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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Crrowly: 8/11/2017 4:39:40 AM
[spoiler]Open to all.[/spoiler][url=]Christina[/url] [url=][b][u]Lumen Solis, 0134 hours[/u][/b][/url] It was pouring all over in Lumen Solis, but it was raining especially hard in Noctis, the slums of Ollimand's capital. Dense rainclouds obscured the night sky, as rain constantly pelted the pavement and buildings built on top of said pavement. One would think it stupid to enter the slums on a night like this, but that was exactly what the girl was doing. She wore rather light clothing, a smooth, thin white cloth shirt that wrapped around her entire body and trousers to go along with the top. A white scarf was worn around her neck, covering over half her face. Everything about her was drenched in rainwater; her long, snow white hair, her scarf, her clothing. She didn't appear to be armed as she roamed through the streets of Noctis, until she came across a very wounded man. The girl knelt down beside him, examining the wound. She debating simply leaving him and pretending she never saw it, but... it would be so easy. The girl sighed, however the sound was muffled by her scarf. She raised her left hand, gently placing her palm against the man's abdominal area. Worn over her glove were three pieces of jewelry; two rings, one with a sapphire and one with a ruby, and one bracelet, with emeralds decorating it. [i]"O' Falldor, great god of healing, may life not part from this man,"[/i] The girl would whisper–it was a prayer. [i]"Allow him to live to see another day. Show him your kindness and your love, and let the evil that is death not claim him today. And may Ria watch over us all."[/i] And just like that, an aura slowly surrounded the girl's left hand. The aura was a green light, and looked to be slowly being absorbed into the man. A few moments later, his eyes would open, and he would gasp, looking down at his abdomen. Where there was once a deep stab wound, there was now nothing but a scar. The girl would look down at the man, eyebrows furrowed, with worry seek in her eyes. The man looked up, breathing calming down, before he finally spoke to the girl. "I know who did this," He said. "Somebody who's had a grudge on me for a long time. He lives here, in the slums... I was passing through her when he found and stabbed me." He looked up to the girl, fear and pleading in his expression. "You look capable. Please, I beg of you... my family will not be safe until I'm sure that this person will attack us no longer." The girl slowly stood, unsure what to think. Falldor would demand that she help this man and his family, but... what was he to her? She didn't see any reason to help, and was about the shake her head when the man's hands shuffled through his pockets. "H-here, I'll pay you. 200 credits," He gave the girl a handful of coins from his wallet that had miraculously not been stolen. "That's 75. I'll repay the remaining 125 if you bring me proof of his death. I'll be here." He gestured towards the empty alleyway. The girl gazed passively at the man; she was no mercenary, but she would do what she had to to earn money. With a small sigh, she nodded slowly. The man sighed with relief, sitting down in the alleyway. He gave the girl directions to where the man lived, and she merely nodded, walking away from the alleyway. She would eventually arrive at a dilapidated apartment building. The window of the highest floor was broken. The girl slowly began climbing and, when arriving just below the broken window, she lifted her top slightly to pull out a long dagger, at least 18 inches in length, its 13 inch blade slightly curved. The girl raised her left hand to her chest, silently whispering another prayer. Slowly, her body would fade away from visibility, until she was entirely invisible. Now, she would roll into the dilapidated building, soundless and invisible. She would quickly search the room, eventually finding the target looking at his phone. She soundlessly crept up behind him, first taking a peak at the phone's screen. What she saw would make her jaw drop in utter silence. After a moment of paralyzation, she aligned her dagger with the man's throat, before pressing the metal against his throat and slitting it before he could scream. From there, he simply hacked at sawed at his neck until he had torn the man's head from his shoulders. The girl gazed at the phone screen with contempt, before raising her dagger and jamming the tip of her blade into the screen, breaking it and causing it to die. She then stowed the dagger in her shirt once more, holding the head as she left the apartment and returned to the alleyway. She and the man exchanged goods; a head for 125 credits. The girl sighed, turning away and continuing to walk through the slums aimlessly, hoping that nobody had seen the transaction–people likely would've, though. --------------------------[spoiler]Open to Ero.[/spoiler][b][u][url=]Lumen Solis[/url], same time[/u][/b] Rain was pouring on the City of Lights, but that didn't stop Lux's livelihood. The tourist district was booming with activity, as usual. This time, there was a festival going on, celebrating who knows what–reasons for celebrations have long been forgotten. They could've been celebrating the invention of the Electric Cheese Grater for all anybody knew. High above the festivities, there was a boy sitting atop the roof of a skyscraper. Rain soaked his blond hair and drenched his skin and clothes, while his icy blue eyes simply wandered, taking in the scenery of the beautiful capital of Ollimand. His drenched clothing consisted of a white t-shirt and black sweatpants, while his feet wore no shoes or socks. He simply sat at the edge of the roof, feet dangling over the edge. He might've been waiting for something to happen, or simply admiring the view. Either way, he was itching for movement.

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  • [spoiler]is this plot?![/spoiler]

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  • Link me you scandalous Wh*re!

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  • Tfw you have no idea what's going on

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  • What.

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  • The boy could hear the sounds of slow steps on the roof. "What're you doing?"

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  • Do you not see the "Open to Ero"? Gtfo boi

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  • [i]"Murderer! Salesman of destruction, harbinger of sorrow!" It seems somebody found her. The voice was loud, like a jet engine in the sky, so too was the voice of anger that watched Christina, eyes full of rage beneath the helm upon his face. It stepped forwards, each movement through the road creating miniature tremors that knocked everything over in the surrounding homes of Noctis. His armoured step was terrible and loud, but he moved with such slowness that it was easy to tell the loud, almost German sounding man was no godly entity that moved with swiftness, rather it was a person. Probably. The Knight-Prince took one step, then another, and stopped at six paces to close the gap of ten metres that separated him and Christina, his once dormant body looking like an old and withered suit of armour. In truth it was just from a mossy sleep that spanned almost a month, bird droppings lining his golden pauldrons and rainwater splashing endlessly on his silver chain mail chest plate, but if there was one thing that made him seem distinctly human, it was the way he moved. With fury, ever slow but vigil in his not-so-nimble movements. He stood at seventeen feet in height, clad in steel plate armour with golden linings to each silvery piece, and a chain mail drapery that ran from his shoulders to his knees. His arms were coated in runes, the left one with a glowing blue shade that looked like a burning resin on a stony backdrop. It gripped a shield in its cold hand, wretching onto a curved rectangular shield that matched almost his height. His right arm drew a broadsword from he sheath at his hip, holy flames burning a bright white as he aimed the tip to Christina like a sceptre, a microphone for her to confess her sins to the holiest above. "Explain this!" His voice thunderously echoed, a gaze of wrath settling upon the woman. [/i]

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  • Kill her....

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  • [spoiler]Nigguh -blam!- outta here, this ain't for you. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Arbiter hates me purely for being the one that banned him, lmfao. Now he's probably tryna kill my character on the post that literally says "open to Ero", kek.[/spoiler]

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  • "Gah!" Christina jumped back at the sight of Vitrus, the shock of hearing such a thunderous voice out of seemingly nowhere. She turned, gazing at the Knight-Prince with wary, almost fearful scarlet eyes. She pulled her scarf down, revealing her pale skin and angular features, gazing upwards at the being that stood at over triple her height. After raising her hands in surrender, she thought it best to explain the situation to Vitrus as fast as she possibly could, and hope she didn't trip over her own words and get herself killed. "Uhhhh... well, I healed a man, that man -" She pointed at the man who had paid her, only to find out when she turned her head that the man had sprinted off when Vitrus approached. His sprinting figure could be seen already fifty yards down the sidewalk. "Yeah, that man. He had a stab wound. So when he awoke he said that the person who stabbed him was threatening his family in some way. So he asked me to make sure he'd stop - indirectly asking me to kill him, seeing as there wasn't enough evidence for a trial or anything. He said he'd pay me, which was the only reason why I did it - I don't like killing. So I went to the address, the man was on his phone. He was looking at... well, child pornography, and the kid in the video looked similar to the man who paid me. So I assumed that it was blackmail. Anyways I did the thing and stabbed the phone, returned, gave the man the blackmailer's head, and now here I am oh god please don't kill me."

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  • [i]"A civilian's hand should never be wielding the heads man's blade; What's say you in your defence?" [/i]

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  • "What? I needed money," Christina said defensively. "And still do need money. I live in an abandoned 7-11, for Rias' sake. Are you gonna arrest me?"

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  • [i]"Your fate is not for me to decide, rather the High Warden of Granfield. Will you surrender willingly?" [/i]

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  • "Uh... sure. Yeah. Not in the mood for a fight." She raised her hands above her shoulders, just making sure that her hard-earned cash was in her pocket before doing so.

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  • [b]A man stood on a rooftop, observing her as she walked among the slums. He had seen everything. The way she healed the man who was doomed to die, how she murdered the alleged perpetrator, and even the thing the girl saw on that phone. He even knew her name. But that wasn't important. It was she was that caught his eye[/b] "And so it begins." [b]He moved quickly, descending from the rooftop and onto the ground behind her. She wouldn't even notice, for he purposely kept himself hidden until it was too late...[/b] "Don't move." [b]He held a dagger to the girl's throat, it's blade made of a fine silver that perished ages ago[/b]

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  • ... two people can play at that game. "Oh boy, I already don't like you," The girl groaned, bringing her hand up to the holding the knife. Before the man could react, the girl had already pulled herself out of his grip, using a hand placed on his shoulder to twirl up, flipping, before landing sitting on the man's shoulders, both daggers in her hands with their crisscrossed in front of the man's neck. "Vigilantes like you are the reason nobody can live happily," She growled, before whispering a quiet prayer. The prayer ended with "and may Rias watch over us all", and ice formed on the girl's left hand. It crept from her hand up to freeze the entirety of the man's face, before the woman finally jumped off his shoulders, sending a quick kick to his back and knocking him on the ground.

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  • "I'm not a vigilante." [b]The voice came from behind her. It was a different man, with hair that was as brown as an oak tree and eyes of the finest blue. He looked wealthy, a finely trimmed beard and custom tailored suit being just some of the distinctions that separated him from the rest of the slums[/b] "I am no one." [b]He sent a torrent of ice toward her, walking forward with a smile on his face. He drew his sword, which glowed a faint blue[/b] [spoiler]Reference is most certainly intentional[/spoiler]

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  • "You're not no one, you're an edgy bitch acting like an egocentric thirteen year old, or have been watching too much Game of Thrones recently," She would respond after whispering another prayer. This prayer would surround her left hand in pitch black flames with white edges, dark smoke rising off her arm. Her ignited hand struck the ground, a massive inferno melting the ice before it could reach her. She twirled, ribbons of flame following her hand as she did so. She didn't know what this man could do, and that was a bad thing–and as such, she was not being too offensive.

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  • "Then what does that make you?" [b]He sent another wave of ice toward the girl, smiling as he walked towards her and the fire she conjured. Nothing seemed to matter to him, no snarky comments or insults, no flame, no circumstance. Nothing. It seemed odd, worrying almost. But it didn't matter, did it? Of course not. He just kept on walking[/b]

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  • "I'm just somebody that wants to live, and help others out on occasion." Her expression showed disgust, disgust with how the man acted. Started by jumping to conclusions, and continued to act annoyingly edgy. "Keep on walking, then. Have fun." She turned tail, and dashed around a corner into an alleyway. A completely silent prayer was said, and the girl's body faded out of existence–in reality, she had simply gone invisible. The invisible would also hide her from sonar, thermal vision, and masked her sound completely. For all the man knew, she was gone.

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  • [b]He stopped walking, and his smile faded. If she could still see him, the man had brought out dagger and stabbed himself in the heart. He shattered into a thousand pieces that simply blew into the wind. Once she was far enough away from where he used to stand, the girl came upon a wounded woman propped up against a wall[/b] "Help..." [b]She cried out weakly, hoping for someone to answer. She had hair that was as black as night, and eyes that were as brown as the girl who first saw her. Dying[/b]

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  • The girl was still invisible. She looked over at the woman, thinking–this was too much of a coincidence. Two wounded people in one night? A random edgy attacker that can make himself look like other people? Na. She wasn't falling for this. Staying invisible, she continued on, invisibly sticking her middle finger out at the woman–not something very religious, in truth.

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