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Edited by Lord-Heir: 9/26/2017 11:15:46 PM

Static Gun Rolls Killed Playability

I can't be the only one who thinks getting a perfect roll or constantly trying to was one of the main aspects of the original and had us coming back for more? Now I see everything for what it really is.. reskinned and recolored with no real differences. Levelling my guns to get a feel for them and unlocking the perks that felt signifcant were a huge part of the experience and without that it feels very empty.. It's kind of sad and since it is this way I don't see any 'U turn' coming any time soon on that route. Edit: I'm definitely leaning more towards the randomization of perks or the addition of a way to customize the perks, and not the levelling of guns itself. It was something I felt needed brought up in relation to guns in the original.

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  • I don't miss paying for random rolls or constantly getting guns with crappy rolls (Kneepads!), but I do miss having slightly different versions of the same gun. I wish that each non-exotic had 2-3 variations. I do miss leveling my guns. Not the grind of having to earn shards and planetary materials (which sometimes wasn't an issue and sometimes was a pain in the ass). I miss spending time with a gun and slowly investing in it as you unlock perks and get to know it. It built a real connection and made me feel like i was really getting to know my equipment. On the other hand, getting a cool new drop and immediately using it is fun too.

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  • Yeah seriously this is dumb , random rolls/loots are the basic of game like this , static perks is really dumb and bullshit , give us some things to farm for , having everything similar to other players is boring .

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  • Edited by Lordsa Jar-Jar: 9/27/2017 7:06:47 AM
    I'm glad they removed the grinding aspects for the game, but they didn't replace it with anything. I thought they would bring in a new, deeper progression system in it's place. They even said before the release that they reworked progression. I guess they meant they removed aspects of it.

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  • Edited by Tibbaryllis2: 9/27/2017 7:01:26 AM
    This game doesn't need any more random aspects. What it does need is to expand the mod system to make it more interesting and to simply add far more weapons in general. Simply add a slot to the weapons that accept mods with interesting perks such as bonus damage vs race or (to keep it balanced) bonus glimmer from killing hunters/titans/warlocks in the Crucible.

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  • Perfect gun roll ruined my desire to play D1 lol. It created an environment where the only thing you do is grind for pvp advantage. PVE doesn't require god rolls bc it's easy. When you build a game around grinding, either 2 things happen. 1. You grind, you get what you continue to grind. 2. You grind, you don't ever get what you want, you burn out and you quit and go play something else. I do not enjoy running strikes 100+ times. I do not enjoy getting the same guns with shit perks 100+ times I do not enjoy rolling a dice for gear...bc you didn't earn got lucky -.- For those that do...awesome, you'll do great in an accountant. Because repetition obviously doesn't bore you but it bores me. :(

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    5 Replies
    • I actually like the new system but I really was hoping that the one slot we have open on our kinetic weapons would have more options than only the +5 kinetic mod. Maybe add HC rounds or rifled barrell mods. Maybe firefly. Just need someway to personalize your weapons. Can understand having only the burn mods on energy and power but it would be nice to personalize at least one weapon to your play style.

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    • Agreed.

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    • Yeah I agree. It gives you more of a reason to infuse weapons

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    • I think static rolls with one rotating perk set in the final slot is the best of both worlds. (Think Trials of Osiris D1 yr2)

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    • Offer mods that add special perks. Like outlaw, firefly, or whatever

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    • I personally hated that part of Destiny; it infuriated me that I could get back to back We Ran Out of Medals and get nothing and the worst person on my team could get a god roll Eyasluna; this literally happened to me and I hope it never happens again. Or how about doing Omnigal over and over and over and never getting that perfect roll? That's not a pleasant experience in my opinion -- I like the way weapons are now, Bungie just needs to add dozens more at least. I also love mods and shaders the way they are now, just wish we received more per time.

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    • I think its a choice between random rolls and trying to have the weapons balanced. Static rolls means adjustment is easier. Less variables. They put a lot of thought into what gets to be an energy weapon or what gets kinetic as well. The balance is very deliberate. So random roll unbalanced weapons or what we have now?

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    • I far prefer the static rolls

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    • I do miss the random rolls and weapon leveling a bit. Even if weapons are static it still would have been nice to have to grind the weapon a little bit in order to level it and unlock perks. It was a good way to master the weapon, and it kept getting better as you unlocked more perks, thus making you even more efficient with it once it was completely leveled. Plus it kinda made you use weapons that you really has no interest in using, and perhaps discovering you actually prefer it in some situations over your favorite. The static rolls wouldn't be so bad if there was a heck of a lot more weapons. But it sure is annoying turning in engram after engram only to keep getting the same weapons you already have and probably don't even use. Bungie should have introduced a new weapon subsystem, such as something between legendary and exotic, which allows rerolls under certain circumstances.

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    • Agreed simply because destiny is like opening packets of stickers. We have football / soccer stickers and there would be 6 in a pack one shiny or exotic one. People would buy hundreds of pack to get all the shiny ones. By not putting in random rolls destiny have reduced the loot pool. They have reduced the n and increased the probability of getting everything. It has massively reduced the replay ability. We are hear for the loot you can kill things in any game what keeps people going is loot, I did vog over 100 times for an ice breaker. And there just is not much loot in destiny 2 4/5 exotic primaries which only the mida is really good and used. I want my exotic on my primary I use this 90% of the time. I have all but 3 of the exotic guns there no ice breaker or exotic rocket launcher to chase after. The exotic armour just speeds up my abilities. I don't fell excited for this game. I took a few months off work to play d1 Won't be doing it for d2

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    • We don't need variable rolls we need interesting, unique, weapons with good perks. I'd rather they spend a few months on a gear overhaul/addition update than give us variable rolls on boring weapons.

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      8 Replies
      • Be careful of what you wish for, especially now that you have Cozmo's attention. There are plenty of gamers who grinded for months during D1 and never got their god roll Eyasluna and other weapons they wanted. Would you rather have a static roll, or risk spending the remainder of Y4 never getting the roll you want?

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        11 Replies
        • randomized weapon rolls made almost all archetypes viable in pvp and pve just depending on the roll. Keeping loot as abundant as it is in d2 but returning the variations from one "scathlocke" to another would return a sense of purpose to the grind. Even if it was just the middle perks, it would lead to legendary scout rifles that could take down mida. Valkydyn's taking out Uriel's gift at range. Just push that patch bungie!

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        • Edited by DiRT E DaNO: 9/27/2017 1:55:45 AM
          Something i had suggested for D1 years ago.. the ability to infuse and convert a rare weapon into a legendary.. for example.. the model for the Hopscotch Pilgrim is used for a blue rare pulse rifle.. let me infuse a higher legendary pulse into it cost like 5-7,000 glimmer.. it imbues it with the power level, changes its UI background to purple and generates a random third perk to it. Once thats done its now a legendary. If u don't like the perk..u break it down..wait for another to drop and infuse something else into the new one and it gives u an rng perk.

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          • Let's just have them make every gun like the khovostov

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          • Weapons rolls maybe but i do not want grind to unlock damn perks of the weapon so dumb

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          • You all realize in order for there to be random rolls there have to be a lot of useless perks (or why bother in this first place) right? You can't seriously be asking for them to ADD things we don't want right? There are countless ways to add grind for guns into a game that has set perks on rolls. Better ways that aren't 2 steps backwards to go forward one.

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by Assassin: 9/26/2017 10:36:28 PM
              This was the problem with destiny 1, someone would get a god roll dominate in crucible. Then que the forums nerf auto rifles nerf hand cannons etc. Its easier for bungie to control the guns by having set perks takes the fun out of it but i have noticed less complaints in forums about all hand cannons etc its more specific now like ureals gift has too much range for an auto etc.

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              6 Replies
              • Random rolls were a crutch fallback for people who were desperate to have a reason to keep playing Destiny. Bungie did the right thing removing them. But they did the wrong thing by not replacing them with a more meaningful reason to keep playing

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                • Couldnt disagree more

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                • Naw it brought back the thrill of the drop. Similar to HoW. When u see something drop you know what ur getting like back then u knew the potential of what u were getting. At the tail end of D1 drops we're lackluster. Sure something would drop but there was no reason to get hyped until u checked perks. And in the end the resetting vendors kinda killed what ur remembering anyways

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