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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/4/2017 11:38:55 PM
Iris looked at Gideon's hand, and understood what it meant. She raised her visor so the mage could see her round face; fair skin, with angular features and olive green eyes. Her face looked... peaceful. As though she was accepting the mage's sign of peace. It was all a façade. Iris had no love for mages; this was shone when her expression suddenly changed to one of contempt, and she angled her chain upwards to spit onto Gideon's raised hand. Her left hand lowered her visor once more, and another bullet was fired from Iris' revolver–again, at Gideon's right shoulder. She seemed reluctant to outright kill the man... even if she did dislike what he was. A mage. Additionally she took almost no notice of her sister, and didn't even react when her bullet ended up missing Gideon and striking Elizabeth's armor.

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  • [i]The revolver shot didn't surprise Gideon, but the javelin certainly did.[/i] [i]The round collided with his right shoulder, the man biting his tongue and almost severing it before outright yelling in pain as the arm blew open once more. Yet his mouth would remain gaping as a vicious tearing noise was heard, and Fate's Borealite spearhead found itself tearing through his chest, splitting open his sternum.[/i] [i]Gideon collapsed to the ground, upon his knees, his body going still as blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. He would find himself falling, before lurching back suddenly as Elizabeth tore out the spear, dropping it as she wrapped her arms around his exposed neck. With one simple, agonizing twist, she snapped his neck instantly, dropping his lifeless body to the ground.[/i] [i]From there, the woman's armor would.. melt away, exposing Elizabeth in a more human form. Her rough panting was heard as she clenched her robed side, blood soaking through the gunshot wound. It began to freeze upon her very touch, stopping the blood flow there.[/i] [i]Once revealed.. well, Iris could see some of the changes that her twin went under during the usage of her abilities. Her skin was snow white and pearly, almost coated with a thin layer of ice, the entirety of her eyes a haunting cyan blue, her hair turning silver and old. Though it faded away, restoring her to a natural beauty - platinum blonde hair, with deep sapphire blue eyes, her skin returning to a healthy light tan.[/i] "[b]...Revílas,[/b]" [i]She muttered, staring at the dead elf before them. For a second, nothing happened, as ice coated his own skin, encasing him and freezing his body slowly. Then, his eyes would glisten with the same cruel blue as Elizabeth's, his entire bodily system freezing into place, practically degrading itself as he rose up, slumped. The hole in his arm and chest began to fill up with ice, stitching itself together as he looked upon his new master. Whom would merely smirk, with a new confidence to her grin.[/i] [i]...Iris hadn't seen that Elizabeth picked up necromancy, to say the very least.[/i]

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  • Before Gideon could turn completely to ice and death.... Iris quickly readjusted her aim and fired another shot at the mage, this time straight into his heart that was luckily still flesh and blood. As it was lodged within Gideon's body, instead of exploding it seemingly imploded, sucking whatever magic energy and organs Gideon had into the bullet's small chassis. After that process was done, Iris walked up behind Gideon and pulled the bullet out, raising her visor once more. Now, Elizabeth had seen Iris do plenty of stupid shit, but this was probably the stupidest thing to date; Iris literally placed the bullet into her mouth and swallowed. After a moment of hacking and coughing the bullet went down, and would dissolve somewhere inside of her. Now, whatever abilities Gideon had... Iris had them, too. "...I didn't think that that would work," Iris admitted aloud. It was the first time she had actually used that property of her bullets–she was acting purely based on what she was told. Luck was on her side. She then looked at her sister and the slowly freezing body of Gideon; Iris obviously hadn't seen this before, and her eyes were transfixed.

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  • [i]Elizabeth tilted her head a little when she surveyed that her sister had bothered to shoot the undead elf, almost raising her right hand as to say[/i] "He's dead already", [i]before she watched Iris, with a certain horror, swallow the bullet.[/i] "Are you sure.." [i]She muttered, before actually listening to Iris speak. A sigh of relief would escape her light lips, as she looked back at the frozen, dead body of Gideon.[/i] "...I know it's wrong. Evil. But it doesn't stop me from doing it." [i]She muttered with a chilling tone, brushing her hand upon Gideon's jawline, studying his now emotionless features.[/i] "...I promise, Iris.. This will not be your fate. Nor our parents, that's.. crossing the line."

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  • Iris snorted. "Dead people can't decide what happens to their bodies," She stated simply, holstering her revolver. She entered a few keys on her left forearm, and her armor was seemingly warped away into itself, leaving Iris in plain, black clothing; a jacket and sweatpants. She walked up to her sister, resting her warmer left hand on Elizabeth's cold cheek. As cold as ice. Her thumb trailed across Elizabeth's cheekbone, while her olive colored eyes scrutinized her sister. She eventually turning away, her hand leaving Liz while her gaze refocused on Gideon's lifeless body. "Can it... move?" Iris asked, crouching down and examining the frozen body.

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  • [i]Elizabeth originally looked as if she would say something to contradict Iris suddenly, although her words did not leave her mouth as her sister pressed her hand against the chilly skin. From there, the young woman went quiet, looking back at Iris before sighing as she looked away, questioning the corpse.[/i] [i]In response, the lifeless elf flickered with motion, it's frozen eyes looking up at Iris before it forced itself up, utilizing it's now frosted staff as a walking stick, which even that froze: a spearhead protruded from both ends, allowing for additional usage of blade, each made of ice.[/i] "You didn't bring a.. jacket?" [i]Elizabeth questioned to Iris, as the elven man rose. From there, she began to concentrate, until the dropped temperature began to.. loosen up, a slight heat returning to the plains. It was still cold, not to Liz of course, but it would warm up.[/i] "...We should head back. To.. that place Mom and Dad found. Dojoville, I think it's called."

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  • As the frozen being rose up into a standing position, Iris took a step back out of caution, her right hand resting on her revolver's holster just in case she were to be attacked. Needless to say, she felt a little insecure around the undead elf. "I'm wearing a jacket right now. Did your eyes freeze, along with your new toy?" Iris remarked sarcastically. Indeed, she's been wearing a black jacket, the one she always wore. At the mention of Dojoville, Iris sighed, looking in that general direction. "Yeah, I suppose we need to head back," She responded in agreement.

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  • [i]Elizabeth would find herself remaining silent, instead of responding to the remark and the agreement. A subtle discomfort, though not necessarily a frown, would cross her face, before she shook her head and began to move to the east. The undead elf would turn it's frozen skull and look back at Iris, almost giving her a haunting grin before following it's.. master.[/i] [i]Quick timeskip..[/i] [i]The two would find themselves upon a wooden rowboat, completed with additional covers for nighttime rest, a few packs of food and soda, alongside the few objects that Liz had bothered to bring to tinker with, and some books for when the two had stopped. Elizabeth had still refused to tell Iris why they had killed the mage.. probably for a bounty, yet they hadn't been paid.[/i] [i]Speaking of Gideon's undead corpse.. it was rowing the boat for them, with an astonishing strength, least for a dead man. Elizabeth had studied him for quite a while, looking up from a dagger that she cradled in her hands. One that she had taken to carving out, from the elf's staff: now, a sharpened javelin of titanium was what he wielded, whilst she held a curved knife of titanium, bladed with the corrupted red energy that coursed through the edges of it's blade.[/i] "...Here," [i]She twirled the knife with an unknown dexterity, so the blade was held in her stretched hand, the handle pointed towards Iris. Upon it's blade were.. symbols, ones of magical origin that Elizabeth had likely memorized. Runes.[/i] "The red portion.. it's dark. On it's own, it slowly devours whatever it pierces or slices. The runes add a few additional features.. it's near unbreakable against things like heat, and magic-related objects. And.. well, fittingly enough, it should sever magical bonds almost instantaneously. Not eliminate, but.. magic armoring should be rendered useless against it." [i]There was an attempt at a smile upon Elizabeth's pale face, though it was more than obvious that the frosty nerd was in incredibly deep thought.[/i]

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  • Iris slowly took the knife from her sister's hand, twirling it around in her right hand with at least equal dexterity. The examined it, then looked up at Elizabeth. "'re practically asking for me to stab you," Iris replied, placing her right hand on her left forearm's sleeve. Once again, the knife was warped away into a storage area that could not be seen by either of the two. "Thanks, though," Iris added quickly, sitting back and watching Gideon row away. She gazed quietly over the horizon, not yet questioning the murder of the elf. If her sister wanted to tell her why, then Iris knew that she'd speak up. No point in asking about something she wouldn't get the answer to.

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 9/15/2017 2:23:09 PM
    "I figure you wouldn't, but then again.." [i]From there, Elizabeth would only let out a simple giggle, though she would resume a silence as well, staring upon the reflecting ocean as well, its water's eerily calm, surprisingly enough. She wanted to make a joke about "stabbing", though she wasn't one for comedy - she figured that it would've made the situation awkward, especially with a dead man rowing. Soon enough, the only sound would be Gideon's rowing, and the waves that passed underneath them.[/i] "Think about it, though. I guess this is.. a new beginning. I.. might look into the Dojo, for work and "projects". What about you? I mean, I'd figure that we could.. make cash through "work", if there is any." [i]Elizabeth meant "assassinations and jobs involving violence" as "work", to be honest.[/i]

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