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Edited by Lord-Heir: 9/26/2017 11:15:46 PM

Static Gun Rolls Killed Playability

I can't be the only one who thinks getting a perfect roll or constantly trying to was one of the main aspects of the original and had us coming back for more? Now I see everything for what it really is.. reskinned and recolored with no real differences. Levelling my guns to get a feel for them and unlocking the perks that felt signifcant were a huge part of the experience and without that it feels very empty.. It's kind of sad and since it is this way I don't see any 'U turn' coming any time soon on that route. Edit: I'm definitely leaning more towards the randomization of perks or the addition of a way to customize the perks, and not the levelling of guns itself. It was something I felt needed brought up in relation to guns in the original.

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  • Naw it brought back the thrill of the drop. Similar to HoW. When u see something drop you know what ur getting like back then u knew the potential of what u were getting. At the tail end of D1 drops we're lackluster. Sure something would drop but there was no reason to get hyped until u checked perks. And in the end the resetting vendors kinda killed what ur remembering anyways

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  • Edited by [SiN]大き氷: 9/27/2017 1:34:22 AM
    I can say with certainty that any sort of RNG in the game is not a reason that I bother to play. I am not saying there should be zero RNG in the game. Though I will say RNG should not hinder the player in terms of capability or in other words it shouldn't gate progression. Player ability is what should gate progression, and that should be the end of it. It is an action game and the systems in it should be supporting that more than anything.

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    3 Replies
    • Never understood the idea that leveling guns was something people enjoyed. For me it was something I did in half a minute, burning motes of light as fast as I could. Don't make it sound like you were eating fine cheese and sipping wine, no one ever unlocked a single perk at a time and very carefully and slowly tested it out, savoring every moment. We all knew what the perks were, we knew [i]at a glance[/i] what was shit and what was good. You got a gun, you speed leveled it and started using it, that was it. Destiny 2 just needs more guns. Plain and simple. No one would be complaining about random rolls if there were simply more guns to chase.

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    • The only way static gun rolls would be good was if the weapon poll was increased exponentially and the pre existing guns didn't feel so weak

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    • Edited by aslancat: 9/26/2017 5:46:44 PM
      I was just thinking about this last night. I remember the never ending grinding trying to get that perfect roll. Even though the rolls were up to chance, at some point you could get the perks YOU like and find most beneficial for your play style. Now I'm a bit disappointed knowing I will never be able to get 3rd eye on certain weapons, or any other specific perk I liked on particular weapons, all because Bungie decided on specific static perks for each weapon. So..... no matter how many Uriel's Gift auto rifles I have, they will all function the same, and the only reason I should ever be glad to get another one is so that I can have one in all elemental flavors. Also.... I think it was a mistake to combine what was previously the secondary and heavy into one new "power" weapon category. No wonder I've been feeling like I'm getting so many drops and decrypts for power weapons. Because I am!! And with all the different weapons now in that category, my load out is always full of power weapons. If I missed something and have to pick it up at the's a power weapon. Decrypt that engram.....power weapon. Open my vault.....full of.....power weapons. Now, if I could only get a rocket launcher with a lock on target perk, but I haven't seen one so far, so maybe Bungie did away with that perk! ugh!

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      4 Replies
      • Agreed.

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      • yeah its was good, but i'd rather have guns that require no levelling and everyone on a skill based playing field. I did enjoy gettign a good roll to get an 'advantage' in pvp. Now its just weapon choice.

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      • my problem currently is i want a kinetic pulse but theres not a single one i like, besides probably the osiris pulse (which ofc. doesnt drop. the game thinks 6 sunshots, 4 sunbreaker chest pieces, 9 mask of the quiet one and gauntlets are the only thing i need) kinda bad that theres barely any variety. even if we get rng rolls back, theres still no pulse i would use aside maybe the one from edz. they should have more new guns with the faction stuff.

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        8 Replies
        • I'm still trying to find guns I like. So it hasn't killed playability just yet. So far I've got: Primary sidearm Primary auto 2 primary scouts Primary handcannon Secondary smg Secondary sidearm 2-3 secondary scouts Secondary auto rifle 2 heavy snipers 2 heavy fusions 1 rocket launcher 1 grenade launcher A few swords, but probably only going to keep 2. Still want to find a legendary pulse rifle that doesn't feel like hot garbage.

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          • Just needs more weapons really, didn't care about random perks as still used a variety anyway, needs to add more mods and possibly exotic ones also. Bring back strike specific loot of the great things about D1 strikes.

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          • I think that there should be about 4 preset rolls for each gun. That way the search for a good roll will still be there, but its not the everlasting grind that was Destiny 1. You would get a gun, say Nightshade, and it would have good rolls for PvP. You would get another Nightshade, but this time it would have good rolls for PvE.

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            3 Replies
            • Grinding for the same gun isn't playability it's boring and pointless

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              11 Replies
              • I actually like this new system. Especially since the game is new. It makes me not dread trying all the different named weapons and see how they handle vs. in D1 trying all the different named weapons AND all their potential rolls AFTER dumping resources into them to level them up.

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              • Edited by BraddyBo: 9/26/2017 10:18:25 PM
                I agree about static roles but 99% of players HATE leveling up a gun. But at least we can literally store all the non power weapons in the vault to prepare for meta changes.

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              • Admittedly, my gun hunting experience was limited since (1) I didn't raid in D1 (2) I sucked at PVP-haven't even tried crucible yet in D2-and (3) I had the OG Hung Jury, but I never found random perks to be fun at all. I didn't have a lot of the classics in D1-no Imago Loop, no Grasp, never got either to drop-but if one had finally dropped and it had something like Icarus and Kneepads on it, I wouldn't have gone "great, I can farm another one!" I would've gotten annoyed. Guns feel a little less special, but I think its because of lackluster perks, not because they're fixed. What would a god roll be these days anyway?

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              • Nope. I'd rather not grind the same strike over a hundred times for the best roll on a hand cannon.

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                8 Replies
                • I disagree. I hated the roll farming. It sucked when you were fishing fir the dream imago loop only to get crappy perks. Imo, i think if the mods were tweaked a bit, it could be amazing.

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                • Maybe have it so that certain guns had a handful of perks they can roll with, that gives the incentive to go after certain guns. I wasn't a fan of "leveling up" a gun, because when I get a gun I want to use it now. Not get it, use it a bunch and lose interest during the time, and then finally getting to REALLY use it.

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                • And did you enjoy being killed in the crucible over and over by a god rolled grasp? Static rolls have improved the game vastly by not only making weapons somewhat unique, but also makes it easier for bungie to balance the game.

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                  43 Replies
                  • I posted this on another comment but it applies here too. Exactly this. I could hop on D1 right this minute and get a "new" gun in little time whatsoever and with some time invested, could find a good gun eventually. On D2, there's only so many guns you could ever find and they're all the same every time you find them. They made mods out to be a way to craft the gun with whatever perks fit your play style and that's simply not the case. You take the same gun and put the same mod on it so it's the same thing as everyone else's. Where's the fun in that? That's not a grind. That's only an inconvenience of time with no real payoff. I'm still enjoying the game because I'm a filthy casual, but I can see the end of the road. I never felt like I was done with D1 and had finished it completely. With D2, I can see that there's a point where there's simply nothing else for me to do.

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                  • This is the criticism that resonates with me the most. I did not grind for perfect rolls but I definitely liked the variety of looks each gun had and unlocking the guns slowly was a neat feature. Even though I knew that thousands of other players had the same gun with the same roll as me.....I rarely ran into anyone who did.....and that made the gear feel all the more unique and especially MY loot. I understand why Bungie did it (simplicity and balance and wider appeal) but I think its a negative change. I think if they make the mods better we can get there.

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                    3 Replies
                    • This is true. Getting that "God Roll" was a huge stimulus. Along with other things we lost like: Shader Collections Ship Collections Sparrow Collections Ghost "Rolls"

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                    • Edited by TotalDramaGamer: 9/26/2017 7:03:25 PM
                      That moment when you realize Bungie just needed to make like... I dunno, more good perks everything would have been fine. Seriously, I'd rather have the possibility of making good weapons regardless of bad stats rather than being stuck with only 3 out of 100 weapons that I consider good. Also, perks didn't kill weapons, blanket nerfs did. Don't blame the symptom, blame the disease.

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                    • Edited by Erijian: 9/26/2017 7:58:06 PM
                      D1 was at its best when reforging existed. D2's system could be better than that if Mods did a bit more than just "add element/kinetic" for weapons. Putting in a second mod slot for utility perks like Field Scout would make it so much better IMO.

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                    • You're exactly right, it makes the game pointless eventually

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                    • I miss that, everything feels cheap now. Getting a God roll gun or the perfect tier 12 piece of armor was what made me stick around in D1 so long.

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