28/2017 12:53:08 PM
    “Yes ma’am.” The Stormtrooper yelled, opening up a hologram behind Charlia’s back. —�—�—�—�—�—� ([i]Wherever Vile’s place is at...)[/i] Katya was busy walking outside, not bothering to switch into her armor, two additional Death Troopers walkignwith her toward the outside of castle. She picked up her own hologram, looking toward the Stormtrooper. “Ma’am, we have reason to believe that an unidentified Empire have arrived; heavily armed and outnumber us, sir.” The trooper said. “Are there any of said Empire near any of our Destroyers?” Katya asked, taking a separate shuttle to where Charlia would be. “One, ma’am. Says he wishes to secure an alliance.” He says, giving the number of the shuttle. “Activate protocol 437. Destroy the airlocks, and suck anyone out into space.” Katya had told the trooper, the trooper being silent for a moment, before sighing and saying, “As you wish, my lady.” —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�- The hologram fizzled out, the Stormtrooper returning to Charlia. “It is done.” He simply states. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� ...the troopers that did survive were no match for the Dojoites, getting slaughtered by them. Despite that, however, one shuttle revealed a [url=]Imperial Melee Trooper [/url], which activated its shock Staff, and used its jump pack in an attempt to strike at Victoria from above all the wrecjage.

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  • "Thank you, Trooper. Return to your duties." [i]Charlia felt a little better about her current situation, though she was still worried about where the leaders of the Imperials where. She had no idea that their leader was, indeed, coming for her at that very moment..[/i] ------------------------------- [i]Whilst the Imperium mortars successfully blew apart more defenders rather than Imperials, Victoria was promptly sent flying back, groaning as her bones cracked from the pure impact. She stumbled upwards, regaining consciousness before raising up her Bolt Pistol and planting a shot into the flying Trooper.[/i] [i]As the shock spear fell, the Sororitas would quite literally tear the weapon from the earth, holstering her pistol. Through the chaos, she managed to activate the weapon, turning back towards the men and women of which had remained. It was quiet, as the Imperial assault had been repelled, before..[/i] "...[b]COME WITH ME, AND DEFEND THIS CITY[/b]!" [i]That was all that Victoria needed to roar, as the crowd began to cheer and begin their rallying charge: Victoria really didn't need a mortar to hit them again, and she figured that it wasn't a good idea.. but it boosted moral, and that's all that she needed.[/i] [i]Half of the men and women charged either amongst, ahead of, or behind their supposed leader, whilst the remaining soldiers would hold the defensive line. Some traversed through the buildings of Dojoville on the side - hopefully their rallying cry would bring some hope.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/29/2017 11:52:40 AM
    The sound of more TIE fighters were heard, as a shuttle was seen landing. “Holy crap.” One of the Imperial Stormtroopers had said, as the door opened, two Death Troopers marching their way out. Katya came out, looking around for where Charlia was. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� And it did. Immediately, the sound of fire came, as [url=]LAAT/i gunships [/url]fired at the Imperials from above, clones coming out the gunships and opening fire on the Imperials. “For the Dojo!” One screamed, firing his blaster toward the Imperials,taking out a couple before said clone was shot to death. One such gunship landed near Victoria, a sniper shot ringing out that landed straight behind Victoria, a Shadow Trooper with a Scorch mark straight toward his Head, as he collapsed.

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  • [i]Katya would find Charlia at the command deck, as the woman turned to find the newcomer. Internally, Charlia feared this.. though she had a plan.[/i] "Excuse me, for a moment." [i]The robed woman would mutter, turning towards Katya, simply.. studying her. A first impression was always important.[/i] ------------------------------- [i]Victoria would charge into battle, storming and slicing through the Stormtrooper ranks. While she did not recognize the sudden assisting forces, she continued her onslaught of Imperials anyway. A vicious decapitation there, a sudden pierce here.[/i]

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  • Well... [url=]Katya[/url] looked as if she were an Imperial-type person...except for two key distinctions. The first was that, despite wearing the colors of the type of badge or any symbol of the Imperials was around her outfit. The second difference was, she wasn't with a blaster. Instead, a [url=]metallic thing[/url] was attached to her waist, seemingly her weapon. What was it, was anyone's guess. "And you are?" She asks, hand over said unknown weapon. -------------------- Soon enough the clones went ahead of her, opening fire on the Imperials, which were quickly losing ground, as Velinnea ended up next to Victoria, firing off her dual WESTAR pistols toward any more long-range Imperials. "Nice to see you're alive." Was all she said, placing Vic's head down as she fired a few rounds toward a second Shadow Trooper to her left.

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  • [spoiler][url=]Ramin D. - You Win Or You Die[/url][/spoiler] "The only one that's doing anything with your army and men. Did you just realize that hundreds of brave Stormtroopers are dying? Or are you too busy suсkling the Dojo's brеаsts, searching for a peace treaty?" [i]Charlia's voice took on a deadly seriousness, almost an.. anger. She didn't recognize the hilt at all, though she made a guess about it being a plasma weapon of some sorts.[/i] "If you don't mind, I now have [i]three[/i] enemies to adapt to. Your assistance would be an insurmountable help at the moment. I need an artillery strike on the engaging Dojo troops. Send in TIE Fighters to clear out the stragglers, alongside anti-aircraft munitions to take down these new ships." ------------------------------- "Your people, right?" [i]Victoria yelled over the chaos of blasters and explosions, a red bolt suddenly burning through her right shoulder. She cried out, halting behind cover as she laid down the spear and returned fire with her Bolter.[/i] "Too chaotic out here - Vel, might want to get down.."

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