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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/17/2017 6:20:50 PM
[i]"For the Emperor...?" Just outside Tatakai's orbit, around midnight.[/i] The sound of ships jumping out of hyperspace would be heard for those who were in space. Three massive [url=]Star Destroyers[/url] jumped out of orbit, seemingly almost menacing in size... If it wasn't for the fact that most people in the Dojo had already heard of the Galactic Empire. Inside the middle Star Destroyer, two people were staring at the planet of Tatakai, seemingly waiting for something to happen. One of them happened to be an [url=]Female Imperial Officer[/url], who seemed to be standing in a very similar way to former Imperial Director Orson Krennic. The other? The other happened to be some form of [url=]android/human hybrid[/url], two [url=]DL-29[/url] blasters within her hand. An officer walked up to the two. "Ma'am, initial scans show lots of lifeforms...we don't know if they're part of the Alliance, though." The officer told the the red-head, who looked at the pad her officer had given her, then looked back out toward the planet. "Invade one of their smaller towns or villages. I want to test out how much of their defense is available. Send a squadron of TIE fighters with them as well. And a few Death Troopers. Tell Captain Sherkov to lead them." She tells the officer, said officer saluting and leaving the two alone on the bridge. "Shall I be necessary on this operation, Kiyala?" The hybrid asked, the red-head known as Kiyala shaking her head. "That won't be necessary now, Katya. We'll see just how powerful their defenses are before we make any more moves." She tells her ally, the two staring outside the window overlooking the planet. ------------------------------------ ([i]Random Village, 85 miles SW of the Dojo, 5 hours later)[/i] The sun the burning of a village. [url=]Stormtroopers[/url] threw civilians out of their homes, others were guarding the perimeter of the village, should anyone attempt to enter there. [url=]Flametroopers[/url] were burning some houses, creating smoke that flew up to the point where those at the Dojo would faintly see it. [url=]Shadow Troopers[/url] were guarding the center of the village, where all the civilians were tied up and kneeled at in a massive circle, Shadow and Stormtroopers there as well. An [url=]army trooper[/url] looked down toward an old man in the middle of said line, a Shadow Trooper guarding the army trooper. "Where is the Rebel Alliance, old man?" The Trooper asked in a pissed off mood. "What are you talking about? What is this Rebel Alliance?" The old man had asked the Trooper. "SHOOT ONE OF THEM, TROOPER!" The army trooper yelled to the Shadow Trooper, who promptly killed the young man next to the old man. "Now I ask again, soldier; where is the Alliance?!" The army trooper yelled. Someone would have to walk in and stop a potential massacre... [spoiler]Second part is open![/spoiler]

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  • Jets would continued to soar around the village, firing streams of bullets towards the TIE fighters. Multiple helicopters made their way above the airborne combat scene, launching guided Hellfire missiles towards the TIE fighters. But then there was the MageTech™ aspect of these airborne weapons. The fighter jets began firing arcane blasts of explosive magic, equivalent to bombs, except lacking any sort of arc in its launch and moving with extreme speed towards the TIE fighters. The blasts of magma would destroy the Shadow Troopers in the center of the village, allowing the civilians to remain safe. Terram then stood, looking around for any enemies. As Spéroe pelted the army trooper with explosive bullets, his armor would shatter and his flesh would be incinerated and destroyed, killing him quickly. The other trooper would not be killed, but rather was slammed into a wall. He would hear Spéroe's deadly soft interrogation voice; "Who are you? Who do you work for?" Meanwhile, about five minutes had passed and another platoon had arrived at the village. "Platoon 2, Colonel Aéra has arrived." "Colonel Aéra, surround the village! Block any enemies from leaving; Colonel Faller, do the same when you arrive!" "Yessir!" – Twice, simultaneously. Meanwhile, as the trooper on the outskirts of the village was alone without any civilians nearby, one of the fighter jets would fire a magic blast towards him. If it hit, the trooper would be annihilated by the resulting explosion meant to destroy tanks. Meanwhile, the newly arrived platoon began surrounding the village with their tanks and trucks, while Weavers began setting up barricades and shooting down any troopers who tried to escape. Finally, Terram spoke into his mic once more. "Jackson, get over to the center of the village!" Moments later, a Weaver arrived at Terram's side. He seemed to know what to do, and cast a spell upon his General. When Terram spoke once more, his voice was amplified across the village, loud enough for every person to hear. "Who is in charge here?" His voice boomed. "Come to the center of the village or face annihilation."

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  • One Stormtrooper came out of the woods, hands up in the air. "Sir...our leader is above you. She has weapons ready to take out your entire fleet. You can't take down the entire Empire, Rebel scum." The soldier had told him, activating something on his belt...which were multiple detonators, as he charged at the general. "FOR THE EMPIRE!" He yelled.

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  • Terram made a small flick of his wrist, and an earthen fist pillar shot out from the ground, slamming into the suicide bomber and causing him to explode in himself and the fist of compacted dirt and rock. T: "Their general isn't here. My guess is that they came from some sort of spacecraft up above. Platoon 4, ETA?" F: "ETA 9 seconds." Moments later, a soft whistling could be heard from the sky as people dropped from seemingly nowhere. They landed on the TIE fighters, using rather literal, explosive melee to smash them down onto the ground. T: "Platoon 2, feel free to move in now. Take as many people captive as possible." The Weavers surrounding the village moved in, shooting down the troopers they had to, and cuffing the ones they were able to with magically reinforced cuffs–more MageTech™ goods.

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  • They caught 16 Stormtroopers in total, and most likely slaughtered everyone else. There was that shuttle they left behind from earlier... perhaps that may lay some clues....

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  • "Sir, there's a shuttle nearby that looks foreign and still rather intact." "Spéroe, investigate it." "Yessir. I want ten men standing guard outside it." "Sir!" Spéroe and a few others from platoon 7 mobilized, as the seventh platoon's Colonel entered the shuttle, his modified AR-15 loaded and at the ready. Meanwhile, platoon 4 had rounded up the captured Storm Troopers and thrown them into a pile at the center of the village.

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  • The shuttle seemed to be a transport shuttle by the looks of it, and, depending on how technologically advanced the Fate Weavers were, looked highly advanced in soem type of tech. Space tech, to be exact. Nearby, someone began barking questions at some sort of comm in the cockpit. "Anybody, report; we've heard gunfire near your position; what's going on down there?!" Someone asked.

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  • "Don't touch them." [b]The man's voice came from behind the army trooper, stark and cold as it pierced the air with its sound. Yet it was refined, smooth even, and held a weight that extended a thousand lifetimes[/b] [spoiler]And yes, I have returned. No one cares and everyone probably still hates me for being a little edgelord shit, but... I still like this place.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]...What happened to you, Vile? Don't exactly remember anyone calling you an edgelord...[/spoiler] The army trooper turned around, storm troopers raising their weapons toward the unknown voice. "And who says so?" The Trooper asked, almost begrudgingly.

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  • [spoiler]I don't know. Maybe it was just the loudest voices that spoke, and it made me question why I was here. But then I happened to pop in again. I missed this place and didn't quite want to abandon it[/spoiler] "Me" [b]The man looked at him, staring down into his very essence. His hair was of a dark brown, and his eyes held the color of liquid fire. Instead of the scavenger outfit he usually wore, he was clad in ancient, silver-grey armor that almost looked regal. It's design was jagged, yet intricate, and perfectly went with the black clothing he wore underneath[/b] "Leave them." [b]He had changed from smiling to a face of dead seriousness, and his eyes held a cold vengeance[/b] [spoiler]And for some reason I can't rejoin the group...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Do you need an invite?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I guess? I tried to join on the website, and it gave me an error message saying that no one in the group has the ability to accept this request. Doesn't make sense[/spoiler] [spoiler]And if your trying to be a sarcastic asshole, I definitely look like a complete idiot here.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]This app's update is more idiotic than I originally thought. Admins no longer have the option to invite members to groups that aren't clans. Just try requesting to join there, I guess?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Same error. It say that none still-existing Bungie accounts have the ability to accept this request. Or something of that nature. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]this is so dumb. je ne comprends pas, désolé[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 9/19/2017 1:53:04 AM
    [spoiler]It is. I don't understand it either.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Ay...gotcha. Well, welcome back, and if you want me to link you to anything, just PM me.[/spoiler] "And what if we don't?" He asks, Stormtroopers raising their weapons toward the unknown man. "The last I checked, you aren't an Imperial. Nor some form of ally of ours. Thus, you are unauthorized to be here at this time. I suggest you leave us before lethal force is used." The army officer said, a smug face on him.

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  • "So be it." [b]He went to draw his sword, giving them just enough time to land a shot...[/b] [spoiler]Mind if I murder a few grunts?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Gladly.[/spoiler] The Stormtroopers began firing. "He has a weapon!" One of them shouted, the soldiers firing upon him.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 9/19/2017 7:03:47 PM
    [b]A few well-placed shots had marred his chest, but he didn't seem to react. He smiled, and suddenly exploded into nothing but shadow and air...[/b]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/19/2017 7:10:00 PM
    "Where'd the hell he go?" One of the Stormtrooper asks, proceeding to get beat over the head by the army trooper. "FIND HIM! BRING ME THE REBEL'S HEAD!" The Army Trooper yelled out, his soldiers beginning to search around the place. "BEGIN BRINGING THESE PRISONERS TO THE SHUTTLE;WE WILL USE THEM AS SUCH!" He yells out, the Shadow Troopers pushing the civilians from before into a shuttle that was nearby.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 9/19/2017 7:48:46 PM
    [b]There was a strange sound, almost like humming, that echoed in air. It was cheerful and upbeat, and was extremely creepy all the same[/b] [i]This is gonna be fun....[/i] [spoiler]*Mr. Blue Sky begins to play*[/spoiler] [b]A Stormtrooper began to claw at his own throat, gasping for air as blood fell onto the ground. There the man was, smiling like a crazy person, and vanishing again. A knife was thrown into another's head, and he instantly fell down. The man appeared again, plunging his sword into a Stormtroopers chest while simultaneously shooting another with their own gun[/b] "You see? I told you to leave them alone, now didn't I?"

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  • "Your little Jedi mind tricks won't fool anyone...BURN EVERYTHING WITHIN THIS PLACE!" The army trooper yelled, the Flametroopers doubling on their... tuning of everything that wasn't Imperials or civilians in the area.

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  • [b]He moved with lightning speed, holding the tip of his sword towards the officers throat in less than a second[/b] "Call off your troops, and release this civilians immediately. And if you don't, you and every other Imperial here will die."

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  • "Last time I checked, you weren't my superior...Jedi." He says, the Stormtroopers hat were remaining opening fire on the man.

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