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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
8/25/2017 3:09:26 PM
*[b]BLAM[/b]!* "Settle. Down. [i]Now[/i]." [i]A particularly furious voice, feminine in nature yet, would be the only noise heard before one of the brawler's bodies collapsed to the ground, his insides splattered and crushed into what could only be described as a mush of disgusting combination of gore and the components of the stomach, his backbone shattered as his hand feebly reached for the small pistol of which he had dropped. Clenched within her right hand was.. a particularly massive sidearm: it couldn't even be classified as a sidearm, though it was seemingly shaped in that form, with a leather-bound grip and a short, smoking barrel.[/i] [i]The woman whom had silenced the brawl.. wasn't much compared to the contestants within the fight. She was shorter than most of the men, yet at a typically average height of maybe five feet and eight or nine inches. Yet her entire body was encased within the dark cell of ceramite armor: carbon black in color with a dull edge, fabrics of red and golden cloth in origin hung like something of a short cape from her back, a hood accompanying it as well. The full-body power armor was incredibly futuristic in design, and completed by the knightly helmet of which adorned her head, a golden fleur de lys centered right in the forehead. She certainly drew attention to herself.[/i] [i]As she studied the room, she was.. silent, yet furiously tense. She expected guns to be drawn. Shots to be fired at her. Something incredibly horrid - or perhaps it would settle down, if she was lucky.[/i] [i]Though even Victoria knew that things never went to plan.[/i]

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  • Everyone stared at her as if she was some mom who caught them doing something bad. Some were about be stabbed by makeshift weapons and the like, or perhaps, in the case of one unfortunate soul, about to be torn in half courtesy or a[url=] Krogan Warlord[/url]. "Oh look; we have a little pyjak pretending to be the hero..." our said, before being hit with a bottle in the back. He turned around, seeing it be a human. "That's not a way to treat a lady." "Why you little..." the Krogan had said, ripping the human's head with his own bare hands. The fighting continued at an even louder and more violent rate, some pulling out silenced weapons. When two brawlers attempted to charge at Victoria with makeshift weapons, one had a hole where his brain was, dropping dead. (This was courtesy of Vel, who pulled out her blaster) The other should be easy to deal with... [spoiler]BTW, what the Krogan said was basically an insult to Vic...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Welp.. here we go.[/spoiler] [i]While Victoria didn't understand Krogan at all.. she figured that it was certainly some little insult of the alien race. And she knew who her main target in this fight was: if she didn't act.. it would devolve into a massacre, of which it already was.[/i] [i]In the new chaos, she didn't see whom had killed the first assailant, though she would be somewhat thankful, albeit fearful, of the blast of which had slain him. As for the second..[/i] [i]She would find her left arm shooting out to grab the base of his weapon as he swung, grabbing it and suddenly swinging her knuckle into his jaw. Meeting the ceramite plating and enhanced strength.. it knocked him out entirely-[/i] [b]*Clang!*[/b] [i]Victoria would tumble as a throbbing pain hit the back of her head, a metal pipe slamming into it - one that belonged to another brawler. The Sororitas would grind her teeth in agony before promptly bitch-slapping the female whom had assaulted her, throwing her into a table, before turning back to the Krogan. From there, the Sororitas would force herself through the mob, bashing and punching through with quite the viciousness: a surprising amount, for one whom ironically wanted the fighting to end.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 8/25/2017 9:55:08 PM
    She was eventually joined by another woman, who pulled her into a nearby table, the Krogan from before throwing a table at some people, two unfortunate souls being crushed by it. The one who pulled her in was Vel, who was trying not to get Victoria killed by the damn thing. "Are your really sure that you'd go against...I don't know, a one thousand pound turtle with enough armor to hold a couple f******g rockets?" She asked Victoria. "Oh, and you're welcome." She points to the body of the dead guy with the hole in his brain, then at the two guns hidden in their holsters.

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  • "I've gone against worse, ma'am.." [i]Victoria yelled over the chaos, dodging a suddenly thrown chair of which flew over their heads.[/i] "...I think that I'll be able to handle myself.. but thank you for trying." [i]...Either she was too damn stubborn to convince, or just an idiot. Perhaps both.[/i] [i]With that, Victoria would unbind a sheath at her waist: it would hold a gladius of sci-fi proportions, the bladed weapon crafted in such a beauty to rival that of the proudest of warriors. It's adamantium edge glistened with a sharpness of which Vel had likely not witnessed in such a weapon beforehand, the handle a gilded steel, fitted for comfortable holds and utility. And a single word, etched upon the blade..[/i] [i][b]"Fury".[/b][/i] [i]With a sudden *click!*, Victoria would raise the weapon in her right, as the sword would glisten with a vibrant blue energy. Then.. she'd make her way to the Krogan, slashing through the armed men and women in a particularly vicious manner, yet concentrated so that she would not strike one other than her intended targets. Each slash decimated whatever cloth or armor they were, with practically no effort at all - the energy generated by the sword was.. truly something else.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 8/26/2017 2:58:02 AM
    The Krogan saw this, and instantly pulled out his M-300 Claymore, firing a round at Vic before reloading. The shotgun shot should've decimated whatever shields/ armor she had...unless she blocked it. Speaking of which, some of the brawlers attempting sneak attack her were shot from behind, courtesy of Vel, who was firing her WESTARs toward whoever was after Victoria. "I'm guessing I'd have to be on your good side?" She asks her, the Krogan moving further and further back through the bar, continuing to fire as many rounds as he can.

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  • [i]The best that Vic had was suddenly swooping behind a table, of which was promptly decimated as she went prone, a gaping hole left where the shotgun had blasted at her. She knew now that she had to avoid gunfire from this thing.. that wouldn't be fun.[/i] "My good side? Please-!" [i]She yelled at Vel before reaching out from her cover, firing three .50 caliber, tungsten-cored rounds at the massive shotgun of which the Krogan wielded. If anything, the goal was to blow the damn thing up - just one round would do, as Bolter rounds were made to penetrate, then release an explosion within a target.[/i]

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  • The gun...well let's say it exploded in a spectacular fashion, an explosion blowing the gun to smithereens, as both scrap and blood made their way between the three. His arm was off, literally thrown across the room, leaving the Krogan to glow blue, and launch a straight torren of what seemed to be blue energy. [spoiler]You did say all out...I'd say he had biotics. Which should be easy to deal with.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Victoria didn't expect a sudden surge of another, and was only saved by another dodge, of which she slammed against another alien: before he raised his sword, he would find his snout breaking as the Sororitas slammed the pommel of her sword into it, sending him to the ground in a flurry of blood.[/i] [i]With that.. Victoria returned to the Krogan, returning fire - this time, at his remaining arm. She wished to make an example of him to the ones who started the brawl.[/i]

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  • The Krogan's other arm bursted off, almost like someone was breaking a crab leg, him screaming in pain. A few shots were heard behind Victoria, Vel making her way up to her. The limp bodies behind the Mandalorian dropped dead form the shots she fired. The Krogan tried to once more charge (armless), only to be shot twice in the leg courtesy of Vel, who was pulled back into the fight going on behind by another human, who dragged her back. This left Vic with the armless, kneeling Krogan to finish.

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  • [i]Well.. that would certainly help Victoria.[/i] [i]She begun with a sudden uppercut, resulting in a near ear-splitting *BANG!* to resound through the bar as her fist sent the massive Krogan to the flooring, upon his back now. She would find herself holstering her pistol as the massive alien slid against the wooden, before leaping into the air and raising the gladius high.[/i] [i]"Infirmus!"[/i] [i]The Sororitas would roar as she slammed onto the Krogan, ramming her sword into it's armor and watching as it practically split the area of impact in two, passing through armor and flesh. With her knee positioned upon it's chest, the Sororitas began to twist her gladius, until suddenly bringing it up - effectively slicing the Krogan's upper half into two.[/i]

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  • Well...let's just say the Krogan being 'dead' was an understatement... Everyone stared at the dead Krogan, the entire room going so quiet, you could literally hear anything drop to the ground. Vel was about be pummeled by another female fighter. Others were on the verge of smashing people into various objects, most common being whatever table was left...or the actual bar itself. Some slowly walked their way out of the bar, trying not be noticed by Victoria and not get sliced in half, along with the Krogan and whoever else she had to fight to make her way up to the dead meat and flesh. The female fighter still never let go of Vel, and didn't seem to notice the dead Krogan. Instead, opting to throw both of them behind an overturned table...forcing almost everyone else to make a run out of there.

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  • [i]Victoria's.. wrath? Tantrum? I didn't know what to call it, but it certainly wouldn't end with the Krogan. Seeing the female fighter attempting to hurt Vel, she forced her way through the mobs of people, before grabbing the unnamed woman by the neck. She would then slam her helmeted head upon her's, effectively knocking her out before dropping her to the ground.[/i] "...Too many dead. There'll be.. a lot of closed casket funerals." [i]Victoria would mutter with a certain dissatisfaction: she had killed a few of these people. The bar would definitely close, or be under repairs, while she was angry about that. It was a common hotspot for information, and a place that she found herself when she ever needed to calm down.[/i] "...I guess you're alright, then?"

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  • Vel slowly made her way up. "Yeah...would probably never do that again. Well, minus the whole 'you slashing everything to death while I shot' but. That was kinda cool." She said, before coughing up blood and saliva. The patrons who stayed began cleaning up the place as best they could, before the Alliance and other Dojo personnel would come and help permantely fix it. "I mean...half these people were mercs...can't exactly blame them for attempting to come here. Or basically insulting you." She says.

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  • "Cool.." [i]Victoria found herself chuckling a little to that, before allowing her gladius, Fury, to slide back into it's holster, deactivating the energy blade as she then returned her gaze to Vel.[/i] "...Victoria, ma'am. It's.. I can't say that it's pleasurable to meet you, after this chaos. But I thank you for having my back." [i]The Sororitas would find herself removing her helm, holding it between her left arm and her side. Short, yet curly bobs of white hair would poof out, lightly tanned yet sweating skin given away. Sapphire blue eyes would meet Vel, as her hand reached out for a handshake.[/i]

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  • Vel had began shaking Victoria's hand. "Velinnea Stoik, at your liege." She responded, her (mostly) dark red hair glistening in whatever lights were left of the bar. "It's been too long since I talked to someone...from her at the Dojo, at least." She says to Vic,grabbing what seemed to be a bootleg from the bar. "Want some?" She asks.

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  • "I haven't drunk any alcohol in.. well, ever. But I guess I can.. try." [i]Victoria would merely take the bottle and open it, looking at Vel, her newfound ally, before raising it in her honor.[/i] "Velinnea Stoik." [i]She would nod, before attempting to quickly chug. A loud *gulp!* was heard, a sickly one at that, though Victoria would still consume the alcohol. When she sat it down, she grimaced in an uncomfortably surprised, yet still happy manner.[/i] "...First time for everything." [i]She tried to joke, perhaps to lighten the mood.[/i]

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  • She chuckled, grabbing the bottle from Vic and proceeding to take a big swig of it. " can't exactly take a bit of a drink...yet you were able to cut down some 900...1000 pound beast with your little fire...sword thing." She says, placing the bottle right in front of Vic. "I'm probably never gonna get people here in this damn Dojo..." she mutters to herself, loud enough for Vic to hear. "And I've been here...for who knows?!"

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  • "Ma'am.. I'm a soldier. Not a magician. You want a magician, you talk to the.. thing, over there." [i]Victoria would point a bloodied, armored finger in a somewhat sarcastic manner at the Krogan, a downright judging expression upon her pale, serious face.[/i] "He'll probably come back to life, after we leave. Stitch together.. like nothing happened. The rest of the Dojo does. Biomass, Guardians.. it drives you nuts."

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  • She took a second swig. "I honestly wouldn't give two f***s about these 'Guardians'...probably some wannabe people glorifying themselves. Make them look like the heroes. When in reality? It's not just them...people like you and I bring down tough shits that come by...try to hurt out personal lives..." she had told Vic. "I know you're a soldier...but you did have some type of life before that, right? Having fun as a child?"

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  • "Amen to that," [i]Victoria would murmur softly, motioning for the bottle to return to her grasp. Seems as if she'd try again with drinking.[/i] "Well.. I lived my childhood out in a different galaxy. Terra, the planet was called. The home of humanity, really - my father served and died in the Imperial Guard, and my mother did what she could to keep me and my big brother alive. Eventually, the Schola Progenium chose us. The Progenium enlisted individuals for usually militaristic services in the Imperium. My brother was destined for becoming an Acolyte, even an Inquisitor.. a hunter of daemonic forces, really.. and I was chosen to join the Adepta Sororitas - the Sisters of Battle. ...My childhood was swift, really. You're looking at a fully fledged Palatine of the Order of Our Martyred Lady, if that means anything anymore. Well.. I was that." [i]Victoria sighed.[/i]

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  • "Heh..." she simply said, looking down for a moment, as she gave the bottle to Vic. "Me? Mostly forgot about my own childhood. I had a mom and dad, of course, but my dad left us when he was sent to a mission a few days after my...was it 12th birthday? Anyways, was trained under a friend of his, whose name I also somewhat forgotten...and then, probably around when I turned 20 or so, I was drafted into the Republic. Mostly consisting of clones, and some recruits, myself included." She explains. "Can't exactly tell whether that's important here or not. I've honestly never wanted to know..." she had said. "Still though...both military, women...and now, only two people in this bar who could actually give a shit on whether this place lives or dies."

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  • "Here's to us two. For actually caring and doing something, not playing spin the bottle with immortals." [i]Victoria was obviously referring to.. a few of the games between the Guardians.[/i] [i]She raised the beer up before promptly chugging, though she had a certain look as if she would spit it up. Soon, she set it down, breathing in a little and letting out an[/i] "Egh.." [i]or two.[/i] "...Getting better at drinking.. right? Oh well.." [i]She would laugh a little, pressing her hand against her forehead.[/i] "Dojo's meant to.. make warriors, not make unsung heroes. Or maybe they will sing about us. The two ex-soldiers.. protecting the Dojo's denizens from evil. Not doing this for glory though.. doing this so that some little girl doesn't end up like me, nor does some little boy find himself in an army, like my father. Doing this, so that innocents don't find themselves being robbed.. or stabbed.. rаped, stolen and murdered.. I know that most would disagree. That I'm.. an idiot for playing hero. I am, yes. But I'm doing something about this shitty place. [i]We're[/i] doing something. And I'm happy that I can count on you for that."

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  • "Yeah...I mean, look at everything that's happened here. Giant black monster who wants to destroy all life. Some people who looked more like undertrained recruits calling themselves the 'Immortals' attempting to actually threaten this place with killing innocents. Bunch of invasions that I swear some were all just a dream. This place just doesn't have enough of us, doesn't it?" She replied, taking the bottle back and drank almost the rest of the bottle. "I mean, honestly, being immortal makes you...see things. See all your friends die, see your family and life wither away from your eyes. See things that you want to unsee and are stuck living with it for eternity..." Vel had replied, standing up to Vic. "I could never live with that. Thank goodness the two of us know that." She says, raising her hand for a handshake. "I'm guessing...this is how you make friends?" She asks.

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  • "It is.. glad to meet you, Velinnea. At any rate.. I do hope to meet again, though knowing us.. it'll likely be on the same side, against yet another conflict." [i]With that, the Sororitas would smile softly, raising her hand to grip Vel's own outstretched palm tightly, the warm ceramite plating pressed against the woman's hand.[/i] "I'll.. stay by for a bit. I have a lot of explaining to do, for whomever owns the bar.."

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  • "Don't worry; I'd need to stay here too. Might as well use some of my credits to pay for the amount of things they'd need to restock and the like. Maybe even pay some bribes so no-one attempts to assassinate either of us considering we don't exactly know where these people came from..." Vel had told Vic, chuckling a bit. "Now..." she states, grabbing the almost empty bottle, a couple others scattered around the bar. "No one's gonna drink the rest of these things...certainly don't want them to go to waste." She picks up two other ones, passing one to Vic. "Might as well drink and wait." She says.

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