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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/17/2017 6:20:50 PM
[i]"For the Emperor...?" Just outside Tatakai's orbit, around midnight.[/i] The sound of ships jumping out of hyperspace would be heard for those who were in space. Three massive [url=]Star Destroyers[/url] jumped out of orbit, seemingly almost menacing in size... If it wasn't for the fact that most people in the Dojo had already heard of the Galactic Empire. Inside the middle Star Destroyer, two people were staring at the planet of Tatakai, seemingly waiting for something to happen. One of them happened to be an [url=]Female Imperial Officer[/url], who seemed to be standing in a very similar way to former Imperial Director Orson Krennic. The other? The other happened to be some form of [url=]android/human hybrid[/url], two [url=]DL-29[/url] blasters within her hand. An officer walked up to the two. "Ma'am, initial scans show lots of lifeforms...we don't know if they're part of the Alliance, though." The officer told the the red-head, who looked at the pad her officer had given her, then looked back out toward the planet. "Invade one of their smaller towns or villages. I want to test out how much of their defense is available. Send a squadron of TIE fighters with them as well. And a few Death Troopers. Tell Captain Sherkov to lead them." She tells the officer, said officer saluting and leaving the two alone on the bridge. "Shall I be necessary on this operation, Kiyala?" The hybrid asked, the red-head known as Kiyala shaking her head. "That won't be necessary now, Katya. We'll see just how powerful their defenses are before we make any more moves." She tells her ally, the two staring outside the window overlooking the planet. ------------------------------------ ([i]Random Village, 85 miles SW of the Dojo, 5 hours later)[/i] The sun the burning of a village. [url=]Stormtroopers[/url] threw civilians out of their homes, others were guarding the perimeter of the village, should anyone attempt to enter there. [url=]Flametroopers[/url] were burning some houses, creating smoke that flew up to the point where those at the Dojo would faintly see it. [url=]Shadow Troopers[/url] were guarding the center of the village, where all the civilians were tied up and kneeled at in a massive circle, Shadow and Stormtroopers there as well. An [url=]army trooper[/url] looked down toward an old man in the middle of said line, a Shadow Trooper guarding the army trooper. "Where is the Rebel Alliance, old man?" The Trooper asked in a pissed off mood. "What are you talking about? What is this Rebel Alliance?" The old man had asked the Trooper. "SHOOT ONE OF THEM, TROOPER!" The army trooper yelled to the Shadow Trooper, who promptly killed the young man next to the old man. "Now I ask again, soldier; where is the Alliance?!" The army trooper yelled. Someone would have to walk in and stop a potential massacre... [spoiler]Second part is open![/spoiler]

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  • Following them eventually lead her to the bridge, where an Imperial officer was speaking with someone she couldn't see, due to the small number of officers surrounding him. "...we need to prepare for any type of attack by these unidentifiable people." A feminine voice had told the officers. "Lieutenant-Commander, last time I checked, we don't know the capabilities of every single life form on this planet. I'd rather wait until we have our droids on the ground before we do anything rash." He says. Again, no one seemed to notice Athena entering the bridge.

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  • She hid for a split second, the disguise taking on the form of one of the people working on the bridge. She needed to get close. Given her entire form being hidden, she could easily pull a weapon quite seriously from thin air, although it was simply hidden under the illusion.

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  • She managed to squeeze her way through the various officers, until she reached near the front of the gathering of officers. Right in front of the group, a hologram of a [url=]woman, seemingly in an officer's uniform.[/url] talking to all of them. This was most likely the leader of the Imperial groups, contacting them from some unknown location. "You know what to do, officers. Find out the defenses of this planet, and report back to me once that's done. We're saving most of our defenses, so expect no backup until otherwise noted. Kiyala, out." She had said, disappearing. The officers all stared at an old man in a white officer suit, who looked the windows of the bridge, the rising sun glaring back at him.

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  • She grinned to herself, her face being angular yet had an odd grace to it. She could try and plant a bug in the system, but it might draw attention.

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  • The officers scattered, leaving just her and a few other officers with her, as the Imperial white officer turned around. “I need you, and Captain Guren to watch the bridge while I resign to my quarters. I must be well-rested for when Kiyala gives the word to attack or invade somewhere. She does have the most powerful of our weapons waiting for activation.” The officer tells Athena and the officer next to her, leaving the bridge. This left Athena in a room with an officer, a couple Stormtroopers guarding the bridge, and a lot of technical officers.

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  • The irony was that he would be let down, since Athena wasn't even an official officer. Rolling her neck, she glanced around, needing a way off the bridge.

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  • The Stormtroopers were guarding at the door; maybe she could use the classic excuse of a bathroom break. Or she could simply get a drink for one of the officers. "Hey; I'm real thirsty; too lazy to exactly leave here; mind doing it for me?" The other officer asked Athena.

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  • She nodded then, taking the opportunity to escape the ship.

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  • She would've went through the corridors, some Stormtroopers making their way to the hangar. The soldiers seemed unaware of the officer's presence...or she could make her way back where she came.

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  • She cloaked as a stormtrooper again then, making her way to the hangars.

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  • Within the hangars, hundreds of their TIE fighters were hung up on walls, almost akin to decorations. Some Stormtroopers went in the cockpit, along with other [url=]pilot troopers[/url].

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  • Knowing she would need to be disguised as a pilot to even think of getting to the ships, she found a good spot to hide again, and recloaked as a pilot trooper.

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  • The group of Stormtroopers seemed to not notice it, allowing her to choose out of a variety of TIE Fighters and Interceptors.

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  • She went for an interceptor, the ship seemed overall faster and better for an escape.

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  • Going in, it almost felt like the small cockpit she was in was roomy. Now...did she know how to drive the Interceptor, would be the question.

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  • Considering she knew how to pilot a number of space craft, they all followed a similar design, all it would take is finding what was what.

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  • Well...the controls looked easy enough to handle, along with many other things that seemed to be different things; something for tracking ships, a couple buttons for maneuverability. And a button used to get her off the wall of ships she was currently on.

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  • Knowing the big button keeping her on the wall would be bad to press at the moment, she needed to get the ship running first.

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  • There were a lot of switches that were here, on top of the window; that could’ve lead to powering up the ship.

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  • Reaching up, she flicked it in the hopes it did.

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  • Everything seemed to turn on, as a couple Stormtroopers walked up to the Interceptor. "BC-2314, we already have the guard out there in case; we don't need anymore fighters out there." The Stormtrooper had said.

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  • She growled then, not knowing what to do now.

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  • ...there was always the idea of jetting it out of there.

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  • "General, we've got reports of heavy gunfire over in a small village less than a hundred miles from the Dojo. Several distress calls; I think it best we mobilize." "On it. Available platoons, please report. Platoon 1, General Terram is ready." "Platoon 2, Colonel Aéra is ready." "Platoon 4, Colonel Faller is ready." "Platoon 7, Colonel Spéroe is ready." "Colonels and General Terram, coordinates are being sent to your vehicles now." A few moments later, and the same voice spoke once more. "Coordinates have been sent." "Mobilize!" From all different directions, vehicles began speeding forward towards the village that needed help so desperately. They bore the signature Ying Yang symbol of the Fate Weavers, a private military organization composed mostly of modern mages who had affinity with both guns and magic. "Platoon 7 is approaching the target village. The situation looks dire, General." "Drop as soon as you can. Our platoon will arrive shortly." "Yessir." From the north, dozens of helicopters and fighter jets were seen, their weapons loaded and ready to fire at any air support that the enemy had. As they approached, Fate Weaver soldiers began skydiving from the helicopters, each dressed in a uniform set of dark [url=]armor[/url], carrying a variety of weapons based on their preference. They rushed into the village and began firing on the aggressing Troopers, waves of gunfire flying accurately at the enemies. Huge waves that seemingly came from nowhere would begin putting out fires–it was thanks to one of the members of the Fate Weavers, one with an affinity to water. The trooper that was interrogating the man about the whereabouts of the Rebel Alliance suddenly had a spray of 5.56x45mm NATO rounds flying towards him, the difference being that they were custom built explosive rounds. They were coming at an angle such that they would not harm the civilian but heavily damage if not kill the army trooper. The bullets came from a man dressed in the same exosuit as the other Fate Weavers, however he bore the emblem of an FW Colonel on his chest. Sheathed on his back was a sword that looked as though it was golden; the sunlight caused it to glow, almost blindingly so. Moments later, dozens of large military trucks whose speeds were boosted greatly by some sort of magic spell entered the village, and more Fate Weavers poured in. "Platoon 1, General Terram has arrived. Remaining platoons, report." "Platoon 2 is almost there, ETA five minutes." "Platoon 4 is on its way, ETA 14 minutes." One man was dressed in different [url=]armor[/url] in comparison to the rest of the Fate Weavers, clearly distinguishing him as the General. He held a short yet extremely heavy looking [url=]hammer[/url] in his right hand, a standard M1911A1 in his left. He was approaching the center of the village, where the civilians looked to be held hostage. An approaching Storm Trooper caused for the General to turn and smash his hammer into the trooper's chest before shots could be fired; a sudden explosion of magma occurred, blasting the Trooper back and most likely taking them out of the fight. He then turned back towards the center of the village; he hadn't been seen yet. As he poked his head around the side of a house, he suddenly smashed the head of his hammer into the ground. Magma suddenly burst out of the ground in a contained volcanic eruption. For each Shadow Trooper, there was an eruption occurring underneath them. At the same time, Terram made sure to raise his left hand, which would cause a wall of hardened dirt and stone to rise from the ground around the civilians, effectively separating them from the Shadow Troopers.

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  • [spoiler]...Damn. Sent a massive army, didn't ya? Lol.[/spoiler] Most of the troopers were either killed or wounded to the point that they wouldn't be able to return to combat for a while. The Flametroopers began pointing their flamethrower toward the Weavers, firing more streams of fire in the direction of the soldiers. TIE Fighters were up in the air, engaging the Weavers in the air, leaving just a sole Stormtrooper on the outskirts crawling to a tree. "Send...reinforcements...Belligerence...lost more forces." The Stormtrooper had tried to say to the Star Destroyer [i]Belligerence[/i] via his helmet comm.

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