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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/27/2017 12:59:13 AM
[i]"War on All Fronts"[/i] Dojoville would be the center of all war at the current moment. Well, so would the Dojo, but that wasn't really the point. Nonetheless, [url=]TIE Bombers[/url] and [url=]TIE Fighters[/url] began to litter the Dojo, firing their shots toward the pathways toward the Dojo, effectively planning to block off access to the outside. A massive platoon of various Imperial troopers were on their way there...and they were armed and ready, as they landed in the Dojo with their shuttles,firing their various weapons toward anyone that looked like they had a weapon; and used any civilian as a potential meat shield. [spoiler]Open to everyone here. Go wild.[/spoiler] ----------------- A sniper shot rang out, missing Victoria, as the Scout Troopers from before slapping their foreheads at their missed shot. Stormtroopers surrounded Charlia and Gurven, as the Imperial trooper went over the plan again, mentioning that the advanced fleet would test their defenses, and that those that were landing would provide additional covering fire for the shuttles to land, and to distract the towers. [spoiler]Open to Orn, only here.[/spoiler] ----------------------- [spoiler]Time skipping here, JT.[/spoiler] [i](25 miles W from Dojo, 5000 ft above ground level)[/i] JT's ship, along with various other mercenary ships would've been slowly making their way toward the [url=]Star Destroyer[/url] [i]Belligerence[/i], its cannons beginning to fire. "Hold on!" Shila had shouted, as she began to pilot around the massive fighting happening in the skies. [spoiler]Open to JT, here.[/spoiler] ------------------ [spoiler]Just reply here Vile. Open for you only, here.[/spoiler] Kiyala was...well, looking at him, almost in a...was it a seductive way? It seemed like while a massive fight was happening at the Dojo, the two leaders were having a peaceful dinner with their leader, seemingly in some fancy setting. ------------ [spoiler]Timeskipping you a bit as well, Arbiter. Open to you only here.[/spoiler] Korsis would've no longer been on the [i]Belligerence[/i], but in a shuttle, piloting for space. It seemed that they were going up to a second Star Destroyer to go see the actual leader, the officer from before touring him the Star Destroyer before leaving to avoid them being in the crossfire at the Dojo. --------------- [spoiler]And open to you only here, Jen. [/spoiler] Athena's Interceptor would've driven here straight toward the Dojo, where everything was literally going to hell. She would have to land at the Dojo, being in one of the Imperial Interceptors allowing the enemy to be thrown off that she was on their side.

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  • He turned towards the navigation computer and pushed the pilot out of his chair. "I was only an apprentice when I first saw this kind computer. Now, it's considered outdated, but I'm still an ace with it." Korsis smirked and flew directly towards the pilot's intended location- the General's Star Destroyer. Already, his Dreadnought and the five Executors were shifting to take aim at the aforementioned Star Destroyer. Kilometers away, the dying trooper remembered the silver device he had seen in Korsis's hand. It had been a transponder of sorts... Damn the trooper's stupidity. Suddenly, Korsis was struck with a strange sense of fear. Someone else was on that ship. Someone far more powerful than him.

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  • ...unfortunately, he couldn’t always use the force to get his way out of these types of situations. The shuttle completely shut down, as it flew backwards, the two Star Destroyers seemingly not firing at him at all. Clearly, the Force couldn’t be used to recharge an Imperial shuttle.

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  • "Damnit. -blam!-ing computers." He needed to return to Tatakai anyways; he had someone that he needed to talk with.

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  • The shuttle proceeded to drop similar to a meteor on to the ground , crashing somewhere near the Dojo itself, the roaring sound of TIEs being heard near his position, and the roaring sound of cries, and blasted fire.

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  • Korsis climbed out of the ship, his robes dirtied and the edges torn. He was angry to say the least. "Imperial Executor [i]Deliverance[/i], enter atmosphere near the site of the enemy invasion and launch a shuttle of troopers to my locations as soon as possible. All other ships... hold your fire on the enemy until I give the word." Korsis then hailed the [i]Belligerence[/i] with his own personal hologram projector. "Kiyala or whatever the hell your name is, get your ships out. Of. My. System. Now." He ended the transmission and looked to the source of the noise.

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  • They didn’t budge...because the two leaders currently weren’t on any of the Star Destroyers at that current time. The shuttle kept plummeting to the ground, almost like a meteor, straight through Tatakai’s orbit.

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  • Korsis, being the badass that he was, was prepared for this. As he reached the ground, he used the Force to slow his descent until he landed, feet first, on the ground. He was aiming to fall in the village that was currently being assaulted, and had succeeded. He ignited his sabers and made his way to the main battle.

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  • ...That village happened to be near the Dojo, various numbers of Imperials setting the place ablaze, some thronging and opening fire.

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  • Korsis was in BattleMode™. In a flurry of slashes and lightning, Korsis spun and twisted to cut down every Imperial he could see- except for whom he made out to be the commanding officer of the slaughtered squad. "You. Come here."

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  • It happened to be an Imperial Stormtrooper, who was slowly scared as he walked over to Korsis.

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  • Korsis turned to face the trooper, his blind eyes somehow glowing a faint yellow. "Trooper. What is the motto of your Empire, and what is your mission on this planet?"

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  • Considering it was out of fear, the Stormtrooper stood up and stuttered, "To bring order to the galaxy, through any means necessary, sir. Our mission on this planet was to recreate the Empire after the death of one Grand Admiral Thrawn, sir!" He yells.

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  • "Grand Admiral Thrawn... I've heard the legends about him, supposedly the best strategist the galaxy has ever seen. Trooper, turn around for me."

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  • He did so, promptly, though it was out of fear. Clearly, he was scared for what Korsis would do to him.

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  • Of course, the dojo defenses were ready for something like this. The 150 or so mac cannons swiveled their barrels towards the incoming Star fighters, unleashing volleys of large rounds to destroy their attackers.

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  • Some blew up, others firing their torpedos toward their defenses, as the Bombers also bonged the Dojo once more, more of them blowing up in the process.

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  • A dozen of the MAC cannons went down, along with some parts of the dojo roof itself. However the gates, the only "true" way of getting into the dojo held steadfast, protected by magic from hundred of mages that had passed through those doors. The MAC cannons were quick to reload, continuing their assault on the ships that were flying overhead.

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  • They took down another two TIE fighters...although the sound of more were on their way, twelve more TIEs joining the already existing 30 TIE’s, all of them aiming toward the MACs...which meant the cannons had overhead attention from the Dojo itself to the anti-air defenses.

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  • 138 Mac Cannons remained, going up against 42 TIE Ships. The bombing run took down two and a half dozen of the cannons, leaving only 108 to face off against the fighters. The cannons vastly out numbered the Fighters, so half of the cannons fired off rounds towards the fighters, sending a volley of 54 MAC rounds against them.

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  • The remaining least for the most part SEEMED destroyed. And then, torpedos hit 4 more MACs. Multiple Imperial Interceptors declaimed turning back around to fire on the MAC cannons once again.

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  • As the first 54 reloaded their guns, the now remaining 50 quickly opened fire on the interceptors, until something happened. At other end of the system, a dozen [url=]Rebel Alliance Ships[/url] broke out of Hyperspace.

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  • [b][i]BOI[/i][/b]

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  • The Interceptors’s numbers were quickly cut in half, the rest going back to regroup with other fighters. “Sir, we’ve got Rebels incoming!” One of the pilots of the Interceptor yelled, a couple TIEs daring to make their way toward the Rebel ships.

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  • The ships were still a good ways away, so it would take a while for the simple interceptors to arrive. However, a few X-wings were deployed, engaging in a dog fight with the Imperial forces that were on their way.

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/29/2017 11:39:14 AM
    The dogfight would’ve happened, the Imperial Interceptors being backed up by TIE Fighters and Bombers, some of which diverted from the Dojo to engage the X-Wings.

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