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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
8/30/2017 4:18:50 AM
[i]A Minor Case Of Total Memory Loss.[/i] [b]Pain... That's the last thing she had remembered before she'd woken up. It was a stabbing pain, right at the top of her eyelid. But there was something else... Something much, much worse. A throbbing, screaming pain on the left side of her head. She felt nauseous... Very nauseous. As if she was about to vomit then and there. But why? Why was she like this? She couldn't remember a single thing... At all. She was... Where was she? Who was she? She... She didn't know. She kept searching her mind for any amount of... Anything really. She began to look around. There was people there... People... Lot's of people... She didn't like it. She hated it. There was so many... She began to breathe harder, to hyperventilate. She was panicking. She didn't know why... But she was scared. Really scared. What if they all decided to go to her? Why was she scared of that fact? It was insanity in her eyes, but she began to cry all the same. She was just so scared... So terrified. She didn't know what to do. She was scared about what all these other people would do... She began to cry harder and harder, until she was finally able to drag herself into a nearby alley to stave off her fear. The alley was barren, two grey walls on either side. There was nobody in the alley but her. She began to calm down... But then something hit her. Some... Craving. She couldn't put her finger on it. It was like a twang of hunger... But not for food. A darker hunger. A terrible, evil hunger. She didn't know what she wanted, but whatever it was, she needed it. There was a few rats in the alleyway... Perhaps they had what she was searching for. She tried to slowly reach for it. But failed miserably. She tried to clamp her hand around it, but whiffed and hit a shard of glass on the ground. It drew blood. She stuck her finger in her mouth, to suck on the wound like most would do for a minor injury when they were of her age, but was surprised when the a sharp pain went through her finger. She'd just jabbed her finger into a row of teeth, sharpened to a point. She wondered why it was like that, and got a little worried about it. She was bleeding a little more now, but she wrapped her finger in her clothing. Which was a very soft, white dress. It felt like it was made of silk or something like that. The blood from her finger... She knew what she needed now. The rat... The blood... She knew now. This time she didn't try to gently grab it, she went at full speed. And she caught it. She sunk her razor-sharp teeth into it, and drank deeply. It was exactly what she needed. A few minutes of drinking a few rats passed, but eventually she peeked into the next alley over. It had an old, discarded mirror. It was cracked... But she needed to know what she looked like. So she walked to it, looking herself up and down. Besides the aforementioned dress, she had black leggings on, with no shoes. Her skin was almost a white color, scarily enough. As if she wasn't a person at all. She stared back into her own eyes, and they were a bright red. Red as a cherry. Her hair was short, cut like a small boy's would be. She was confused by this, but looked past it. Her lips were thin, and a very light pink color. She finally mustered the courage to go back out into the street, and found a backstreet that would allow her to avoid the crowd. She wandered around, looking for someone to help her. Preferably that someone would be alone.[/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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  • Eventually, another figure would wander into the same backstreet where Sabine roamed. Eyes an icy blue, with pale blond hair that almost looked white, and pale, smooth skin. He had an angular face that might've looked oddly familiar to Sabine, but she of course wouldn't be able to place her finger on it. When the boy's eyes met Sabine's, he smiled in an attempt at warmth; but his mind was clearly elsewhere, thinking on recent events. Criticizing the good stuff and bashing himself for the bad stuff. "Sabine?" He called out to the vampire. "You alright? You look a tad bit... well, off."

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  • [b]The fact of it was... He wasn't even remotely familiar to her. No matter how hard you would search, the memory simply just wasn't there anymore. She looked over at him in confusion. She had no clue who he was. Or who this Sabine person was. A friend of his? Was she Sabine? She took a look backwards, nobody there. So he was probably talking about her.[/b] "Are you talking to me? I don't know who this Sabine person is..." [b]She weakly smiles at him, a very puzzled look on her face.[/b]

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  • "Uh... Sabine's...." He couldn't tell if it was an act or if Sabine had... forgotten, or something. But she wasn't the kind of person that would pull a prank like this... was she? "Sabine's... oh, my pet rat," He said quickly, dashing forwards and grabbing one of the few surviving rats in the backstreet. "Anyways... are you alright?"

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  • [b]The thing with the rat only went to confuse her more, so that didn't really help. Who had a pet rat that they just let around places? Why even have a pet rat?[/b] "N-No, I'm not good. I don't know where I am... I don't know [i]who[/i] I am. I'm... I'm scared. I don't know anything about this place at all. Or anything, really..."

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  • The was a certain amount of hurt in Ike's expression when he would realize that the girl had absolutely no recollection of anything. But he supposed that it was a good thing for her... after all, last they'd met, the vampire spoke of her traumatizing childhood. Perhaps it was for the best. "Well, the most important thing is," Ike said with caution. He didn't want to say anything too suggestive. "That you're a vampire. If you felt any strange cravings or whatever earlier... that's why." He hoped that the girl wouldn't ask how Ike knew. He hoped that she was too preoccupied to think of things such as that.

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  • [b]She looked like she was about to fall over and die. Her already ludicrously pale face grew even whiter, it now looked like she'd dipped her face in white paint. She was simply terrified. Of herself. Her? A vampire? Weren't vampires evil? What did she do to deserve becoming one? She began to panic again, her eyes darting around.[/b] "H-How do you know I'm a vampire?! Did you know me before?! Tell me!" [b]She got progressively more and more panicked as she went on standing there, looking like she was about to run away or something.[/b]

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  • "Uhhhhhhh... well, growing up on the streets, you hear things, soooo...." Ike shrugged. He supposed that it could sound plausible; hearing gossip in alleyways, or the sewers, or wherever he would roam. It was his way of life, roaming around aimlessly and picking up interesting conversations. "But y'know. Wouldn't want you to find out in an undesirable fashion... it's not a bad thing, really!"

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  • "Not a bad thing? Not a bad thing?! I'm a creature of the night! An undead freak! Everyone's gonna hate me! I don't even remember who I am or what I've done and people are gonna hate me just because of what I am! I... I'm scared..." [b]She looked angry at first. He didn't understand. He didn't know what this was like, having a hope of something good coming out of this torn away. But that anger turned into terror as she spoke. She was so scared of what people would do now... Would they hunt her? Try to kill her? She was just a little girl... She couldn't do anything to help herself... How would she survive in this place.[/b] "I don't know what to do... Where to go... Where I am... If I have parents... What if I do? What if they're worried about me?" [b]She began to cry again now, saddened and terrified.[/b]

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  • "Uhhhhhh...." Ike rubbed his head. He had... well, absolutely no clue as to what to do. There was somebody crying right in front of him, it was probably his fault, but he didn't have a clue as to why or what. He thought that the best way to comfort her was by answering her questions, but then after realizing what the answers would be... he decided against. "Well... I s'pose that I can help you with finding those answers," He responded softly, expression showing concern. "And we can also find a way to cure the vampiracy... I think."

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  • [b]She sniffles, and the look behind her eyes goes from grim to slightly hopeful. A cure? Could it be true? And he would help her find the answers to the questions she asked? This guy was nicer than anyone else had been so far. She looks up at him now, the last of her tears running down her face.[/b] "Y-You're serious? You'll help me do all that stuff? I... I don't know what to say..." [b]She stands up slowly, brushing the dirt off her dress. She looks at him for a second, then hugs him suddenly. She hugged him rather tightly as well.[/b]

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  • "Wh-whoa there." Ike gently hugged the girl back, before rest his hands on her shoulders and softly pushing her back a small bit. "Yeah, I'll... I'll do what I can," He replied. "Although I'm not exactly sure of how much I can do." After all, Ike knew next to nothing about vampires, and if he told the girl what Sabine had told him, then the girl likely would never've wanted Ike to tell her about herself. So he decided to just play along with the fact that they'd just met, cocking his head slightly to the side.

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  • [b]She sighs heavily. She didn't know why she was so... How to say this... Compelled to Ike. Perhaps she actually had known him before and he was just trying to cover something up? Something she'd done or something he'd done? Surely not... He was the first person to really meet her that she could remember. He wouldn't do a thing like that, would he?[/b] "Did you know me before I woke up here? You... I don't know... There's just something about you... I can't remember anything and you aren't familiar, but... Who are you?"

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  • This is [spoiler]a plumbus[/spoiler]

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