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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/27/2017 12:16:39 AM
[b]Life was, at best, a very uncertain thing. There were natural things that could take you out at a moment's notice, such as disease or natural disaster. Then there were other people that could cause results much worse. Some of them were predictable; others... not so much. That element of unpredictability made them very dangerous. The Dojo had its fair share of people, some of which were less than pleasant to meet. Among them, there were a few that stuck out as particularly distasteful. For most, merely meeting someone such as Lyra or her compatriots was more than enough to cement her as the last person they ever wished to see again. She was the type who would be just as likely to congratulate you for starting a brawl as she would be to blow your head off for said brawl inconveniencing her. Currently, Lyra sitting at the bar, getting a much needed drink. When she was halfway done with her third glass, some guy decided to sit down beside her- most likely in an attempt to flirt with her or something. She didn't want to bother finding out.[/b] "Alright, you fućk, I'm not in the mood for this so I'm gonna make it simple: I don't give a shit what you have to say. You've got one chance to fućk off." [b]She didn't even bother looking at him, instead staring at her glass.[/b] "[u]Damn. You this hostile to every-[/u]" [b]He was cut off by a knife implanting itself in his thigh. He screamed in agony, attempting to stand up.[/b] "[u]You... BITCH[/u]!" [b]He reached into his coat, most likely going for a gun. He never got the chance, as another knife severed his hand, then his head.[/b] "Anyone else?" [b]Dead silence.[/b] "No? Thank you." [spoiler]Open. Fight. Talk. Do whatever. Idgaf. Just reply.[/spoiler]

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  • "Damn, that's hot...." Bedlam stood up and began to walk over, straightening up his short black hair with a small flick of the wrist. He wasn't wearing anything too special, but the moment he sat down beside her his bland clothes turned into expensive dress clothes; a black button up shirt, a red and gold vest, black dress pants with a black leather belt, and matching black shoes. His scarlet colored eyes looked over at the girl, despite his edgy red and black colorscheme, the guy had a happy and friendly looking expression. "Gotta love guys that think a lone girl at a bar means the girl wants to be flirted with."

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  • "...please don't tell me you're just saying that so you can try to swoop in or some shit."

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  • "Of course I am, but not until after I buy you a drink while trying to continue to put up this dumb act that I'm a nice guy when really I'm just trying to get laid." Bedlam shrugged.

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  • "Hm... Well, sorry to shatter your hopes, but you're barking up the wrong tree."

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  • "That's when I call you a b*tch and complain how woman don't like nice guys like me or something." He gestured for a drink from the bartender.

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  • "Don't get me wrong, you seem interesting and all, but you aren't exactly my type. [i]Men[/i] in general aren't my type."

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  • "Yeah I know, I caught the last hint. I'm not a girl by birth and transforming into one with my power is...uncomfortable, so nothing like that'll happen. That doesn't mean I can't be a friend though."

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  • "True." [b]She took a drink.[/b] "So, what's your name?:

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  • "Bedlam." He drank as well. "You?"

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  • "Lyra."

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  • "Do you get those kinds of guys often?...Do you usually cut their head off or is that a rarity?"

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  • "I get at least one dumbfućk every time I try to get a drink. As for cutting heads off, I [i]was[/i] content with just letting him walk out with a knife in his leg. But he decided to draw a gun and I [i]really[/i] don't need a hole in my head. I'd think my general demeanor, the Deagles strapped to my hips, and the fact my hair and eyes both are the color of blood would get the message of 'you better listen to what I say' across, but I guess not."

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  • "Yeah, people around here seem to never feel threatened and always think they're the top dog. It's kinda funny and sad how cocky most people are."

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  • "A-fućking-men to that. If you're gonna do shit, you better have a way to back it up. He had nothing. As for me, I'd say a .75 Cal sniper, a coilgun, two .75 Cal Desert Eagles, two plasma-edged knives, electrokinesis, super speed, and a full suit of graphene armor are more than enough."

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  • Bedlam's eyes widened a lil bit from shock. "Damn, girl! That's basically overkill at that point. All I've got is an unreliable ability to manipulate chaos energy. I'm lucky if it even works at all at this point...."

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  • "Overkill? Maybe a little. But when you've got fućks like JT running around here, it's far from overkill."

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  • "That's also a good point. Maybe I should get an arsenal as well. I'd rather mot look at one of these *ssholes the wrong way and have them kill me just because."

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  • "A wise idea..."

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  • "Or I could just keep living with the thrill of being a smart*ss c**t and hope for the best."

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  • "Smartass ćunt? Guess we're one and the same."

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  • Shit, I need this man in my life.

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  • Lmfao. No. This guy sucks.

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  • He seems lit as hell, tho.

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  • I mean, I guess?

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  • [i]From some in the back part the bar sat two indivdauls siblings clearly as they shared a lot the same features. One was just a little taller than the other although they we're both pretty tall already as they were giants a man and a woman. The woman had strawberry blonde hair pulled into a long braid, lightly tanned skin peppered with freckles and sea blue eyes. She stood at 8'9" in height. The man had fiery red haie and a bushy beard to match. He was a literal mountain of a man as he was built like a linebacker and stood about 10'9". He was sitting next to his little sister trying his hardest not to laugh as he had seen the whole thing so did his sister. He found slightly amusing what happened to the man.[/i]

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