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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
8/14/2017 6:57:39 PM
Royal, trapped outside of the pocket dimension immediately tries finding a way inside.

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  • (It was to trap the three of us but whatever, I'll roll with it) I waste no time in attacking. She is much faster than I can keep up with, but she couldn't seem to land a noticeably effective strike. I immediately forced Longinus through her skull, causing a mass of energy to expand outwards, breaking the dimensional barrier and ragdolling every individual in a 3 kilometer radius. The blast itself was just psychic energy. All it did was throw those affected backwards and break any control she had. Or so I thought. I did sense that Royal was returning to normal, she wasn't dead. That blast was her way to increase her attack capabilities by cutting any influence she had on others. The barrier was damaged to the point where it now only prevented entry. I had to finish this. This boost quickly began to overwhelm my defenses. I had no choice but to disable the barrier. I can't win on my own at this point. If I fail others will be at risk and I will die but if I can get help, we might win. I released the barrier to let Royal in. "I no longer sense her magic's effects on you. I need your help."

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  • [spoiler]Whoops. Thought you meant that Royal was outside.[/spoiler] Royal rushed into the barrier, glancing at Johnathan. "You realize I'm immune to most physic attacks, right?" He asked, as his blade formed in his hands. It glowed with an energy that Johnathan did not recognize. In fact, he didn't even recognize the color it gave off. Clearly, it was powerful. Royal dashes forward, slashing his blade through the Succubus' stomach in an attempt to cut her in half.

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  • "Then we must have played into her hands. It was reasonable suspicion. Could have been seduction based instead. I just lack emotional connection to others all together on any level more than comrade and friend relationships. The fact that I am so detached might have helped me a bit." I activated my bias field. "This is over! Any last words?" She smirks. "I was so close. If I'm beaten then no point hiding it. I brainwashed that bartender a few months back." As I am about to deliver the final blow, O blade from behind impales me. "Son of a bitch! Royal... Finish it!!!"

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  • Royal slashed his blade through her stomach, cleaving it through her entire body until it exited out through her back. Effectively, it cut her in half.

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  • "Why did you stab me without any signal if you weren't under her power. You didn't know about my supply of Phoenix tears. Never mentioned them before or used them in front of you. I have a hard time believing you were only playing along with her scheme." I free myself from the blade levitating behind me. "What were you doing?"

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  • "I stabbed you?" Royal asked, shrugging his shoulders. "You were in the way."

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  • "I was about to do so myself. Convenient timing only goes so far. This worked out to perfectly for her to pull off the kill. What was that signature I sensed on you Identical to what she was putting out?" I struggle to understand what is going on. I begin to worry that some higher power has been playing us. But I couldn't think of any reason or possible endgame.

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  • "Maybe it's a demon. That followed you to this dimension in an effort to haunt you. Unfinished business."

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  • "Well Greyfia's remains were exorcised so It couldn't be her. There aren't any demons from my realm that powerful. The only beings there capable of something like this are deities of different pantheons and the dragon god of the infinite, Ophis. But they are part of the alliance. They wouldn't try to take out a general under their command. It must be something else." We continue theorizing.

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  • "Maybe... A demon from this dimension? Trying to take you out to ruin the Alliance over in your dimension?"

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  • "We will have to gather more intel before a conclusion is reachable." We leave the building and go in separate directions to investigate a bit.

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  • Royal visited several locales of Angel and demon hubs, researching any strange occurrences. Any dimensional rifts, missing deities. The likes.

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  • I contact my superiors intelligence operatives and informants back home on anything remotely related. I catalog my findings in a text file on my phone. I proceed to the rendezvous point to meet up with Royal.

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  • 5 Minutes late. 10. 15. Where the hell was he? Caught up in the investigation? Half an hour after they were supposed to meet, Royal finally showed up. He was out of breath, holding his shoulder. Which was... Bleeding?

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  • "Well, I tale it you were attacked for 'knowing too much'? What happened?"

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  • "Bah. Wrong bar to ask." Royal said with a dry chuckle, sitting down on the bench near the Cherry Blossom tree in the main dojo courtyard.

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  • "I'm gonna need context. What did you ask and why was it the wrong place to ask?"

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  • "It was a demon bar. In between dimensions, a very usual spot for alot of bad dudes that like to hop around." "Asked if there was any... Disturbances and they said..." [spoiler]I dunno. Do you want Royal to have learned something? [/spoiler]

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  • "Is something about what was said too much to speak about here? What do you think that the succubus had to do with all this in the plan of whoever is pulling the strings? Maybe you weren't hypnotized or brainwashed but her seductive charm manipulated our actions from its possible presence and its failure to affect me from my detached dead inside emotional state? This is leaving me with innumerable questions and theories. This is overwhelming, even for me!"

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  • "... There was a disturbance a few months ago. Just a few days after you arrived. It was like a shock. Rippled through the place in between. " "When I asked what caused it. They attacked."

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  • "That's suspicious. My counter ability can stop their attacks if I anticipate it. I'll go. Even if I can't counter everything I still have a few vials of Phoenix tears." I sit down on the bench. "Can you get me there and I'll go in myself? The might recognize you."

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  • "Oh please. I already took care of it for the most part." Royal said, pointing at his shoulder. "That's why I'm bleeding." He said, chuckling lightly. "Anyways. Turns out, some of them were brainwashed. That's why they attacked. I think that whatever is going after you is trying to raise some sort of army."

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  • "So maybe that succubus was acting as a middleman. I still haven't gotten an answer if maybe you stabbed under seduction magic and were under an illusion of some kind? You've ignored that question. (If a character as powerful are Royal can be affected then clearly things might have higher stakes now.) Do you remember anything differently than I described back at the clinic?"

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  • "Listen, I told you already. I'm immune to physiological attacks. At least, I should be. I mean, I haven't been under the influence of another person in a thousand Years." "And seduction magic doesn't work on me either. I've lost way to much to be fulled by someone looking to get in my pants."

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  • "Then maybe one of us was slipped something to see the surroundings differently. I'm not sire which of is was under an illusion. If a psychic is strong enough, immunity can be bypassed. But if that was the case, the succubus must have been empowered by a stronger being." We begin to ponder the possibilities.

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