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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/19/2017 3:28:08 AM
"Yeah wven if they do they wouldn't get very far especially seeing that its raining and my lil sister can electrify at will so let them try. "Says leyla [i]she sister was downstairs with Xexa and lizzie was guarding the main door. They were ready for anything.[/i]

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  • [i]Off in the distance, a green light could be seen. It seemed to be that of a visor, and, it seemed to be looki g directly at the house. It was tough to make who was there, but soon, it made its way to cover. Hoping nobody noticed.[/i]

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  • [i]leyla was looking at echo for a second who was looking out the window it's eyes were much sharper than anyone esle's not to mention that it was smart enough to be able use telepathy as they would soon figure out as clear voice feminine voice echoed through their heads. -There's someone out there watching the house i just saw them and now they're hiding.-[/i]

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  • [i]"Yeah, we saw it too. Thermal wasn't picking up anything, they may have something to hide from heat signatures. There, it's moving again. Jackal, fire."[/i] [i]Jackal takes a shot, but misses. He takes cover to re chamber a round. He peaks back once again.[/i] [i]"The shot was close, wind came into play. Probably know where we are, keep wa-"[/i] [i]A loud bang of a rifle echoed about, Jackal fell to the ground in pain. The shot had hit his scope and the impact shattered his visor right into his eye. He took off his helmet, his hand clenching the bloody eye. Soon, other gunshots were heard firing at the window.[/i] [i]"Jackal's hit!" The AI cried out.[/i]

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  • "Crap get down!!"says leyla [i]her freakishly large two head bird known as echo takes off quickly. Its so fast that it quickly becomes unseen but its flying directly over the area giving them visual of the whole area right into their head basically showing them what it sees.[/i]

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  • [i]One of the soldiers takes cover in an alley way. Two soldiers make their way to house, one holding a large shield that protects his entire body while another follows behind the shield providing cover fire. A fourth is far away from the scene and begins to make a full sprint towards the house.[/i]

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  • [i]as echo is circling overhead it relays information along. -get ready enemies inbound it gonna real ugly- Lola on the other side the door waiting for them stupidly open the door she had siphoned electricity directly from the live wires in the house enough to knock a large man on his rear end. Leyla is upstairs and she lights flickering faintly as her sister pulls electricity from the house. Leyla got nasty surpise of her own as she is chanting something then snaps her fingers. The fourth one outside would see some monstrous black stick gel-like sticky mass take form behind buddies it stands on its powerful back legs easily towering above them. It suddenly spilts into several equally powerful copies of itself before uttering. "Leave... now... Or... become.. fonder.. for.. the.. Slaughter... "it says with a deep rumbling. This would keep them busy because this was the type of monster that couldnt be killed easily.[/i]

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  • [b][i]"Wh-what is that?!" [/i][/b] [i]One of them cries out in horror. The second begins to fire his rifle at the giant monster. The ship that had dropped them off now swings back around, and unloads a payload of missiles on the monsters. All the soldiers took their attention from the house to the monsters, trying what they could to kill it.[/i]

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  • [i]it lets out a very loud roar flattening itself to the ground when they fired little did they realized that could alter it's shape at will and it made a sound like it was laughing at them. As simply it comes after them now grabbing the one that freaked out earlier blanketing him with its body. Its finds way into his armor if has any on restraining him. [/i]

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  • [b][i]"Help! Help! Ahh!"[/i][/b] [i]The soldier screams before he is consumed. The one with the shield begins to back away. Still trying to fire at the thing. The ship flew lower to try and get a better shot, now firing with its mini gun. The sniper in the back began to fire as well. [/i]

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  • [i]the creatures growls loudly purposely sinking completely into the terrified man's armor. Its snickering in his ears while whispering. "You.. should... left.. when.. you..had.. the chance... your body... is now... mine.. to control.. puppet.."it says It's now completely in his armor quickly taking control of him turning him into a meat shield.[/i]

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  • [i]The soldier was pelted with bullets. The one carrying the shield began to back away to the sniper. The ship flew off in retreat. The second and third also began to run away.[/i]

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  • [i]its body split again as it now had full control of his body. It wouldn't let them get away that easily. Echo was tailing one the ones that was running away. All the person would hear behind them is flapping of huge wings before feeling the crushing grip of its razor sharp talons percing its armor and it suddenly lifts the poor bastard skyward with out breaking a sweat as this bird was more than capable taking down a grown man. Echo was now flying several few above the ground at a height that could easily kill the man if echo dropped him.[/i]

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  • [i]The soldier in the air decided to pull out his sidearm, he wouldn't go down without a fight. He attempted to kill Echo by blasting rounds blindly. The fourth soldier finally made it to the scene, but ran into a deserted building in terror, trying to hide.[/i]

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  • [i]This resulted in echo digging its talons into the man's shoulder showing him just how much strength it possessed. That it wasn't playing around despite being hit it was still going strong this wasn't your average bird. As it bled it dug in more letting it's voice be heard clearly. -your really not that bright you do realize if i drop you right now you go splat. Plus there's no use in struggling you wont escape alive.- The bird was correct though it had far enough up to cause real harm to the guy. Meanwhile... Xexa had took up a position outside her all black clothes she wore made her damn invisible not to mention how quiet she was she was stalking the one she seen duck into the building.[/i]

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  • [i]The man dropped the sidearm in pain. He thought the bird was going to drop hin instantly.[/i] [u]"Ok, ok, just, please, I can't stand, heights."[/u] [i]The man said.[/i] [i]Back to the building, Xexa could hear the man sprint up to the second to last floor. The building seemed empty on every floor, only piles of old tables and trash would provide cover.[/i]

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  • [i]-oh heights should be the least of your worries. You should be more worried what my master is gonna do to you- With that the bird flew back into the open window dragging man through it while still keeping a firm grip on the man forcefully pinning him down to the ground. Leyla was standing nearby by looking at him. -try anything stupid and i will hurt you bad.- [/i] "Well well look at what we got here. Tell why shouldn't just put a end to your sorry life right now hmm?"says leyla

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  • [i]The man was nervous, he didn't move an inch. He paused thinking, but couldn't try to make a sensible answer.[/i] [u]"Well, I, just, I..."[/u] [i]His voice was nervous, he didn't know what to say. [/i] [u]"I'm dead..."[/u] [i]The man whispers to himself.[/i]

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  • "Well i dont much like my house or the people in being shot at you very lucky that didn't shoot one my kids."says leyla crossly [i]she didn't look very happy and she was telling the truth her kids were literally in the next room fast asleep. Leyla would definitely protect them and anyone esle in her home that she deemed her friends.[/i] "So tell why are you attacking my friends hmm."says leyla [i]xexa however was busy stalking the fourth one in the abandoned building she careful not to be seen as she searches for the fourth her gun drawn and at the ready.[/i]

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  • [u]"W-well, one of your friends had decided to shoot us up. Our commander decided to pursue him, even though most of the group objected to it."[/u] [i]The man was still nervous, he was careful with his word choices, he didn't want to say anything to screw up.[/i] [i]Back in the building, the fourth did a good job of staying silent and being hidden. The room was near pitch black. It seemed to be an old office building, tables and chairs scattered the room. The only thing that could be heard was the downpour of rain that still went on.[/i]

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  • "Clearly you were doing something you weren't supposed to am i wrong"says leyla

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  • [i]The man pauses, he knew he had done something wrong. But refused to admit it right away.[/i] [u]"Well, you see. We didn't really do anything completely wrong."[/u]

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  • "Uh huh.. i dont really believe you maybe if i left echo here take you for another lovely flight skyward maybe then you actually starts being honest or i can think something much worse to do to you. Like say feeding you a giant spiders that live around here."says leyla [i]leyla really wasn't bluffing about giant spiders. Xexa was busy navigating the abandoned building looking for him. She had a feeling that he might be hiding so she leaned over and set very tiny ai down whichs starts looking for him using thermos on its scanner sneaking unnoticed near him as it was the size of a hotwheels car but moved surprise quick for that short. Its made no noise whatsoever as it walks along floor. [/i]

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  • [i]The AI was able to find the man sitting in the right corner of the room. He was hiding behind a table and a pile of trash. He had no idea of Xexa's presence, he kept his head looking at the floor. Bacl at the house, the man shuddered in fear.[/i] [u]"Giant...spiders? No, you wouldn't, would you?" [/u] [i]He was terrified. The talk of giant spiders made him cowar. [/i]

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  • "Oh just try me i know a really big one is and that one always hungry too."says leyla [i]leyla wasn't joking at all. her face basically read seriousness. [/i] "So are you gonna keep on lying to me human? Or are you gonna tell the truth. Cause really ain't that hard to tell. I didn't get to the age i am by believing liars. "says leyla [i]she crosses her arms. Elsewhere xexa ai was sneaking close to the man. But wasn't really able to see it though. Xexa was still looking but quickly finds her ai not knowing he is hiding right there. But if he were to take her lightly wouldnt be wise. [/i]

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  • [i]The man looks down in defeat. He finally decides to tell what happened if it meant staying alive.[/i] [u]"Ok, ok. We had set up shop in the desert, our group. However, some guys decided to steal from us, ran off to a small village. So, our commander took two of us to the village, and got our stuff back. It may have ended in a large gunfight, but, they stole first."[/u] [i]Back in the building, the fourth thought he had heard something. He decides to peer over the side of the table, however, his helmet jist hits to corner, making a small sound giving away his spot.[/i]

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