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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/17/2017 6:20:50 PM
[i]"For the Emperor...?" Just outside Tatakai's orbit, around midnight.[/i] The sound of ships jumping out of hyperspace would be heard for those who were in space. Three massive [url=]Star Destroyers[/url] jumped out of orbit, seemingly almost menacing in size... If it wasn't for the fact that most people in the Dojo had already heard of the Galactic Empire. Inside the middle Star Destroyer, two people were staring at the planet of Tatakai, seemingly waiting for something to happen. One of them happened to be an [url=]Female Imperial Officer[/url], who seemed to be standing in a very similar way to former Imperial Director Orson Krennic. The other? The other happened to be some form of [url=]android/human hybrid[/url], two [url=]DL-29[/url] blasters within her hand. An officer walked up to the two. "Ma'am, initial scans show lots of lifeforms...we don't know if they're part of the Alliance, though." The officer told the the red-head, who looked at the pad her officer had given her, then looked back out toward the planet. "Invade one of their smaller towns or villages. I want to test out how much of their defense is available. Send a squadron of TIE fighters with them as well. And a few Death Troopers. Tell Captain Sherkov to lead them." She tells the officer, said officer saluting and leaving the two alone on the bridge. "Shall I be necessary on this operation, Kiyala?" The hybrid asked, the red-head known as Kiyala shaking her head. "That won't be necessary now, Katya. We'll see just how powerful their defenses are before we make any more moves." She tells her ally, the two staring outside the window overlooking the planet. ------------------------------------ ([i]Random Village, 85 miles SW of the Dojo, 5 hours later)[/i] The sun the burning of a village. [url=]Stormtroopers[/url] threw civilians out of their homes, others were guarding the perimeter of the village, should anyone attempt to enter there. [url=]Flametroopers[/url] were burning some houses, creating smoke that flew up to the point where those at the Dojo would faintly see it. [url=]Shadow Troopers[/url] were guarding the center of the village, where all the civilians were tied up and kneeled at in a massive circle, Shadow and Stormtroopers there as well. An [url=]army trooper[/url] looked down toward an old man in the middle of said line, a Shadow Trooper guarding the army trooper. "Where is the Rebel Alliance, old man?" The Trooper asked in a pissed off mood. "What are you talking about? What is this Rebel Alliance?" The old man had asked the Trooper. "SHOOT ONE OF THEM, TROOPER!" The army trooper yelled to the Shadow Trooper, who promptly killed the young man next to the old man. "Now I ask again, soldier; where is the Alliance?!" The army trooper yelled. Someone would have to walk in and stop a potential massacre... [spoiler]Second part is open![/spoiler]

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  • "There is no Rebel Alliance here" Came a reply from what sounded like a droid. The machine looked like hell, most of its body damaged. It had four arms, the top pair holding a rifle of sorts, the bottom holding what looked like a buzzsaw. The eyes of the machine stared down at the trooper. "As far as I know this is a sovereign planet. If you continue this course of action you will be destroyed."

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  • "And who says so, droid?" The Army Trooper had told the unknown voice, turning around behind him. "We could just simply kill you like the rest of theses scum. We know that you hide a resistance on this planet. Reveal them to us and we won't have to take action." The Trooper had smugly said, Stormtroopers nearby raising their weapons toward the droid should he try anything.

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  • "I only fear one man. You are not that man" It said sighing as it readied its weapons "Now, I see two options. You try to kill me, you fail, and I loot your smoking corpses. Or You leave and don't comeback." It said, looking around at the troopers.

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  • Some of their guns were shaking, as fear started to crawl up among them... but beyond that, they still continued to hold their weapons toward the unknown person. "And who exactly would you be to threaten the Galactic Empire with?" The army trooper asked, a smug face on him, almost like he was actually going to win...

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  • "Just a droid. A droid with an arsenal capable of destroying an army." It said, and the buzzsaw revved up as the gun chambered a round

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/20/2017 11:16:43 PM
    The army trooper continued to keep his smug face on him, pointing a finger up, as the Stormtroopers tossed their weapons. "Then you'll be scrapped like most other droids who disobey us. Open fire!" He yells, the trooper opening fire.

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  • the laser rounds for the most part bounced off or did little to the Droid's plating "You asked for it" He advanced, sawing the trooper in front of him in half while firing the assault rifle at the group of troopers nearby, molten spikes melting their insides once they pierced the armor.

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  • As he did this, more troopers seemed to have noticed the commotion, running over and opening fire on the bot, Flametroopers redirecting their flamethrowers in the droid's direction. "What the hell is that thing?" Someone asked, most likely a Stormtrooper.

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  • He threw bolts of blue energy at them, which slowed them down in time as it shot their tanks. As the field wore off the flametroopers died in blazes of their own weaponry as the troops around them were incinerated. He holstered both the rifle and buzzsaw and pulled out what appeared to be a large box with a cylindrical end, until it unfolded into a chaingun. It gripped the chaingun with all four arms and opened fire, plasma spraying down all of the troopers in sight.

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  • They were dropping like flies from the plasma bolts, as 5 TIE Fighters from right above the droids head began to air strike the droid using their weapons.

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  • he simply shot at them with withering fire from his chaingun, jumping to the side once they got too close

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 9/21/2017 3:26:38 PM
    He took down three of them, all spiraling and crashing outside the village. More troopers from the wilds nearby appeared, firing Barrages at him, as multiple grenades shot up in the air before raining down on him.

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  • He moved in a blur suddenly, his eyes gleaming as the blur cut down troopers with faster-than-normal dodging and firepower

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  • Most of them went down as the remains two TIEs circled back around and fired torpedos in his direction, followed up by additional fire.

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  • He simply jumped straight into the air, and propelled by the torpedo's explosions, flew straight at the TIE fighters. His chaingun glowed a brilliant reddish-yellow as it blasted into the two in the air.

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  • [spoiler]... Well that was unexpected. [/spoiler] The two blew up in spectacular fashion, explosions engulfing around the droid. Everything (at least for the most part) seemed...peaceful. He would have a moment to at peace, think...whatever.

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  • He went back to the village, shouting "Alright! Who's in charge?"

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  • The old man who was being harassed by the army trooper raised his hand. “I am, good kind sir.” He says.

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  • "Get your ass to the dojo then. Grab their weapons and if they show up, shoot first." It said, before looking for a way to get to the troops' source

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  • He got the form of a literal Star Destroyer as it passed by over him, drives of fighters overhead, most likely its guard.

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  • [i]The ground began to physically shake beneath the feet of the Imperial soldiers. The sound of hundreds of thousands of pounds of flesh, armor, and weaponry filled the air. Over the din of a moving army came the shouting of a great host, and various roars, snuffles, and sounds that belonged to living mounts, that were most certainly not horses. The shaking slowed and stopped in tandem with the emergence of massive shapes on the hill to the west, hulking, armored men atop behemoth mounds of flesh and armor stopping in line at the crest. One stood out in front, or at least, it looked like it was one. The silhouettes cast by the moonlight made it hard to tell, though it made for one hell of an entrance.[/i] "[b]ATTENTION, HOSTILE XENOS SCUM! MY NAME IS TAUREN GRÏSTHOLM, CHAPTER MASTER OF THE URSINE DRAGOONS, OF THE DEATHMARINE CORP., OF THE IMPERIUM OF MAN! YOU ARE TRESPASSING ON NEUTRAL TERRITORY WITH FORCE AND FURY, AND NOW WE SHALL RETALIATE IN KIND! FOR THE GLORY OF THE IMPERIUM![/b]" [i]With a great heaving and rushing of mass, the line moves forward, slow at first, but then growing in speed and force as the monsters racing over the ground accelerate to their top sprinting speeds, upwards of 47 mph. As the cavalry charge commenced, the forward ranks began to fire their Heavy Bolters, massive slugs tearing through village, trooper, and civilian alike.[/i]

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  • For the Imperium, my guy. (o_o)7

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  • They went down quite quickly, like flies. Above, TIE fighters launched their blasters toward the Imperium, as more troopers came from the woods, firing their blasters to desperately hold back the horde that was coming at them.

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  • Someone [i]did[/i] walk in. Quite literally in fact, as randomly one of the troopers shot three others in the back with its blaster, then threw it at a fourth, catching them all by surprise. The trooper [i]fizzled[/i] then, seemingly like an illusion, then shattered into pieces as a cloaked and armored figure was standing there, pulling two revolvers with surprising speed. Plasma, not phasers or photon beams or anything similar to the Imperial's weapons, a dangerous thing in the face of their armor. Loud [i]clacks[/i] where heard, the revolvers letting out their repeated cries as plasma was fired and struck the opposing trooper's armors, melting it and going through to the soldier inside them. It was a surprise attack by one person, seemingly feminine in nature, yet incredibly dangerous. How she snack in, cloaked as a trooper was unknown, but she so far managed to take down more than half the invading presence.

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  • "Engage that Rebel! Get these prisoners back to the [i]Belligerence[/i], now!" The Army Trooper yelled, two Shadow Troopers covering his back, as Stormtroopers and Flametroopers fired upon the new arrival. Clearly, they thought she was some kind of 'Rebel'.

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