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Edited by Lord-Heir: 9/26/2017 11:15:46 PM

Static Gun Rolls Killed Playability

I can't be the only one who thinks getting a perfect roll or constantly trying to was one of the main aspects of the original and had us coming back for more? Now I see everything for what it really is.. reskinned and recolored with no real differences. Levelling my guns to get a feel for them and unlocking the perks that felt signifcant were a huge part of the experience and without that it feels very empty.. It's kind of sad and since it is this way I don't see any 'U turn' coming any time soon on that route. Edit: I'm definitely leaning more towards the randomization of perks or the addition of a way to customize the perks, and not the levelling of guns itself. It was something I felt needed brought up in relation to guns in the original.

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  • I actually liked the weapon system in defiance or warframe, using mods to turn base weapons and character abilities into custom tools that match your play style. Couldn't stand the random perks in destiny. A weapon you liked using could be near worthless if a subpar weapon in your inventory had better or even half decent perks (pulse rifle with shank burn vs a deal breaker with high caliber rounds and multiple range and stability buffing perks). An armor piece with ability stats you liked could often be paired with perks you didn't (more melee damage to fallen leaders vs faster grenade charge on melee kills). There was no attachment to your gear in destiny beyond cosmetic appeal, all of it ready to be scrapped and replaced without consequence or second thought. The exact opposite of warframe where you constantly upgrade mods and slate weapons to incrementally build up their mod capacity, or defiance where weapons and gear you truly liked could be modded and altered without fear as you upgrade their level to progress with you until you decide to remove the mods and put them on something you deem more worthwhile. I was glad to see the random perks go, but doubted that the mod system would work in a game that seems to focus on limiting the power of a player's character. It would seem that's the case, with mods dropping infrequently with little to offer beyond a slight boost to light level. That's not a mod, it's a power pellet.

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  • Edited by GalaxySpider: 9/26/2017 1:11:15 PM
    People hated the RNG in D1 and the weapon rolls introduced several problems as well. Many pointless perks just to fill RNG generator, so you most of the time ended up with NOT getting what you wanted in the first place. In D2 the weapons have an "identity" and Trials and Raid themed guns even have a unique perk which are really useful and fun (slide to reload for Trials guns/increased mag size for rapid kills for the Raid weapons). If people think this is a problem then it was a problem in D1 as well because you auto deleted every gun for two reasons: a) it didn't had that specific god roll b) you sharded the gun because you already have the god roll I'm pleased with the current system and so far I haven't seen a single pointless or nonsense perk on the guns (like exhumed). I would love to see more mods for the energy and kinetic weapons though because this would make everything a bit more interesting and personal.

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    4 Replies
    • I want my mid ROF Hakke AR with counter balance and high caliber rounds

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    • When shit rarely drops anyway this is a terrible idea. Rng to get weapon then rng 3 more times to get the right perks. I hated that shit so much

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      • I get the part about removing levelling up guns takes away some of the fun of D1 but honestly I think having two primary slots and not being able to infuse all primaries into all primaries is ruining it more than the RNG rolls. The least they could do it let you infuse all kinetics into kinetics, etc. I just want to infuse my shitty exotic pistol into an autorifle or submachine gun but nooooooooo

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        2 Replies
        • I was initially all for fixed rolls to make the playing field fair, and gun skill to rule. But I have to agree with you I loved farming perfect grasps and loops also enjoyed the Omnigul strike. Even if any of the new guns were rng rolls, the guns just don’t feel good in a way the imago, grasp, fate bringer felt last one being raid specific, but they feel good they make a good sound and well I could go on.

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        • I miss the hunt for THAT gun. Like I would grind the hell out of crucible to get the perfectly rolled Red Spectre or grind to get the perfectly rolled eysaluna but now it's just like, oh I've got that gun... it's boring af, mainly with the low weapon count in the game.

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        • Nah, see, you're eating your memberberries. Never once, throughout all of Destiny 1 did I see a post or hear a person say, "Man, I sure do love getting awesome guns with garbage perks." I understand not being satisfied with the [i]new[/i] system but I don't agree that the answer is to go in reverse..

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          2 Replies
          • Edit. "Static gun rolls killed playability for me" I fixed it for you.

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          • If anything, I actually quite like it. No longer do I have to worry about "oh is this the best stat roll I can get or should I go for another 3 hours of the same thing to see if I can do better?" But then again I'm a casual scrub so who cares? And also if a particular weapon is op then bungie can go in an edit that one weapon to make it fit better than have to blitz the whole weapon archetype...

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          • Edited by Psyggie: 9/26/2017 11:25:15 AM
            Not for me, I love it! No more stupid grind. [spoiler]Also Your characters are hidden and your clan is 6 days old with 4 people lol[/spoiler]

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          • I miss when legendary weapons had 2 perks.

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          • Actually, we should be able to just use mods to build god rolls.

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          • What about the abysmal loot from the raid? Wow, that stuff is bad.

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          • Maybe if there were semi-static rolls, such as a gun having 3 possible perksets, and each one would modify how the weapon was meant to be used. Example: Tone Patrol- Set 1: perks a+b+c+intrinsic Set 2: perks d+e+f +intrinsic Set 3: perks g+h+i+intrinsic The perk set would be determined upon getting the weapon, and it would not be changeable, other than going to the gunsmith and using some new material yet to be introduced (maybe like legendary Glass Needles, which cost 50k glimmer a piece, or very rarely, finding them after the raid.)

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          • The whole "reskinned" guns things doesn't have much merit as a knock against Bungie. There are only so many weapon types and archetypes. So yes, several guns feel like old guns, because they are the same archetype . Does that mean the Lincoln Green is a reskin of the Clever Dragon. No, they're both just high RoF pulse rifles. There are plenty of things to criticize Bungie for, but his isn't really one

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          • i actually hated trying to get the perfect God roll on weapons. Or having to check the forums to see what weapon from the gun smith was the best gun to buy that week

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          • Honestly I don't mind static gun rolls. It evens the playing field a bit for most people but the thing that irks me is static armor rolls. Why. WHY was it necessary to make it to where armor has set perks that are unchangeable when the LOOK of the armor is why most people use it? As someone who mains a hunter it's especially painful because MOBILITY. IS. UNAVOIDABLE. I don't want mobility on my armor plain and simple. It doesn't make any noticeable difference and I'd rather have more recovery and resilience, but no. I dont get the option. Why shouldnt i be able to use the stats i want on a certain armor piece?? Why am i forced into having 4 to 5 mobility no matter what of my favorite looks i use and it wouldnt be such an issue except, with 4 to 5 if it im limited to having either recovery. Resilience. Or a balance of the 3 (5 Mob, 5 Res, 5 Recov) that gives me NO NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER. I don't get the choice because of how much they limited customization in this game. And it's not only the armor and weapons Oh no. The subclasses suffered greatly too. Not only were most of the perks "streamlined" into 2 trees that most of the time pair up perks you want with others you don't. But. We're limited to one of 2 choices. It's absolutely pathetic how bare minimum the freaking customization is in D2 and honestly I want intellect, discipline, and strength back along with my d1 perk trees that I can actually CUSTOMIZE. Honestly I don't see how luke smith thought some of these decisions were good for this game at all. It's almost like he wants us all to just be forced into using the crap we hate and never used because of that fact. -rant over.

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            3 Replies
            • I remember when everyone was blowing through motes of light to get shot package on shotguns and concentrated fire on autos with mid impact and medium rate of fire. those were the days.

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              • Edited by ZyloWolfBane: 9/26/2017 4:03:32 AM
                Not having static rolls certainly would've kept me playing longer, but it wouldn't have made it any more enjoyable for existing. My whole thing was before D2 released that if this was the road they were planning to take then there should've been 200 times more pieces of gear to find to facilitate a level of progression that random loot rolls used to provide. I would argue now we ended up with less gear, and zero reason to farm for anything once we found what we prefer to use, or in the case of [i]this[/i] community what THEY think we should be using at all times. Really don't see how this has helped us.

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                • How many times did you bitch about the grind of not getting the god roll you were looking for in Destiny 1??

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                  7 Replies
                  • I don’t even give a shit About the period anymore

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                  • I really hate to say it but it's true. Hunting for a really good roll when most of them were garbage? Not fun. Every single roll being the same thing, meaning I don't even need to /look/ before I burn something for upgrade fuel? Less fun. A lot less fun. It would be one thing if every weapon was carefully balanced to fit certain roles and playstyles. Thay haven't been... You have the gear that works, and then you have everything else. For PVP you have to use what works or else you're going to get stomped. For PVE? Well. For PVE, using an aggressive, max impact rifle, produces the same exact result, as using a low power rifle. "Double tap, move on to the next add, double tap, move on to the next...."

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                  • That's why Destiny is bs and Warframe rules. Warframe has weapons you train and who have mod slots you can fill with mods that come in different qualities and tons of variability. You can fuse mods to make them higher quality or sell the trash you don't need or give them to your clan members who are just starting. You can order and search your mods! Destinys "glorious new" mod system is a bad joke compared to that. Warframe is soooo much better, it boggles the mind. Destiny has fancy graphics, interesting raids and nice enemy models, but the game is still trash. I should have bought a Prime Warframe instead of this bs.

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                    • Killing? Destroyed it. That and the changes to crucible were awful and completely idiotic.

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                      2 Replies
                      • We should be able to build perks as mods for the weapon. A "kinetic" mod isn't a mod... it's the ammunition used. Going into vanilla D1, I had thought that we really would have been able to craft our weapons. Was let down, but accepted the random rolls on the weapons. Now, I feel that once you run the raid a few times, you're already tired of the exploring world's, and PvP becomes stale... it's hard to keep interested because there isn't much weapon variety to spice things up. Different weapon builds on the same frame can have very different feelings. Many of the D2 weapons I find worthless. Only a handful are worth using, and almost everyone is using the same ones. 98% of people use the same weapon, is not because that one is amazing, it's because the rest aren't good enough and can't be made better with different rolls.

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