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Edited by G33KBOSS01: 9/14/2017 4:16:10 PM

Why Some People Don't Want to Play With a Fireteam

Hi, I’m a D1 player who logged over 3000 hours. I play Crucible all the time, it’s my favorite Destiny Activity. I’m decent, not great. (I hate Rumble BTW. Ironic, I know. I actually live for being a team player) I did all the Raids, a lot. (I didn’t get Rise of Iron) I was in a very successful Clan in D1(Knights of the Phoenix) I have a lot friends on my friendlist. So why do I, and other people, prefer to play solo 90% of the time? There are several reasons, and I will try to be as concise as possible. I HAVE LIMITED TIME TO PLAY: When I get home, if I have time, I just want to jump into whatever activity I feel like playing. I don’t want to see who is online, what activity they are doing, jump into their party, ask them if they want to do what I want to do, wait in orbit, wait for two other people to join, or respond to my messages, and THEN deal with the apology messages of, sorry already full etc etc. I HAVE EMOTIONAL ANGST ABOUT THESE SOCIAL INTERACTIONS: When I ask for friends to join me who are engaged in another activity I feel like I am bothering them. Whether this is true or not, this is how it makes me feel, and I would rather not deal with it. I DON’T ALWAYS FEEL LIKE TALKING: Often times in these groups people are chatting away about their personal life, and it can be overwhelming to me. I DO enjoy talking about the game, like callouts in PvP, but usually the constant conversation about day-to-day life stresses me out and takes me out of the experience I am trying to enjoy. (I hate CO-OP in story modes, because I can’t focus on the experience AT ALL) This probably sounds funny to some people, but I bet for A LOT of solo players this is one of their main reasons for preferring the Lone-Wolf. THE STOP-START EXPERIENCE WITH GROUPS IS GRATING: Play a match. One person leaves. 5 Minutes in Orbit till someone else can join. Play a match, two people leave. Find replacements. Another 5 minutes. This tends to stress me out a lot. I don’t know if I am coming off as a whiny wuss, but I wanted to shed some light on why a lot of Guardians might prefer to play Solo. Maybe I am way off base. Comments will let me know I guess. EDIT: There appears to be some confusion here so I will clarify. I don't want Destiny to change. It should be a social game. It's awesome that way. I DO have a good time in 90% of Fireteams. I play with people all the time. The ONLY thing I would want either removed or tweaked is Skill Based Matchmaking. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT. I'm just trying to give a perspective of why players choose to play Solo. Even with friends, not everyone can beat a Raid or go Flawless in Trials, and that is the way it should be. I LOVE DESTINY.

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  • Wow. This post describes me perfectly.

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    • All this plus I'm not good and don't want to waste everyone's time with wipe after wipe.

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    • I have a lot of live experience. Your situation comes from a "belief" that everyone can love each other and all will be well. Bungie either believes, or assumes, or tries to force the concept, that everyone playing Destiny, is a decent person, and who is totally able and willing to be friends (real friends, not Social Media's idea of friends, with everyone) This is seriously not the case, and a short reading of posts on this Forum proves that beyond doubt. The sad fact is that, in real live, we could not develop any real personal friendship with a marked majority of our Games Friends. I understand your situation - I've been in it many times. Frustration with Clan or Friends is real. As far as talking, the question most asked of me in a Party, is "Are you still there?" It can get bad. I was in a Raid once, and no calls could be heard, because the other five were talking about themselves, or yelling that they were dead (over and over. Jeez, you only died the once!) "My suggestion that they all STFU, and play the game, was met with some shocked hostility. LOL! Play the game solo, and if you get a good run from a random or an existing friend, then see if that develops further. Clans are good, but be aware that Clans consist of Friends, and we are back to where we started. Also, don't forget that you yourself, and I myself, probably give a lot of players a first class, card carrying does of the s**ts too. (We'll find that out shorty, as the replies come in!) This is all human nature, in all it's glory and crap.

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      2 Replies
      • Pretty much summed up me as well. All good points. I dislike playing story missions in coop too. I'm trying to listen to what's being said in the cutscenes and people in the chat party are just blabbing away. Or if we are playing together, they'll run ahead and will get most of the kills or see things before I get a chance to, or won't stop and check out areas like I like to do. I much prefer solo play.

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      • This is pretty much me to a T. Glad I'm not the only one.

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      • Agree After a hard day of work I don't feel like talking

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      • So true!

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      • I can't stand playing a campaign in party chat. You can't hear anything and are constantly distracted by everything. Totally rips the experience apart.

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      • Edited by ken31cayman: 9/14/2017 12:16:23 PM
        You are spot on imo. [quote]....takes me out of the experience I am trying to enjoy.[/quote] This is my biggest reason for playing solo. [quote]....people are chatting away about their personal life.[/quote] Not that I don't like people but for me it's not the place to make new friends. Again, it takes away from the gaming experience which is why I play in the first place. I played out 3 Destiny 1 accounts, not sure of total hours though I'm sure it's a lot.

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      • Im with you, I play a lot with friends but also love to play solo quite a bit. Why? Less stress. My friends are great, we play a lot together, but they easily rage and then that effects my mood when playing. When playing solo, its just me, I keep in a positive mindset and just chill. Also yes, one thing which pisses me off the most is when 2 or 3 of us will be playing and we concentrating, then somoenes friend who I don't know comes in and starts chatting, they always get a nice kick out of the party haha

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      • I agree with every point 110%. It's almost like I wrote this post.

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      • I hate when I'm playing a different activity than online friends are and they invite me to a chat party. I'm trying to concentrate on my mission and you want to talk about life. Sorry. MSG me that bullshit if you need to get it off your chest. I play solo a lot on Saturday and Sunday morning, because I'm an early riser. I can get in about 4 early hours before wife and/or kids are up—and I absolutely love it. It's like my weekend therapy.

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      • I just hate people. I hate group events but I do them. I hate listening to your screaming kids in the background. I hate listening to you crunch your potato chips. I hate listening to you inhale your smoke. I hate listening to your squeaking or retarded voice. I prefer to raid or nightfall where everyone knows what to do and keeps the jibber jabber to a minimum. Finish up and be on my way while my hate for you keeps me warm inside.....

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        10 Replies
        • I feel you dude and agree with alot what youre saying. Although for me its just that Im doing other stuff while playing like watching shows on My laptop or YouTube or listening to music or hanging with friends. But When i raid Im all there with the headset and try to be as much help as possible. But When i do strikes or crucible or public events I have no desire o be listening to someone chewing in My mic. If you can do it without communication Im all for it

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        • So you "put in over 3000 hours" of gameplay but have "limited time"?

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          • Edited by Whiskaye: 9/14/2017 12:56:08 PM
            Thank you half of this explains how I feel, I also hate it when you get those white teens or grown ass men in their 30's who cry and complain when they think they can finish a raid or a nightfall within a minute and blame it on you or something and just makes you feel not good. Thats what ruins raids for me.

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            4 Replies
            • I'm a solo player but the reasons I am is because 1) I normally only have time to play while most everyone else is at work or school. 2) it is very real that while I'm playing I will have to go AFK with no notice at all. 3) I like to hear the story and it seems like when you play with others all they do is talk. 4) when I can play and have a team I need to get through the objective and beat what were trying to so when another player goes on their smoke break or poop break, often times I no longer have time to finish what was started. These are the main reasons I'm mostly a solo player

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            • I don't play with a fire team currently because I don't want to. Simple as that. I'll get one together in the coming weeks when I need one.

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            • 1

              You’re a POS. - 7/3/2024 1:14:40 AM

              Feel the same.

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            • So dont play a multiplayrr centric game?

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              • I have a wife and two kids. I might get on for an hour or two at night after all of them are asleep. And since they are asleep I don't want to wake them up talking about Destiny crap on my headset. Bungie does some things well with the strike playlist etc. It's a shame they can't design end game (raids etc) content that doesn't require headsets and dedication of four to five hours of continuous play.

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              • i got limited time to play and a family i need to play around. Its just more convient for me to solo most things. I personaly don't get the whole "aways do everything with a full fireteam all the time" mentality, and "if your not playing with your clan or freinds then your not having fun". At the minute its a struggle to even play the game due to the 265 wall thats firmly in place. Haven't done the nightfall as it feels more like a speed run and less like actual fun. the raid. Hmmm I want to do it at least once, but the whole token as rewards thing. I did voG for weeks in a row with nothing to show but shards, so I;m not overly keen to repeat the experience. Guess its onto knack 2 for me...

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              • Edgy

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              • I think you're just anti-social.. grow a pair and make some friends, destiny is infinitely better when you play with friends.

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              • I respect your post. I don't have any suggestions, but I will keep your words in my mind today. Light be with you, Guardian.

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              • D1 Vet from day one with 3400+ hours mainly focused around crucible as well Did every raid except Wrath of the machine because I did not enjoy the loot or glitches that came with said raid. To be honest I too suffer from anxiety and fear of being social. It kills me when I get asked to do a raid or do a nightfall or even trials because I don't do those things often. In D1 I stuck to clash control iron banner and mayhem sometimes I tried supremacy and rift but most times it was control or clash. I got all three of my D1 characters to 400 light without doing many raids and without going flawless more than once and I achieved 400 really quick. I just stuck to doing a bunch of iron banner.

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