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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
9/4/2017 3:20:42 PM
[u]The Dojo, Courtyard A1[/u] --------------------------------- [spoiler]Literally begging for a fight right now, preferably melee only.[/spoiler] [i]*Clunk!*[/i] [i]The android's decimated body would kneel to the ground, it's shattered titanium chest housing a shining gladius, of which was slammed through it's chassis. It attempted to stab it's killer, before Victoria pressed her ceramite boot upon it's chassis, pushing the robot off. The metallic being would shake and gag, even attempt to rise, it's masculine jaw flickering with blue light before the Sororitas brought her boot down, crushing the robot's skull and shattering his head's shiny remains across the courtyard.[/i] [i]Sweeping off the remnants of smothered metal and whatever served as brain matter within the robot's head, Victoria sighed, adjusting her ceramite armoring while she took to deactivating her power gladius, the blue energy dissipating away as she sheathed the weapon, alongside what may have been a holstered longsword, the dark leather handle protruding outwards from it's sheath. Strapped to her back was a crest-shaped adamantium shield, in design, with a skull centered right in the middle. Her Bolt Pistol was stationed upon her waist, holstered and bounded tightly to her body.[/i] [i]...It was easy to say that Victoria was waiting for a fight.[/i]

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  • [b]Fortis approached the arena. He was also clearly looking for a fight, and was almost ecstatic to find someone else who wanted to duel.[/b] "Excuse me miss, would you care for a bit of a duel?" He asked.

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  • "...If said duel involves melee weaponry, sure. Gunfire would splatter us both all over the place." [i]Victoria studied her giant foe, looking up and down at his massive posture. Something of.. sci-fi proportions. She was tempted to call him a Necron, out of a joking insult, but held back.[/i]

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  • "Sounds good to me. No magic either?" Questioned Fortis, who had already drawn his sword and shield.

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  • "Mhm," [i]Victoria would murmur with a quiet agreement, whilst she mimicked the sword and shield formation by drawing her own longsword and unslinging her crest shield. Due to the height of Fortis, there would be an issue for her, though she had speed.[/i]

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  • The sound of footsteps were heard, almost like as if someone wanted to fight. Which a recently returned [url=]Zera[/url] was. Her katana laid in her holster, along with her Annihilator pistol. She looked over to Victoria, almost in surprise. "I believe you were searching a fight?" She asked.

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  • "I was. Preferably a melee one, I.. don't want either of us to end up losing limbs over gunfire." [i]Victoria's helmeted head would study the one whom had come before her, the cybernetic arm and the blade catching her eye, though it was easily the pistol that distracted her the most out of the woman's introduction.[/i]

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  • And such was true. Her robotic arm seem to show a golden dragon on it, that same dragon etched into her Annihilator pistol, which seemingly contained high-caliber, really powerful rounds. As for her katana? It almost look like as if it was custom-forged, mostly made out of some hard type of metals. "Then it seems we both have a...common interest." Zera states, pulling out her katana from her hater. "It is nice to see that both of us have a similar desire for combat."

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  • "That's.. good. Great, actually." [i]Victoria was.. quite a fan of melee combat, to be quite honest. She simply loved it, much more than simply blasting something to a mess of gore and pieces of crumpled armor.[/i] [i]With that, the armored woman would draw her gladius, although she would study her armor for a moment, looking right at Zera just then.[/i] "Ma'am.. would it be better if I remove my armor? I would figure that we wouldn't be fighting to the death, but.. the ceramite is downright unfair."

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  • "That would be up to you. I believe in a challenge, but if you would like to even out the fight...the please do such." She told Victoria, wiping the Katana with a gloved hand. Despite her having her Annihilator pistol, Zera was clearly a fan of her katana, and being able to use it. It provided her a bit more practice should she come across those whom have melee weapons (of different variety), and she personally liked the swiftness she gets from using both her Combat Focus and her katana.

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  • [i]The armored woman had to think about it for a moment. Her armor reduced her opponent to striking her joints and attempting to pierce her neck up-front. Before Zera knew it, the woman had exited her suit of black armor, revealing a simple tank top, jeans, and boots as what Victoria had taken to wearing. It gave off her militaristic personality, really.[/i] [i]With that, she twirled the gladius in her hand, after assuring that her armor and other gear were safely out of the way. The gladius in her hand was seemingly developed for versatility against other weapons. It's thick blade and point allowed for effective combat through slashes and stabs.[/i]

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  • Zera had looked at her own self, throwing her Annihilator on the ground, as she pulled out her katana, using her hands to make it so that she was pointing the sword toward her opponent. The katana itself seemed to be more used for a lot more cleaner strikes, and was most likely used as a means to do a lot of damage at a more longer distance. "Shall we begin?" She asks, waiting for Victoria to make the first strike.

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  • "We shall." [i]With that, Victoria would initiate combat, with a sudden charge towards Zera's remote location. The sudden taking of the offensive allowed her to gain the advantage of closeness upon Zera, as she began to hold her gladius to her left, yet with her right hand: a slashing attack, if she had decided to go in for the cleaving blow.[/i]

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  • Zera seemed a bit surprised...although it wasn't exactly shown on her face. She moved a few steps back, , clutching the Katana in her hands. "Impressive. You almost got me." she had stated. Whether that was an insult or a compliment, would be up to Vic, as Zera swung her katana toward Vic's body.

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  • [i]With that, Victoria would meet Zera's slash with her own, sending the cleaving weapon towards where the katana's blade met the hilt. The two blades would meet, with Victoria's left hand free. From there, she would bring her fist back and aim to slam it into Zera's jaw.[/i]

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  • The jaw was hit by Vic, reeling Zera back...leading to the response being a kick targeting for under Zera's chin, most likely hitting the jaw as well.

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  • [i]Well, it certainly caught Victoria by surprise. The foot slammed into her mouth-jaw area, causing her to grunt and stumble backwards, a trickle of blood escaping her mouth. As she recollected herself, she grinned a little, twirling the gladius in her hand.[/i] "...That was good," [i]She complimented Zera, before returning right back to combat, gripping her gladius in her right hand still as she raised it high, as if preparing a diagonal slash.[/i]

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  • Zera prepared to block with her katana, standing firmly on the ground to hold against Vic's defense. " you." She told Vic, spitting out a little blood front the previous hit.

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  • [i]As both gladius and katana met for the second time, Victoria intentionally drew back her blade before suddenly swinging in a horizontal fashion, sending the blade towards Zera's neck. Yet her intent was obviously not to kill, so Zera shouldn't have worried.. well, she should've been worried about whether Victoria would halt her swing.[/i]

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  • Zera widened her eyes at the reaction, using her head to duck from the gladius slitting her throw at, and kicked Victoria straight in the stomach with both her feet, pushing both of them a few feet back.

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  • [i]The kick certainly knocked the Sororitas back, while the gladius would halt in air, Victoria returning her weapon to her own defense instead of keeping it held out for an attack. She had taken to going on the defense.[/i]

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  • Zera smiled; she'd be going on the offense for once, and she planned on hoping to breaking Victoria's defense, and be able to defeat Vic... At least that's what the Immortal thought, jumping in the air and attempting to launch a vertical slash on the Sororitas.

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  • [i]Victoria would have to utilize Zera's slash on her own: forcing the forearm portion of her left arm against the flat cheek of her sword, as the two swords met once more. This time, Victoria completed the parry by forcing Zera's katana to Zera's left, with Victoria's gladius to her right side.[/i] [i]Then, Victoria would bring back her blade in a thrusting position, aiming it at Zera's belly button: though it was slower than a regular thrust, and one not intended to pierce Zera at all.[/i]

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  • Zera had responded by looking at Vic...seeing that she didn't want to get her legs chopped off the by the she waited. She was thinking of a plan while being in this position.

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  • [i]When the gladius would meet Zera's belly, Victoria's eyes widened before she stopped herself, the tip of the small blade pressed against Zera's stomach. The Sororitas remained silent for some time, before sighing and bringing her sword back.[/i] "Forgive me, I.. lost control. A gladius demands a more.. violent approach."

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  • "It is of no concern. You've given me more than enough of a fight." Zera had told Victoria, lowering her katana from Victoria. "A katana is just as violent...although it would depend on who's hands the weapon belongs to." She looked at Victoria. "A knight, I suppose?"

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