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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/21/2017 4:44:44 PM
[i]this time the actually speaks and it makes a noise like it was laughing at him. "Oh how cute he got a shotgun those things are so primitive."the ai says mockingly It seems that this ai has a partner somewhere in the buildingbut the man doesn't know she's right behind. The ai starts running towards the man fairly fast on it's tiny legs. It darts between legs before it could be shot at. While mocking him once more. "You it and she's coming for you human."it says Meanwhile.. leyla was busy listening to this guy while glancing at jackal wondering what they should do with this guy. She still didn't look very amused at all.[/i] "This why i dont use guns they aren't necessary and all they do is cause problems. Now the problem is now this what i do with you hmm? You got any suggestions jackel since they shot and almost killed you."says leyla

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  • [b]"I'm it you say? Alright, game on."[/b] [i]He says somewhat confidentially. However, his armor then glows with a bright red. He places a gadget at the end of his shotgun, it seems to be a, flamethrower. Within a few seconds, he begins to torch the entire building. The pile of trash next to him lights imedietly, which is very close to Xexa's location.[/i] [i]Jackal doesn't really have an Idea. He just shrugs. "Those giant spiders do need food though, what do you think?" Jackal then changes his mind and agrees with the giant spider idea.[/i]

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  • [i]the ai is quickly to get out of the way by starting ducking between his legs. Little did he know that this was something that he shouldn't allow as ai appears now to be standing on his shoulder blades on his back as it had climbed up him quickly. Its to knock on the humans helm as if its mocking him more. It was currently hacking his armor as it was smart enough to do that. Xexa now decided to show herself snickering as she fired a warning shot from her gun very close to his feet leaving a glowing green scorch mark next to his feet.[/i] "I wont miss next time human"says Xexa coldly [i]meanwhile.. Leyla looks at him and nods his fate is now sealed.[/i] "Well looks like its been decided then. Echo go to the deep woods and bring me the biggest spider you can carry."says leyla [i]-yes master- That's when echo yanks it's talons quite painfully out of his shoulders before taking off leaving the man there lying on the ground while she goes to get one. Echo surprisingly fast too and doesn't take her long to find the spiders. She grabs one the size of a baby calf gently in its talons and flys back quickly. When get there echo can be seen in flying into the room with as echo lets go of it plaxing a few feet in front of him.[/i]

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  • Edited by Jäger: 9/21/2017 8:05:09 PM
    [b]"How about you -blam!- off and none of us have to die huh?"[/b] [i]The man says, now aiming the flames at Xexa, not knowing the ai was hacking into his armor.[/i] [i]At the house, the man pleaded like a child.[/i] [u]"Wait, wait, please. I'm sorry! Please, I don't want to die like this! Come on! I didn't do anything wrong! Please!"[/u] [i]He was horrified at the thought of being eaten alive.[/i]

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  • "I thought that would say that mida you almost done."says Xexa [i]Xexa was addressing the ai who had just finished hacking his armor. The ai had hacked it record time as it was seen suddenly on his shoulder snickering at him. "All done xexa fire away."says the ai Xexa can see his armor flickering. She shot quickly then one shot to his hand that was holding the gun the she had charged slamming her body into his shoulder first then it was pretty she augmented as it felt like truckload of bricks hitting him. Meanwhile... The spider slowly inched closer to it could sense his fear. It stopped just inches from him[/i] "Uh huh... it won't hurt just lucky its a big one."says leyla

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  • [i]The soldier slams into a pile of rubble, the armor on his shoulder was cracked and broken. His shotgun lay too far away to make a grab for. Instead he pulled out his revolver, and fired three shots at Xexa before getting back up.[/i] [i]Meanwhile, the man backed away, but not far as he reached the wall. He was desperate to get away.[/i] [u]"-blam!- -blam!- -blam!-, just, please, I'm begging you, I wasn't even shooting at any of you! I held the shield, I didn't even shoot at Jackal or whatever his name is!"[/u]

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  • [i]leyla looked at the terrified man who was begging for his life. The spider halted its advance as if it could understand him and his begging. [/i] "Hmm i dont know you should really ask him. Cause we might spare you but your friends will not be. "Says leyla [i]meanwhile.. Xexa gets hit but return fire aiming for his knees firing twice. She was shot in the gut but its nothing to her as she didn't feel much of anything.[/i]

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  • [u]"M-my friends, you haven't found them yet? The commander and the doc? Well, knowing the doc, probably get himself killed trying to fight."[/u] [i]The man was still nervous of the spider, it almost looked as if he was going to pass out. [/i] [i]Back at the fight, Xexa's shots just missed as the fourth moved into cover. He was now stuck only with his revolver and failing armor. He decided to try and throw a grenade. Popping out of cover he quickly threw the grenade about 7 feet away from Xexa, now only a few seconds before detonation.[/i]

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  • "Oh we have ways of tracking them down. They better hope though my sister doesn't get a hold them cause she not as forgiving.she's far worse than any spider." Says Leyla [i]leyla wasn't joking and she knew her sister she would track the last one down. But she was right because that's her sister lola was doing right now. She was a definite force to reckon with. Meanwhile.. Xexa dove to avoid the grenade before tossing one of her own unlike his hers had just little bit a kick. The grenade was seen rolling between his feet. Three red dots along the side turned green before detonating quickly causing a huge flash of light blinding them. [/i]

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  • [u]"And hopefully she does find the commander first. Seriously, the shit she put us through, she got us into this bullshit. She ain't forgiving either, I feel bad for that Jackal guy because our commander doesn't know when to stop trying to fix our problems. I just hope doc gets through, nicest guy you'll meet, and I'm not kidding. I owe him so many favors, hell, the dude goes out of his way to save the lives of the enemy. He uses fire as a weapon, but doesn't really have the guts to fight."[/u] [i]The man explained about his two teammates. He had regret in his voice when he talked about the commander and the doc. His apology was quick, but sounded sincere.[/i] [i]While the fourth was blinded, he took a step back, and ended up running into the pile of burning trash. His armor was now scorched black and completely ruined and useless. The grenade he threw also had blown a hole in the floor, the fire was still going strong and spreading to more places. The fourth decided to make a move for his shotgun once his sight was back, he quickly ran out of cover to pick it up.[/i]

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  • [i]Xexa could see him making a run for his weapon and she had leaped over the hole to deliver a hard punch to the face. She surprisingly skilled at close quarters so he would have his work cut out for him. She still wasn't as fast as she normally was due by shot earlier and he clearly got good as blue blood bleeds from the wounds onto the floor. Meanwhile Lola had found the last one and was chasing them down. Running away would be pointless as Lola sealed off all escape by causing a huge wall of ice to appear blocking the path. [/i]

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  • [i]The fourth ended up getting the punch to the face. He was a split second from pulling the trigger. He flew back and ended up hitting his head against the wall. He was knocked unconscious, but was still alive.[/i] [i]The commander was stopped in her tracks, she attempted to try and grapple up to a nearby building to evade the wall. [/i]

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  • [i]Xexa not being completely heartless pulls from the still on fire building. She grunts in pain as she lifts him up. Meanwhile.. Leyla gets a call from xexa saying she knocked his ass out but before getting shot in the gut.[/i] "Well Xexa got one of them and is dragging him back but he shot her though too in the gut three times apparently."says Leyla [i]lola only snickers as she tries to get away. she makes the walls too slick to climb up with more ice. Lola then freezes the woman's feet to the ground as Lola walks clearly finding her attempts of escape futile.[/i] "You know you're not getting away from me right cause i can do this all day."says lola

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  • [u]"Doc's alive!"[/u] [i]The soldier says in relief.[/i] [i]The commander struggled and tried to break loose. [/i] "Take this!" [i]Within a second, she quickly turns and fires an explosive using her grenade launcher at Lola. It bounces once, heading straight at her, about to explode.[/i]

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  • "Yeah he is but unconscious...."she says [i] leyla then hears a explosion in the distance followed shortly by a very loud roar. Leyla shakes her head and sighs[/i] "Well it sounds like my sister just turned into a dragon. Your commander isn't gonna last long now."says leyla [i]meanwhile.. Lola barely managed to dodge it in time. But she had quickly transformed into a large dark blue dragon with small glowing scales dotting its body. She lets out a loud roar as she easily towers over her now. [/i] "Now im done playing around with you woman!!"says lola

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  • [u]"Wait? Dragon?"[/u] "Ah hell.." [i]The commander looked in terror, she decided to start firing with her sniper rifle in a last-ditch effort. Waiting for the impending doom.[/i]

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  • "Yes i said dragon me and sister are deagons why do think im all scaly for?"says leyla [i]leyla giggled at his reaction which was very amusing to her. Meanwhile.. Lola had suddenly lunged at commander quickly closing the gap quicker than she could pull the trigger. She had grabbed hold of one her legs yanking her skyward.[/i]

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  • [i]The commander lost grip of the rifle. While being dragged upward, she got hold of her knife, and tried to stab the dragon. But it was no use, she couldn't focus and hold onto the knife. [/i] "Ah why don't you just kill me already!" [i]She yelled in frustration.[/i]

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  • [i]lola would kill her though it wasn't her way. But she did however start walking back to the house with her in jaws still. [/i]

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  • [i]The commander still yelled at the dragon the entire time. She kept trying to escape, but couldn't muster through the pain to fight. The doc was still unconscious. The last sat silent in the house, awaiting his fate. Jackal was doing well, but was now going to lose an eye. [/i]

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  • [i]her yelling fell on deaf ears as Lola still had her by the leg still held tightly in her jaws. When lola had yanked her skyward earlier she had broken leg when she had bitten down on it. Meanwhile.. Xexa had made it back to the house still carrying the man despite her own injuries. Lizzie had opened the door letting them in. Xexa took the man upstairs to the room where leyla was in. Xexa had opened the door walking over and setting him next man. Leyla could see that xexa was bleeding pretty bad as she was dripping a blood trail along the floor of blue blood. [/i] "Man he was a stubborn but nothing that couldnt handle. Oh and i seen lola she's got the last one by her leg. She doesn't too happy about it either. "Says Xexa "Do want to look at that it looks really bad."says leyla [i]leyla was looking was at bullet wounds in xexa's gut. Xexa just slightly nods her head in agreement then lifts up the lower part of her shirt she was wearing revealing three gunshots wounds.[/i]

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  • [i]The doc regained consciousness and looked suprised he was still alive.[/i] [b]"Wait, where am I?"[/b] [u]"Oh, hey doc. Glad you still made it out. Commander is on her way. Looks like she lost a fight to a dragon." [/u] [b]"Wait, did you say, dragon?"[/b] [u]"Yep, this was a bad idea."[/u]

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  • "Yeah but don't try anything though or will have that spider eat you."says leyla [i]leyla back is turned as she is currently digging bullets out Xexa occasionally grunts in pain. She finishes taking them out and says a spell that heals her wounds instantly. Then shortly after that a massive head of a dragon appears in the window and something is in her mouth which is the still struggling commander. Xexa just shakes her head as Lola sticks her head through the window completely dropping a injured commander near the giant spider then it speaks.[/i] "Quit your fussing woman and be glad i didn't eat you."says lola

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  • "You piece of shit! I swear to god you're going to regret this!" [i]The commander still yelled. Even annoying the two soldiers she worked with. The doc and the other just stayed quiet and didn't say a word. [/i] "So, what do you want with us? If you're going to kill us, just ducking shoot us already!" [i]The commander was even getting on Jackal's nerve now. He kept shaking his head to everything she said.[/i]

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  • [i]leyla then snapped her fingers silencing her voice with a spell she learned a while ago.[/i] "Ah much better.. does your commander always run her fat mouth like that"says leyla

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  • [i]They both nod in agreement. Which further angered the commander. [/i] [u]"We've seen worse, like, way worse."[/u] [b]"It usually goes on longer, guess today was an off day. Also, there's usually more shooting involved."[/b]

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