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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/24/2017 11:17:52 PM
[u][i][b]We've been expecting you[/b][/i][/u] The Ashen Builders is a black market here to sell whatever someone might require. From weapons to armour to mercenary task forces, they will sell you what you require. Prices are variable, starting at certain prices depending on the item you want, with custom-made being much more pricey. They also deal in information, their bigger market. If you want to know information, you may come to them and they will negotiate a deal to give you what you seek. You may also sell information to them for a hefty reward for them. If you come with information on rivals, they may even give free items of high value to them. Think carefully, however. These are people who are not to be crossed. They will come for you if you decide you want to screw them. They are also very much unknown, only talking to you through silhouette video or representatives. However, they aren't going to kill you for a random reason. So, come to the monitor, and speak with The Ashen Builders [spoiler]Basically an opening shop post. Port from a different posting area[/spoiler]

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  • And so, she arrived. [url=]A strange alien creature[/url], approached the monitor and overlooked it, before finally saying... "Hello?" Her voice was soft and kind, overlooking the screen with a curiosity.

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  • The screen flickered online, as a sillouette of a person flashed onto the screen. Their voice was low, a male one. "Hello Ma'am. Before we can begin, I need to see some verification"

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  • "Verification?" The woman inquired, looking down at the ground and patting her sides. "Such as?"

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  • "Who you are, Aliases, companies you've worked for, anything. The last one is a big one for us, we can't work with someone who uses a competitor consistently. Not like you have most likely, I still have to check"

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  • "Serendipity. Nytehauk Corporation." The woman said, standing tall and clasping her hands behind her back. The background check, brought up very, very little. Even in terms of the Ashen Builders, dealers in information. There was no evidence to her existence, besides her name. However, her name pointed to a ship [i]The Invictus[/i], which resulted in a few dozen news reports of the ship being spotted. Mostly doing good. The ship, was indicated as a freelance vessel, and was tied to the Frontier Militia and the Alliance that were on Takatai. As well as at least a dozen other, smaller factions. However, the name Nytehauk popped up over two dozen times, with various entailed jobs being completed. As for the company. There was, once again, very little in terms of information. A very basic examine of their specialities, and a description of the company itself. Made and run by a mercenary queen, it worked the way a normal corporation would but it had very, very limited guidelines on what to do. They were, very clearly, Rogues. Or vigilantes. Trying to do good in a galaxy where good was limited.

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  • "Hmm. Very little here, but I can confirm that you have not worked with a rival before. Stay that way and you should be good to go working with us. I'll remove the sillouette now" As the shadow was removed, you saw a huge bulking android, looking strikingly close to human, with the exception of the huge robotic arms on it. "So, what can the Ashen Builders do for you today? Do you need to acquire a new piece of gear, maybe custom made? Or some Mercenary work? Information, maybe? Please, just ask, I'm sure we can set a price"

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  • "I'd like to take a look at some of your weaponry, if possible." Serendipity said, nodding her head in thanks.

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  • "Of course Ma'am. What are you interested in? We have many different weapons, both of our own design, and stolen from other corporations. We can also build you one custom. To start, however, what type are you looking for? A high powered AR? Or a powerful long range killer?"

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  • "Depends. Are the jobs you have assassination priority?" She inquired, before looking down at the ground. "Sorry. Is it alright if I find out more about your jobs first?"

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  • "Jobs...are you saying you are interested in becoming a Merc for the Ashen Builders? Or are you looking more into freelance work?" The Android started typing something while looking at you, intrigued

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  • "Freelance. I don't like to settle with corporations." The turian stated, looking back at the Android.

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  • "I see.....transferring the line" The call on the monitor cuts, then rock versions of elevator music plays as you wait a sec for the line to switch. It says at the top "Transferring line to Mercenary Contractor"

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  • Serendipity, having always enjoyed rock music, began humming- or, at least, doing the equivalent of humming- the tune to a few rock songs. Namely "Under Pressure," by [i]Queen[/i]

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  • Eventually, the music goes off, and a shadowy female figure appeared, wearing a hood "Good evening Ma'am. I heard you want to become a freelance for the Builders. This can be....difficult without some sort of past company giving you a recommendation. You could always complete a harder mission, but then, you wouldn't be paid"

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  • "I have a recommendation." Serendipity stated, looking at the shadowed figure. "Check my work with Ravenware Industries. On one of their factory worlds, they were being terrorized by an outside Bandit force. Myself and my crew put a stop to it and they left a stellar review of our work."

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  • "Hmmm...any of you working alone however? We don't normally contract multiple Mercs on one mission" The woman tapped a couple things into her computer, waiting on a response

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  • "Yeah, should be one... Uh... I think it was Clover Media? They had me protect one of their journalists in the middle of some battle. I was alone for that one." She answered, before shrugging her shoulders. "Not sure though. Might have been a different Corp."

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  • "Ah, Clover. Fun group...anything higher priority, however? The missions we have you take require serious experience Ma'am. Not trying to be a hardass, company policy"

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  • "Most of the high priority missions I've done, I've done with my crew. Sorry." She said, sighing slightly.

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  • " looking at the file, you've done some good work, even if it is with a you want me to transfer you to division lead?"

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  • "Would that do anything to help me?" Serendipity inquired, looking up at the figure with hope.

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  • "Division you not understand the meaning of that? It means you are talking with someone high high high up. Feel lucky, I'll probably get fired"

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  • "I'll do what I can to make sure you don't." Serendipity quickly stated, standing tall once more.

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  • "Uh huh." A quick transfer, and you only see a gray screen with a line. The line moves slightly when you hear a cough, a heavily modified sounding cough

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  • "Hello." Serendipity said simply, bowing her head down in respect of whoever was on the other end.

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