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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/27/2017 12:59:13 AM
[i]"War on All Fronts"[/i] Dojoville would be the center of all war at the current moment. Well, so would the Dojo, but that wasn't really the point. Nonetheless, [url=]TIE Bombers[/url] and [url=]TIE Fighters[/url] began to litter the Dojo, firing their shots toward the pathways toward the Dojo, effectively planning to block off access to the outside. A massive platoon of various Imperial troopers were on their way there...and they were armed and ready, as they landed in the Dojo with their shuttles,firing their various weapons toward anyone that looked like they had a weapon; and used any civilian as a potential meat shield. [spoiler]Open to everyone here. Go wild.[/spoiler] ----------------- A sniper shot rang out, missing Victoria, as the Scout Troopers from before slapping their foreheads at their missed shot. Stormtroopers surrounded Charlia and Gurven, as the Imperial trooper went over the plan again, mentioning that the advanced fleet would test their defenses, and that those that were landing would provide additional covering fire for the shuttles to land, and to distract the towers. [spoiler]Open to Orn, only here.[/spoiler] ----------------------- [spoiler]Time skipping here, JT.[/spoiler] [i](25 miles W from Dojo, 5000 ft above ground level)[/i] JT's ship, along with various other mercenary ships would've been slowly making their way toward the [url=]Star Destroyer[/url] [i]Belligerence[/i], its cannons beginning to fire. "Hold on!" Shila had shouted, as she began to pilot around the massive fighting happening in the skies. [spoiler]Open to JT, here.[/spoiler] ------------------ [spoiler]Just reply here Vile. Open for you only, here.[/spoiler] Kiyala was...well, looking at him, almost in a...was it a seductive way? It seemed like while a massive fight was happening at the Dojo, the two leaders were having a peaceful dinner with their leader, seemingly in some fancy setting. ------------ [spoiler]Timeskipping you a bit as well, Arbiter. Open to you only here.[/spoiler] Korsis would've no longer been on the [i]Belligerence[/i], but in a shuttle, piloting for space. It seemed that they were going up to a second Star Destroyer to go see the actual leader, the officer from before touring him the Star Destroyer before leaving to avoid them being in the crossfire at the Dojo. --------------- [spoiler]And open to you only here, Jen. [/spoiler] Athena's Interceptor would've driven here straight toward the Dojo, where everything was literally going to hell. She would have to land at the Dojo, being in one of the Imperial Interceptors allowing the enemy to be thrown off that she was on their side.

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  • [spoiler]So do I.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Good. Then we shall be ready when the time comes.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Lit.[/spoiler]

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  • Taking her chances, she used her false guise to take down as much as she could before clearing the area, landing hopefully intact out of the way to get on the ground.

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  • She took down a few fighters, as she landed near the Dojo, Fighters being shot down by MAC cannons overhead. The sound of troopers running was evident, as she would’ve seen some Stormtroopers running in the direction of the Dojo.

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  • Glancing in that direction, she let them be, deciding she would get up high first, get a good view of what was going on.

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  • That would happen to be a massive tree, as the sounds of other TIEs and cannons were heard, the sun gleaming into the forest where she was at below.

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 9/28/2017 1:13:17 PM
    "[i]Lord-Captain Gilliam, we just recieved news from the artillery squad.[/i]" "Yes? Well, what is it?" "[i]They have been placed as you said, along with the flakk cannons. Those.....deрlorables shall feel the fury of the emperor. But do you believe it is wise to attack a mountain.....with artillery?[/i]" "Yes, I am sure of it. We need only to merely take out them without wasting any of the [b]Emperor's Currency[/b]." "[i]As you wish.[/i]" [i]The Dojo Woods, certainly more than a few kilometers away.[/i] "[b]This is Lambert Squad A7 reporting in! We have just set up the artillery cannons and flakk guns! We have the cover of the woods, so the enemy cannot see us, it's your call commander![/b]" [i]The lieutenant had said, sitting in a set up tent for communications. He recieved a response from the Arch-Militant, who was currently watching the probe footage from the Fortress.[/i] "[i]I see enemy hostiles Lieutenant, one of the priests will guide you to the area. It seems to be a....platoon. Aim for the village and that stairway, cut them off from leaving![/i]" [i]He barked over the comms, in which the lieutenant got out from the tent and yelled.[/i] "[b]AIM FOR THE VILLAGE AND STAIRCASE![/b]" [i]Thus, the Earthshaker cannons, 3 of them, swiveled to aim for dojoville and the dojo itself. At least, the dojo was mistaken for the village as well. Earthshaker rounds, massive artillery shells one would only imagine could exist were loaded into the cannons via Trojan support vehicles.[/i] "[b][i]SHATTER. THEIR. SKIES![/i][/b]" [i]The rounds shot off with a deafening boom heard for miles, the artillery shells impacting at 3 spots. The first round impacted in dojoville, the large 137mm round had created a crater annihilated anything within its radius. After 19 more seconds the second round hit the stairway, obliterating it into chunks and into that already familiar crater with a second deafening boom. It had cut off the storm troopers way to exit the dojo on foot. The third and final round, with a 7 charge round, impacted within the dojo. In the courtyard in which the stormtroopers were moving through, turning them into a paint as said courtyard was promptly.....ruined to say the least.[/i]

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  • They were down...didn’t stop the fighters, or the additional platoons heading in the Dojo’s way. Soon, a sniper shot rang near Lambert’s position, as some Stormtroopers and Scout Troopers had begun firing on them as well.

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 9/28/2017 10:20:21 PM
    "[b]SNIPER!"[/b] [i]The Lieutenant shouted as one of the artillery crewmen fell, one of the Hydra flakk anti-air tanks being repurposed as they pointed in the general direction of the sniper fire. Needless to say the forest was was in shreds as trees fell on storm and scout troopers alike due to the heavy fire from a weapon designed to take down aircraft. Nonetheless the artillery crews stopped what they were doing and grabbed their Lasguns, similar to what a trooper would use in a sense. They grouped up as the Trojan Support Vehicles grouped up to create cover.[/i] "[b]I want somebody to get the Arch-Militant on the line now! Tell him we need reinforcements![/b]" [i]Thus a stray guardsman, barely an adult scrambled towards the comms tent and voxed him.[/i] "WE NEED REINFORCEMENTS! THEY HAVE US SURROUNDED!" "[i]Emperor Dammit! Okay! You've got them! Just Hold the Line![/i]"

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  • The Stormtroopers and Scouts that were left after the complete obliteration of the forest, ran into whatever cover they could, firing their weapons toward the soldiers, soem of them throwing grenades in the direction of those people, intend on killing them.

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  • [spoiler]First situation, for Ian.[/spoiler] Ian laughed as silver-colored wings tore through the shoulders of his shirt and spread to a span of over 10 feet. His rapier-broadsword was ready, as well as the laser pistol at his hip. His magic was, obviously, working perfectly. He was ready for a fight that might just cost him his life for the third time this year. [spoiler]Damn, it feels good to use Old Style Ian again.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]K.[/spoiler] Imperial shuttled landed, Stormtroopers opening fire on Ian, one Ben daring to attempt to fire a Smart Rocket straight toward him. Scout Troopers who had gotten into a couple of the roofs, opened fire on Ian with their T21b s.

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  • Ian blocked the laser fire with his wings and slowly and deliberately strode towards the Stormtroopers. He drew his rapier and laughed. "Run."

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  • Some did indeed made a run for it, firing back. Other stood there, firing their blasters toward Ian.

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  • Ian simply shook his head. "A damned shame. I wanted to have fun." Ian rushed forwards to stab his rapier through the chest of a trooper before spinning and decapitating a line of troopers with a slash of his wings. He turned his attention to the runners, a viscous grin upon his face.

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  • Some ran back, an AT-ST coming in with additional troopers, the ATST firing multiple numbers of rocket and grenade fire toward Ian, the Stormtroopers firing their Ion Launchers in Ian’s direction.

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  • "-blam!-." Ian dodged out of the way of the missiles and tapped a button on his sword, causing it to expand into a broadsword. "Shit."

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  • The Troopers kept firing at him, the AT-ST firing a few explosive shots in Ian’s direction.

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  • "Trooper, I must ask you, who is the suspected leader of this rebellion you so ferociously hunt?" Korsis was tapping his foot to the beat of mOBSCENE, by Marilyn Manson. Fitting.

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  • "That's what we're trying to find out. We have reason to believe that the leader, whomever he or she may be, is hiding in this 'Dojo' that one of natives had mentioned. The [i]Belligerence[/i] said they were heading there an hour ago, but they had no word on anything else since then. " the Imperial officer told him, a small bump rocking the ship a tiny bit.

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  • "They're probably dead. The Dojo is heavily armed and armored with some of the best warriors the galaxy has ever seen. But with my help, they will be reduced to ash." At that moment, a Dreadnought-class Star Destroyer exited hyperspace, escorted by five Executor-class Destroyers as well. The hyperspace exit nearly ruptured the hulls of the nearby I-2 Destroyers. Korsis's main ships were here in the Tatakai system, a right reserved for systems about to be conquered or obliterated. The Dojo, at that moment, had three choices. They could surrender now, and be subjugated to the Empire's rule. They could fight, and be conquered still. Or, Korsis could order a firing of the God-Killer, an orbital station much like the Death Star, but ten times bigger and more powerful, with which the Dojo and it's planet would be turned to dust.

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  • “I believe that won’t be necessary; clearly, conquering the Dojo should be more of a advantage than simply blowing up the area, wouldn’t you think?” The Imperial Trooper told Korsis, before a trooper walked to the shuttle, and opened the doors...even though they just past through the atmosphere, and into space. “Trooper what the hell are you...” the Imperial officer began to say, before pretty much everyone, including Korsis was sucked out of the shuttle, ejected into the coldness of space, as the various troopers who were on the shuttle began suffocating from a lack of oxygen.

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  • Korsis's instincts kicked in, as he reached out with the Force to pull the shuttle towards him and the other troopers. Was one of the troopers on that shuttle a spy? Was there actually a rebellion on Tatakai? These thoughts raced through his mind as he approached the open door of the shuttle, or rather, the shuttle approached him. As soon as he was inside, he slammed the doors shut. "F--blam!-ing Imperials." He broke into a coughing fit for a solid 15 seconds before regaining his composure and approaching the cockpit.

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  • The pilot was dead... Clearly, no matter who’s allegiance the Imperials on that ship were (whether they sympathized with Korsis’s cause or not) were dead. Clearly, it would already be too risky to either jump into hyperspace or go to the Destroyers without being blown to pieces and being torn apart. The best idea would’ve been to either land on Tatakai itself, or go back to his own ship...

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