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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/29/2017 1:45:56 AM
As the flame began to coat up the walls, and then began to dim, beams of white light shot out from the top and bolted towards the throne room door, seeping through it like water. Then, the flames completely diminished, [spoiler][/spoiler] Then, the massive creature was revealed. Zane could only see its back in that moment, but the beast was enormous. Its head nearly touched the top of the ceiling, and its large horns on each side of its head twirled into demon like points that made the beast look even taller. Its body was white, but gave off a black smokey essence. It was slouched forward, which pronounced its naked backs protruding spine which was bony and wretched. It however revealed no skin, because said skin was covered in white fur. Its legs were straight, but when Zane looked closer he saw that they were also bent slightly in the knees like a canine. The beast had massively broad shoulders but they too looked bony in their complexion. The beast wore a fur trimmed cloth around its waste which covered its lower regions but left the side of the legs exposed. Out of this cloth, a long dragon like tail extended itself, and lit on fire It raised its bent-scaling yet fur coated arms to its sides, up like it was praising a god. In its right hand, light particles seemed to start to spot around it. Then they began to take shape. And In his hand a massive sword formed, the size of half the beasts body. The blade was as terrifyingly unique, as its hilt was jagged and sharp and spikes seemed to slip between the beasts fingers. Its pommel was a spike, simple yet it sent shivers down Zane's neck. The blade however was the most interesting part. It was double edge, but the middle of the blade was empty and the blade had no tip. Rather, the blade had two tips that took the sides of two individual blades that connected to the curved and jagged stone like guard. Both blades were double edged, however, and both formed and arrow head like tip shape at the top of their individual blades. The beast then turned. Every step made the castle shake as it did so. As it turned, Zane saw the massive gash on its fur coated chest, which glowed with a bright blood red light. Then, the creature aimed its head towards him. It was the head of a wolf. But it's eyes were that of a lizards, no, a dragons. The horns protruded out of the sides of its pointed ears and its white fur face was skinny and grotesque. It snarled its teeth, which formed into a grin. With that, it bellowed our gruffly, but also as if his voice was being projected through a grand theatre. [i]"Hyahahahaha!"[/i] the beast let out. [i]"You incompetent fool, thinking that simple powers and blades could defeat the almighty Tywin! I knew that if I were to be bested in battle again, certain...assurances, would have to be made. And here I am! A TRUE GOD AMONG MEN![/i] The beast, now revealed to be Tywin announced. [i]"You...your easily surpasses that of the oh so great "Fierce Deity." Its a shame you could never truly grasp its ability with your random spurts of anger! BUT IT WILL NOT MATTER NOW. I HAVE UNLOCKED THE POWER OF MY BLOOD, MY SOUL. A POWER SO GREAT AND DIVINE THAT THOSE WHO GRANT YOU YOUR OWN POWER WILL FEAR...ME! NOW! I WILL END YOU AND YOUR SILLY LITTLE DOJO! I WILL EAT WHAT REMAINS OF YOUR FAMILY! I WILL ACHIEVE A HIGHER-!"[/i]

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