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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/20/2017 11:09:43 AM
"Last time I checked, you weren't my superior...Jedi." He says, the Stormtroopers hat were remaining opening fire on the man.

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  • [b]He exploded into a shadowy mist, and there was nothing left but a cold, dark silence. A strange voice spoke within the officer mind, deep and filled with malice...[/b] [i]Then there will be war[/i] [b]The Sky began to grow dim, and the world soon turned a dreary grey. The temperature dropped rapidly, and an odd feeling of dread could be felt by the Imperials[/b] [i]And you will be the first to die[/i] [b]There was a shriek of sound, and a tall figure appeared from thin air. It was no more than a shadow at first, masked in fire and darkness that burned the air around it. It stepped forward, revealing itself for what it was...[/b] "Hello, Imperial." [b]The voice was vile and rough, originating from the figure who had just shown himself. He stood at a size of ten feet, and was wearing an ancient silver-grey armor that covered his entire body. The outfit was rough, with a sharp, pointed scale pattern all throughout its design. A tall, intricate helm obstructed his face, making his voice sound even more distorted. Whatever he was, he was ancient[/b] [b]In this right hand he held a large sword, longer as to fit the size of its master. Several different sigils pulsed with corruption and shadow, giving it a power of its own[/b] "Tell me. Why did you think you would survive?" [spoiler]By the way, this character is rare. Very overpowered, but I have my reasons for using him.[/spoiler]

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  • ...Let's just say the term 'shitting someone's pants' was quite the understatement when it came to this situation, the Imperial officer pulling out a [url=]SE-14c Blaster Pistol[/url] and proceeded to run away, firing three shot bursts toward the 10 feet giant of a being. [spoiler]I just want to know out of interest what reason you have? I'm completely fine with it; I'm just asking.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 9/20/2017 11:45:50 PM
    [spoiler]I have a few plot things coming up involving him, so I need to get a some things going[/spoiler] [b]The shots did nothing[/b] "You're not going anywhere." [b]He clenched his first, and the bones in the officers left leg splintered into pieces[/b]

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  • He screamed in pain, before literally trying to shoot him again..even though he saw it did absolutely nothing the last time around.

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  • [b]He merely twisted his fingers in response, breaking the officers hand in which he held the gun. No longer interested in the man, the figure turned to the rest of the Imperial troops. He silently held up a hand, and clenched his fist[/b] [i]Now, don't you see? Look what you have done[/i] [b]The sky turned black and orange, as if a volcano had erupted and obscured the air. It was ominous, and became even more so when the rifts began to open...[/b] [i]This. This is my vengeance[/i] [b]Several ships emerged from the tears in reality, mainly triangular in nature. They were each made of ancient black stone, and were more rough-looking then smooth. He had brought an entire armada with him[/b] [spoiler]By the way, the Dojo has no way of knowing. He deliberately shrouded the air in magic so they couldn't see or sense his return.[/spoiler]

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  • "F***!" He shouted, pretty much the prettiest insult anyone would throw at a person of this caliber of power.

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  • [spoiler]What happened to the other Imperial troops here?[/spoiler] [b]One of the smaller ships landed near the village, a small section of stone sliding open. Several men exited, each clad in deep, black armor. They drew their weapons, and began to patrol the area[/b] "Kill any remaining Imperials in this village. Except the officer. Leave him to me." [b]He slowly walked over to where the officer lied, his footsteps heavy on the ground. The figure stood over him, casting what would be considered a menacing shadow[/b] [i]Where is your pride now, Imperial?[/i]

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  • [spoiler]I thought you somehow isolated him from the rest...oh well...[/spoiler] He heard something into his comms...and he smugly gave a smile. "My pride may be gone...but so will your little army...OPEN FIRE!" He shouts, Stormtroopers and Shadow Troopers appearing from almost all directions, opening fire on the being and his troopers. Flametroopers fired their flamethrowers at the soldiers.

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  • [b]He laughed, his vile voice staining the air in death[/b] [i]Fool. There is nothing your pathetic army can do to stop me[/i] [b]There was a strange noise, and several warships slowly moved across the sky. Each was of a monstrous size, surly to bear a slight resemblance of a star-destroyer. Small attack ships left its hangers, and began attacking troops on the ground. Many soldiers were also deployed by drop ships that came and went, which soon murdered their way through any Imperial in the village[/b] [spoiler]He's not really a character anymore. More of a villain than anything else[/spoiler]

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  • OVERPOWERED MU- oh. That's him. The one you spoke of.

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  • [spoiler]Ye. It has begun...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler], basically he's a threat to both the Dojo and the Imperials?[/spoiler] They yelled out in pain as they dropped, the soldiers dropping like flies. Some had the audacity of throwing thermal detonators and grenades in the soldiers' direction, hoping that it'll stop them.

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  • [spoiler]Ye. I've spent a lot of time crafting him and his lore, ever since I had first joined the group. He is a huge problem. Not just to the Dojo or the Imperials, but potentially[i]everything[/i][/spoiler] [b]His troops cut through them as if they nothing[/b] [i]Tell me, how does it feel to have lost?[/i] [b]He turned back to the officer, looking at the shattered corpse of a man that lie on the ground[/b] [spoiler]Have I actually alerted the Empire to my intentions? Or do they just know someone is causing trouble? This is important because I am debating wether or not to have a meeting with Imperial leaders (manipulation is important to his character and my upcoming plot), encourage all-out war, or whatever else you might allow for.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]They don't know it's you specifically; they just know it's someone.[/spoiler] He was dead. Could it have been from fear? Shock? Blood loss? Who knew. And who cared? His life was gone. Just as another cog in the Imperial machine.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 9/23/2017 5:11:47 PM
    [spoiler]Ah. Okay. So how can I get in contact with them? This I need to know before I make my next post[/spoiler] [b]The figure stood over his corpse, his army cleaning up any threats that remained in the area[/b]

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  • [spoiler]Send out a signal like MSTR did...they'll respond in time...[/spoiler] They were all dead, leaving the man with relaxation...and silence.

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  • [b]The being left him, moving over to the village and his troops. He had let his true form melt away from him into the air, leaving him as he was before the encounter had begun. He turned towards the captain of one of his units, and began to speak[/b] "Make sure the area is secure. I need to make sure no Imperial, civilian, or person otherwise involved has gotten any word to the Dojo." [b]The captain nodded, as loyal as ever, and his squadron began combing the village and the surrounding area[/b] "And you. Set up a temporary base of operations. We can't afford to bring in any of major artillery." [b]He had turned to another man, who began to have others offload some supplies. The crew had started to set up some basic perimeter defenses, while using one of the triangle ships as the central operation center. The being knew he didn't have to command his troops directly, as they are a part of him and therefore his consciousness. However, what he also knew was that if someone was watching, he couldn't let them know that he had such an advantage[/b] [spoiler]As you may have deduced already, any force that is serving him is completely under his control, and will not waver in their loyalty. Also, this is just his personal army, not counting the forces he has taken control over during the thousands of eons he has been around for... [/spoiler] [b]Less than an hour later, his troops had secured the village and had killed anyone who may have witnessed the encounter in this timeline. In the small ship that had been stationed on the ground, there were several communication devices that would allow for him to speak with the Empire. And, as with all paranoid and successful military leaders, there were several warships in the sky that were able to obliterate them at the same time[/b] [i]Good. Now all we need is the relic...[/i] [b]He sat down inside of the ship's temporary communication center, set up inside of its cockpit. There wasn't much room on rest of the ship, as it was only originally designed as a small drop ship with a few life-form preserving stasis pods[/b] [i]But first, the Empire...[/i] [b]The ships interior was a black and stony as its hull, but was very technological advanced. It had minimal lighting, giving it an almost ominous look, but it was still comfortable enough for his taste. The man turned to the console, and flipped on several systems that made the cockpit light up in information. He could see that outside world now, the ships digital "windows" displaying it with an additional overlay. The man adjusted the comms, flipped a few switches, and began recording a message directly to the Empire...[/b] [quote]This message is to any high-ranking Imperial officials in the system: Hello. It has come to my attention that you have come to this planet with a certain goal in mind: To locate and eliminate the Rebel Alliance and anyone possibly associated with them before they can pose a threat to the Empire. I believe I have the means to help you with that goal. My forces came here with certain... interests in regards to the planet and those who reside upon it. Now, I would much prefer us working together as allies, than as parties with conflicting and possibly problematic intentions. Wouldn't you agree? My offer is this: Let us be allies, and we will work together to achieve both of our goals in tandem. After all, you would much rather have us as an ally than an enemy. I request that we meet personally, and you can give me your final answer then. I'll be awaiting your response[/quote] [b]And he waited[/b] [spoiler]They won't be able to exactly trace the signal to the village. Rather, they will only be able to trace it to were he wants it to[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Gotcha. I’m kinda liking this...[/spoiler] [i]( Aboard the Baroness...)[/i] Kiyala was simply watching the planet as it peacefully moved in its normal orbit, the message being broadcasted through the bridge. “Ma’am, we can’t just assume that they’ll help us; what if it’s a trap, Lieutenant Commander?” One of the officers told her. “I’ll come with you; can’t exactly trust whoever’s calling us.” Katya, the woman next to Kiyala has said. “...Good, then. Could any of you trace the signal back to its source? Or did they send a location to us?” Kiyala had asked, the officers tracing his source back.

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  • [spoiler]Feast or just a meet up?[/spoiler] [b]The signal had given a location, its coordinates somewhere high up in the mountains. Upon closer inspection, the area was at a presumably long abandoned hold...[/b]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/24/2017 1:02:29 AM
    [spoiler]...Let’s go feast. Longer interaction.[/spoiler] “Good; prepare a transport shuttle for leaving during the night cycle of this planet. Bring a platoon of Death Troopers in case things go...south.” Kiyala had told the officer. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� ([i]That night...[/i]) Over the moonlight shining in the mountains, [url=] An Imperial shuttle and TIE Stryker escort[/url] made their way through the mountains, reaching the old hold. They’d be looking for a way in.

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  • [b]At the main gate, the hold was boisterous with activity. Dozens of men were present in and around the site, with many more staffing the interior. It was strange, that the holds entrance was overlooking a high cliff, but it didn't really matter. Snow was falling, and the warm light of the area was more than welcoming for anyone there[/b] [spoiler]I can't do much else until they approach...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Got it.[/spoiler] The shuttle landed slowly at the ramp, the doors slowly opening. [url=]Black elite troopers[/url], or ‘Death Troopers’ marched their way out of the shuttle, and stood in two lines, as both Kiyala and Katya walked out of the shuttle, Kiyala with her weapon tucked away in her suit, and Katya with her weapons holstered. Two more Death Troopers came out with them, the Strykers circling around the hold like vultures. She was waiting for their leader to pop up.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 9/24/2017 2:25:02 PM
    [b]A man departed from the troops in the hold, approaching the Imperials with a certain haste. He wore a finely tailored suit, and had tasteful brown hair and deep, blue eyes[/b] "Ah! You must be our new guests! Our host for the evening apologizes that he couldn't be here to greet you himself, and wishes that you do not take this transgression as an act of disrespect. He has instructed that I bring you to dining hall, for a great feast in celebration of our newfound friendship. Even if it's just for the night. Please. Follow me" [b]He gestured for them to follow[/b]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/25/2017 12:01:33 AM
    The two women nodded, following them with two Death Troopers as escorts for both women. “Tell me, what do you know about your leader? His power, his allegiance with this planet’s defense?” Kiyala had asked the unknown man.

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  • [b]They entered the hold's courtyard, its stone-grey walls sheltering the rest of the area from attack. There was plenty of activity, with caldrons of fire lighting up the area. The only thing out of place, besides the fact a foreign force had occupied and repaired an almost useless hold, was the giant black warship parked in the air above on the other end[/b] "Now that is a good question. I wouldn't assume that he has interests in the defense of the planet, per say. Rather, he is looking for something in particular that only this place has. As for what, I am not allowed to divulge that information."

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