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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/25/2017 5:16:15 AM
"You don't grab him, we dock your pay by 3/4s of what it should be"

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  • "So he's a priority. Got it." Serendipity said, nodding her head. "We'll get him."

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  • "Good. I'll send the details over. Complete the mission, and we will design a custom weapon based on your specifications at well" [spoiler]This Includes A Crappy Drawing From Me[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Noice...[/spoiler] "What about the payment? How much are we getting off of this?" Serendipity inquired, thinking about the potential weapon.

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  • "Depending on how high tech you want the weapon, pay for each member will be 50 billion credits to 30 billion"

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  • "That... Would set us up for the rest of our lives..." Serendipity said with a chuckle, shaking her head slightly.

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  • "It is rare to pay so well to a free lancer, let alone multiple. However, Heretic plans on destroying multiple solar systems, so it is worth it. This is pay you could see working with us frequently"

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  • "We'll take this first job, and sure maybe we'll do another few jobs afterwards. But we're still Freelance at heart." Serendipity stated firmly.

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  • Edited by Flamyng, Singer of Flames: 9/25/2017 5:39:59 AM
    "Of course. There may come a time, however, you will have to choose a side." You heard a chuckle, and then a message comes through to you "The details of the mission are in there. Have fun" The call then closes [spoiler]So You Know, Before We Continue, I'm going to create heretic industries faction post. Then we can continue this[/spoiler]

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  • Serendipity quickly checked her omni tool, taking a look at the mission and smiling. [i]Damn. 30 billion credits...[/i] She laughed again, shaking her head as she thought to herself. Of course, under Nytehauk half of that 30-50 billion would be siezed by the Queen bee, buy that still left her with a good 15-25 billion credits to spare. But what did he mean when he said she might have to pick a side? Was there a war that would happen? A war of factions? Either way, she was sure Nytehauk wouldn't step in. The corporation wasn't one for bad blood with other factions. [spoiler]Cool, I'll wait. [/spoiler]

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  • Basic Data on the corporation you would assault was on the debrief. They seemed highly equipped, and it didn't help they were evangelical maniacs. It would be hard to breach their defenses They had a small weakpoint on the station however: you couldn't have a ship that was unauthorized go through the shield, but people could jump through. The issue being that they would need a decent supply of air to not die on the descent. Not to mention the patrols all over. Oh, and then there was the overseer. Some monsterous robot that would fly around and that could see everything. Once the shield was breached, you would hope not to say hi to it

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  • Serendipity quickly ran through the rest of the debrief, looking for a potential blue print. The Invictus ship itself, was capable of Slip Stream jumps. Essentially meaning it would only take a few seconds to get there rather then a few hours with FTL. On top of that, the ship was a stealth based ship, so it wouldn't pop on radars until it was already to late, giving off a false signal and making it seem like nothing was there. This, however, was only possible when the shield was cloaked. And the ship could only be cloaked in orbit of the station, not in the atmosphere.

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  • Edited by Flamyng, Singer of Flames: 9/25/2017 6:01:56 AM
    Which was bad, as the artificial atmosphere was right above the shield. Oh, and did I mention the huge naval fleet above the planet. This seemed to be a suicide mission. No wonder it was getting such high payment The interesting thing was that multiple attacks have been tried before, and failed horrendously. The last attack was close, but what seemed to happen was that the overseer was able to Stay ahead of them every time. Like it could see into the future?

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  • "Hm.." Serendipity said to herself, taking closer looks at the information. If the ship [i]could[/i] jump throughout the shield, they could jump to outside the shields, Cloak, and send in a small shuttle.

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  • Which would immediately blow up. All attempts at getting any sort of ship fire power in failed. You could only go in as yourselves and with whatever fire power you could carry

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  • Serendipity quickly explored the possibility of cloaking the shuttle of the ship, one that would be able to hide from sensors and get into the atmosphere.

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  • Even if you could get into the atmo, the shield still blocked the way. And that thing detects everything up to a point. A small object or person could pass by with ease, but there is no ship that could be in that form

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  • Or was there? Serendipity had heard of small, single person pods that could be fired from Ships to crash onto the surface of a world. It was small, compact and enough to fit a good assassin, or Engineer.

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  • [spoiler]You fuxk....[/spoiler] It could work, in theory. Then the issue is transporting the pods into the area and launching them in with the gear required

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  • "An assassin, an engineer and some other things..." Serendipity said to herself, trying to calculate how much they would need to blow the Core, and maneuver the ship. Capturing the man would be simply enough. Bug him, and then when he attempted to leave the world, the Invictus crew could take over his ship. Of course, the problem was the pods now. If they Retrofitted the Invictus, with its stealth technology, the might be able to launch off a few pods, and get out without being noticed. With their slip stream tech, the ship itself would be impossible to follow, and they could lose their potential pursuiters easily enough.

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  • It was always easy to try something instead of just plan. And it might work, if you had to ability to get the pods. Maybe, say, from a black market dealer? [spoiler]Cough, Ashen Builders, cough. Sorry, I'm getting kinda tired, so quality is off[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]It's alright, lol[/spoiler] Of course, Serendipity had accounted for this. And she already had a potential supplier. The Invictus' previous work with the Frontier Militia left them with a favor to call in. This would be their favour.

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  • Well, now the only issue was to set up for the raid, and go in. The execution would have to be perfect in order for this mission to succeed [spoiler]New Post So I Don't clog this post more[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Cool, cool. [/spoiler] And hopefully, it would be.

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  • [spoiler]Sent the message of next post [/spoiler]

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