Searching through the find fireteam section for stuff like trials, I keep coming across people who are blatantly misusing your (Bungie's) service right under your noses. Charging people $25+ to play a game, for flawless trials, etc. This is absurd. And just the same, Xbox and PSN need to crack down too.
This needs to stop. If you are such a player, one who charges; then by all means entice others to watch your twitch streams and YouTube accounts. But don't charge people to play a game you have NO rights to.
Exactly, its BS and a scam. I never went flawless in D1 and don't exactly like playing crucible. But occasionally, there are things in Trials or IB that I want, so I suffer through. Unfortunately, in D2 Trials, I don't just want the AR or the armor, I want to experience the Nine's realm. Seeing as how these gametypes are plagued by "sweaties," it forces my hand to look for an outright carry or at least one where I'm of use. I'm not the best pvp guardian but I'm not the worst. It is infuriating to see people abusing a game like these people though. They have no right to charge people to play a game they have no rights to. They aren't Bungie or Activision, they can milk players all they want, it's their game. Players like them need to be shut down and possibly banned; and Activision/Bungie/foolish guardians should go after them for the money that these thieves got.