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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
8/25/2017 4:12:06 AM
[i]"Two Mandos, One Bar (+ A Lot of Guys)"[/i] [i](Bar of Blades, around midnight-ish)[/i] The Mandalorian/ current Alliance operative known as Velinnea Stoik was busy trying not to get herself into much trouble with the other people there. She certantly didn't want that to happen, especially with the weapons she had on her. "I'm not exactly going to fight in these newly bought clothes. Would be stupid after what happened on Arcadia." She told herself. Pulling out her WESKARs out, she seemed to stare at them, almost as if it reminded her of someone she lost dearly... She put them, chugging her drink, before the sound of breaking glass was heard. By the sounds of it, it was a visiting mercenary, who seemed to point the broken bottle directly to her. "Give me all you have, or I'll skewer your eyes out with this." He said, pointing the bottle up. Vel clearly wasn't having none of it, and she seemed ready to fight if necessary. Which someone else ended up doing...which turned the entire bar into every man (and woman) for his/her/itself. Vel had managed to hide under the table, pulling out her Karambit knife...and hoping for the best. Whoever was to walk into the bar...or was already in it would probably see a woman hiding herself in the corner while about 30 other random people tried to beat the ever living shit out of one another. [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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  • "I know. Not exactly the type of person to use a railgun unless it's a sniper...or some pistols. Plus...I've got my own stuff...too bad I left it back at base." Vel had told Weiss, mumbling the last part to herself. "I mean, before you start asking, I'm not part of the Mandalorian order anymore. Joined the Republic a few months after I turned 20 years old." She says.

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  • "You could always invest in digital pockets. It's how I got tank spear here. It uh, takes some time getting used to though. But you joined this...Republic? I sincerely hope you feel like you made the right choice. Me? I fight for myself, for my own ideals. That's what it means to be free. No fighting for factions whose goals you don't understand, no smartasses, no dickwads who think they're superior to you bullshit. It's just you, and your own goals. What I'm getting at miss, if it's something you truly believe in, not because they coerced you with fancy words and toys, then you should fight for it and yourself."

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  • She had thought about all that, leaving the room almost completely quiet, except for the sound of those who either stayed behind or started to clean up the mess at the bar, trying not to interrupt the two. "Yeah...for the past few months, I haven't exactly been part of the Republic...kinda' left since then." She says.

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 8/27/2017 12:38:55 AM
    "As long as it's for what you believe in. What your own goals are. Not what others dictate you to do." [i]He had replied with a sigh and drank more of the vodka.[/i] "I used to be what you'd call, reliant on certain things. But, I had a wake up moment, maybe I didn't need to rely on others to tell me what to do. Maybe I didn't have to rely on a certain weapon or ability. As long as the job is done I guess. Life's funny like that, people, without thinking."

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  • "Ay...I...guess the people I'm with now tell me the same thing. I'm supposed to help lead a ground team in an invasion of a planet I've never been to before...I've lost a girlfriend to...well, me. I've lost good people; people that I cared for out there." She tells Weiss, taking a huge swig straight out of the bottle she had.

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  • "Yeah. I feel you. I have a friend, he's quite literally a zombie at this point. He just...suffers. I can't put him out of his misery, and I'm positive it was all my fault. I've said enough." [i]He said, finishing his glass and scanned the rifle to later use.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 8/28/2017 12:43:38 AM
    She finishes her drink, sipping it up. "If you need anything and see me in the Dojo, you know where I'm gonna be." She says, looking to Weiss with a smile.

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  • "This bar, right? Well, I should probably give you a way to contact me. This bar ain't" [i]Weiss had said to her, mechanical clicks and whirrs coming from his body.[/i]

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  • "You got any comm frequencies I could connect to? Maybe we could contact each other there, maybe." She tells Weiss, pointing to a small earpiece in her right ear.

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  • "Yeah. One comm is 132.2. Another one, I use for emergencies is 120.0." [i]Weiss had told her, grabbing a napkin.[/i] "You wouldn't happen to have a pen on you?"

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  • She looked around, seeing a Turian who probably was either knocked out from a drink or from the fight, grabbing a pen from the unconious alien, giving it to Weiss.

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  • [i]Weiss grabbed the pen and wrote down the numbers on it.[/i] [quote]132.2. Social calls 120.0. Emergencies, in case you get in deep shit. - Sam. I'm usually availiable whenever.[/quote]

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  • Vel grabbed the napkin, and put it into her jean pocket. " I guess I should be going now. Keeping this vodka as a...souvenir of today." She says. " I'll contact the Alliance, see if maybe they can get a few soldiers to help heft this place back into shape."

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  • "Heh, I'd be more worried about the napkin." [i]Weiss, or should I say Sam said.[/i] "Before we part ways, don't worry about the damage. The dojo will fix it, they always do. Though....Nevermind. I'll be going now."

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  • "Alright, Sam... try not to die out there." She says, beginning to walk out the place.

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  • [spoiler]End[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I don't appreciate this ;-; My bar ;-; [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]:( Sry...[/spoiler]

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  • *[b]BLAM[/b]!* "Settle. Down. [i]Now[/i]." [i]A particularly furious voice, feminine in nature yet, would be the only noise heard before one of the brawler's bodies collapsed to the ground, his insides splattered and crushed into what could only be described as a mush of disgusting combination of gore and the components of the stomach, his backbone shattered as his hand feebly reached for the small pistol of which he had dropped. Clenched within her right hand was.. a particularly massive sidearm: it couldn't even be classified as a sidearm, though it was seemingly shaped in that form, with a leather-bound grip and a short, smoking barrel.[/i] [i]The woman whom had silenced the brawl.. wasn't much compared to the contestants within the fight. She was shorter than most of the men, yet at a typically average height of maybe five feet and eight or nine inches. Yet her entire body was encased within the dark cell of ceramite armor: carbon black in color with a dull edge, fabrics of red and golden cloth in origin hung like something of a short cape from her back, a hood accompanying it as well. The full-body power armor was incredibly futuristic in design, and completed by the knightly helmet of which adorned her head, a golden fleur de lys centered right in the forehead. She certainly drew attention to herself.[/i] [i]As she studied the room, she was.. silent, yet furiously tense. She expected guns to be drawn. Shots to be fired at her. Something incredibly horrid - or perhaps it would settle down, if she was lucky.[/i] [i]Though even Victoria knew that things never went to plan.[/i]

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  • Everyone stared at her as if she was some mom who caught them doing something bad. Some were about be stabbed by makeshift weapons and the like, or perhaps, in the case of one unfortunate soul, about to be torn in half courtesy or a[url=] Krogan Warlord[/url]. "Oh look; we have a little pyjak pretending to be the hero..." our said, before being hit with a bottle in the back. He turned around, seeing it be a human. "That's not a way to treat a lady." "Why you little..." the Krogan had said, ripping the human's head with his own bare hands. The fighting continued at an even louder and more violent rate, some pulling out silenced weapons. When two brawlers attempted to charge at Victoria with makeshift weapons, one had a hole where his brain was, dropping dead. (This was courtesy of Vel, who pulled out her blaster) The other should be easy to deal with... [spoiler]BTW, what the Krogan said was basically an insult to Vic...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Welp.. here we go.[/spoiler] [i]While Victoria didn't understand Krogan at all.. she figured that it was certainly some little insult of the alien race. And she knew who her main target in this fight was: if she didn't act.. it would devolve into a massacre, of which it already was.[/i] [i]In the new chaos, she didn't see whom had killed the first assailant, though she would be somewhat thankful, albeit fearful, of the blast of which had slain him. As for the second..[/i] [i]She would find her left arm shooting out to grab the base of his weapon as he swung, grabbing it and suddenly swinging her knuckle into his jaw. Meeting the ceramite plating and enhanced strength.. it knocked him out entirely-[/i] [b]*Clang!*[/b] [i]Victoria would tumble as a throbbing pain hit the back of her head, a metal pipe slamming into it - one that belonged to another brawler. The Sororitas would grind her teeth in agony before promptly bitch-slapping the female whom had assaulted her, throwing her into a table, before turning back to the Krogan. From there, the Sororitas would force herself through the mob, bashing and punching through with quite the viciousness: a surprising amount, for one whom ironically wanted the fighting to end.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 8/25/2017 9:55:08 PM
    She was eventually joined by another woman, who pulled her into a nearby table, the Krogan from before throwing a table at some people, two unfortunate souls being crushed by it. The one who pulled her in was Vel, who was trying not to get Victoria killed by the damn thing. "Are your really sure that you'd go against...I don't know, a one thousand pound turtle with enough armor to hold a couple f******g rockets?" She asked Victoria. "Oh, and you're welcome." She points to the body of the dead guy with the hole in his brain, then at the two guns hidden in their holsters.

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  • "I've gone against worse, ma'am.." [i]Victoria yelled over the chaos, dodging a suddenly thrown chair of which flew over their heads.[/i] "...I think that I'll be able to handle myself.. but thank you for trying." [i]...Either she was too damn stubborn to convince, or just an idiot. Perhaps both.[/i] [i]With that, Victoria would unbind a sheath at her waist: it would hold a gladius of sci-fi proportions, the bladed weapon crafted in such a beauty to rival that of the proudest of warriors. It's adamantium edge glistened with a sharpness of which Vel had likely not witnessed in such a weapon beforehand, the handle a gilded steel, fitted for comfortable holds and utility. And a single word, etched upon the blade..[/i] [i][b]"Fury".[/b][/i] [i]With a sudden *click!*, Victoria would raise the weapon in her right, as the sword would glisten with a vibrant blue energy. Then.. she'd make her way to the Krogan, slashing through the armed men and women in a particularly vicious manner, yet concentrated so that she would not strike one other than her intended targets. Each slash decimated whatever cloth or armor they were, with practically no effort at all - the energy generated by the sword was.. truly something else.[/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 8/26/2017 2:58:02 AM
    The Krogan saw this, and instantly pulled out his M-300 Claymore, firing a round at Vic before reloading. The shotgun shot should've decimated whatever shields/ armor she had...unless she blocked it. Speaking of which, some of the brawlers attempting sneak attack her were shot from behind, courtesy of Vel, who was firing her WESTARs toward whoever was after Victoria. "I'm guessing I'd have to be on your good side?" She asks her, the Krogan moving further and further back through the bar, continuing to fire as many rounds as he can.

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  • [i]The best that Vic had was suddenly swooping behind a table, of which was promptly decimated as she went prone, a gaping hole left where the shotgun had blasted at her. She knew now that she had to avoid gunfire from this thing.. that wouldn't be fun.[/i] "My good side? Please-!" [i]She yelled at Vel before reaching out from her cover, firing three .50 caliber, tungsten-cored rounds at the massive shotgun of which the Krogan wielded. If anything, the goal was to blow the damn thing up - just one round would do, as Bolter rounds were made to penetrate, then release an explosion within a target.[/i]

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