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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
8/25/2017 4:34:51 AM
Vel had noticed him, and dragged him to cover under the table. "Meg te haran cuyir gar doing olar, vod?"* she asks the Mandalorian, a Batarian being thrown near them, injured as all hell. 40,000 credit bounty, he had on him. She pulled out her WESKAR pistol from a small holster she hid on her jeans, looking to the Mandalorian. "Got any ideas?" She asks in English. [spoiler]* means "What the hell are you doing here, brother?"[/spoiler]

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  • He seemed surprised she had addressed him in Mando'a, but prioritized the fight before questions. "Bag the big fat shabuir and get rich fast?" He replied confidentally. [spoiler]Translation: Mother f*cker[/spoiler]

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  • She looks to the Krogan, probably the one with the bounty her fellow Mando had told her about just now, and went back into the makeshift cover they had. "How rich?" She asks, a bottle being thrown right behind them.

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  • "Hello retirement rich." He drew a shortsword, a traditional Mandalorian one handed beskad.

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  • Vel pulled out her [url=]WESTAR-34[/url] pistols, looking around the place, as various people beat the shit out of each other, some either dead or unconscious. "Who's our target, brother?" She asks, cracking her neck a little bit in anticipation for whoever they're targeting.

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  • "The extra big, extra ugly lizard looking chakaar." He gestured towards the Krogan, his HUD already scanning for weaker spots in it's armor/skin. He slipped out from cover and moved in on it, keeping out of it's sight.

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  • Currently, its weak spots was its big head...but it would take more than one shot or a simple stab to kill the equivalent of the big turtle. Speaking of which, while Cannon and Vel were moving through the continued fighting, the Krogan tore more limbs off bodies, laughing as he did so. He threw a couple more people alongside the wall.

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  • Cannon's rangefinder antenae flipped down, locking in to the Krogan's head. "Hey! Big wimpy Krogan sayd what!" He yelled, attempting to get it's attention.

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  • "Who said that?!" He yells...although he looked at the wrong person, instead at another human near both Cannon and Vel, who was about to be choked by another one of his kind.

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  • Cannon raised his hand. "Over here shorty! Is it true Krogans are all as puny as you? No wonder your rebellion failed! You probably can't even lift a rifle!" He armed a wrist rocket as he spoke.

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  • The Krogan then finally looked to the two Mandos, pissed as all hell. "Well then both you little pyjaks can go back to the hell you came from; I'll carve my name into both your heads!" The Krogan yelle,md, charging to the two. Vel raised her blasters, waiting for when he fires the wrist rocket.

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  • Cannon sent the missile aimed straight at the screaming Krogan's mouth, then quickly moves to avoid being steamrolled Over.

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  • Surprisingly...he lost his mouth, yet he was still alive. Vel fired her blasters toward the Krogan, as said being used bystanders as human shields, making them absorb the shots for him, before dropping the corpse. He was specifically after Vel and Cannon, hoping o kill both of them.

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  • Cannon did the one thing nobody would expect: he charged the beserked Krogan and aimed his sword where it's mouth was.

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  • Vel sighed heavily, prayed, said something about a 'Glitch', then rushed after Cannon, pistols raised toward the Krogan. "You little pipsqueaks are mine!" he shouted, charging at Cannon with his warhammer. How the hell would this end?

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  • Cannon raised his other hand and fired his wrist mounted fletchet gun at the Krogan's eyes.

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  • The Krogan could handle it with his armor...along with a couple of Vel's shots, before their combined firepower proceeded to make the Krogan begin limping. Said Krogan tried to swing his Warhammer at Cannon.

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  • The Mandalorian called upon his yearsbof combat experience, easily dodging the blow. He returned it by hacking at the Krogan's face with his bekar vibrosword.

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 8/26/2017 3:51:55 AM
    It would have severed straight through the armor and stuck onto the top of his head. "You little..." he yelled, pulling out an M-300 Claymore shotgun and fired at straight at Cannon. It would've decimated any shields he had on him. Or armor, depending.

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  • "Osik-!" The blast launched him through the wall where he dissapeared in a cloud of fust formed by the crumbled structure. There was a low moan from the pile of rubble.

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  • She ran over to Cannon as fast he could, the Krogan waving its arms in victory. "Um...Cannon...are you alright?" She asks...the answer pretty obvious based on him being hurled through a wall via shotgun.

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  • He slowly sat up. His armor was, thankfully, made of Mandalorian Beskar Iron, which was near indestructable. That didn't mean he wasn't suffering though, he had a couple busted ribs and what felt like a collapsed lung. He was also pissed. "That...*cough* That the best you got, shorty? I've met Salarians that hit harder than that!" He insulted the Krogan as he stood. He armed another wrist rocket.

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  • "You mother of..." the Krogan yelled, charging at both of them once more, switching back to his Warhammer and glowing blue. Vel tackled Cannon out of the way as the fight was taken to the outside, the torrent of blue energy ripping through where the once were.

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  • "Ow!" He grunted as she knocked him out of the way. [spoiler]Sorry for the wait...[/spoiler]

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  • "Well, I'm sorry. Don't exactly want to go ahead and end up getting you sliced in half!" Vel had yelled out, the sound of crunching glass getting closer and closer to the two. [spoiler]It's no biggie. What happened to your primary account?[/spoiler]

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  • "Yeah... Guess I owe ya one..." Cannon sounded out of breath as he reached into his belt pouches for another weapon... A grenade.

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