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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
8/7/2017 3:53:45 AM
[b][u]Omega, O'Malley-- Whatever You Call It, It's Still Rage[/u][/b] [i]Dojoville, 12:00[/i] Chase was walking around downtown with a puma following at his side. His sword was on his back. He was wearing an orange T-shirt, and jean shorts. He was also wearing a pair if blue Nikes. All of sudden, out of nowhere, a wolf began to attack him. The wolf lunged for Chase, and with his quick reflexes, he easily blocked with sword. The puma quickly started to attack the wolf. Her claws charged with Arc Energy. She was driven back as the wolf struck again, his claws also charged with the same energy. Within seconds, the wolf morphed into a Bladedancer Hunter in Iron Companion gear. He appeared to be using two knives. Chase was locked into combat with the Hunter, the two clashing with the Puma occasionly driving the Bladedancer to change his stance. [spoiler]Open. Held either the Bladedancer, or Chase.[/spoiler]

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  • As time went by, the fight had a new spectator. He seemed a newly awakened warlock, still fitted with Born Spark. At his side was his Preacher MK.30 and his Ghost. He held the old Khvostov carbine, and had it readied just in case things got bad

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  • The Titan and the Hunter continues to clash. With their blades. Until the Hunter jumped back and used his knife to send Arc, that knocked the Titan back. He then stabbed Chase to death, and lunged at the Warlock.

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  • He was met with a spray of gunfire to the face, followed by a palm strike from the warlock All he said was just a startled cry

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  • The Hunter collapsed in pain. Puma revived Chase, "Ow...." "He broke your stance." "Shut up."

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  • The Warlock was crouched over the Hunter, gun ready. His ghost flew over, curious "What is this?"

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  • "Be specific," Puma requested. The Golden Ghost said.

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  • The Ghost looked around, at the whole scene "This! you aren't guardians we know"

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  • Edited by Splashback77: 8/11/2017 3:46:24 AM
    "I was attacked by this guy," Chase said, pointing to him. Another Ghost appeared, "He can't help himself. He has random states of rage."

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  • "As a warlock, I learn through doing. Hopefully this guy isn't too full of himself to do the same." The guardian spoke up, making sure his clip was loaded.

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  • [i]Rhodes, a Spartan, watched the fight unfold from a distance. But, he thought it was time to intervene before someone got hurt. He picked up his shotgun and sprinted to the fight. Once he got close, he fired the shotgun in the air, then took aim at the bladedancer.[/i] "Alright, break it up you two."

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  • The Bladedancer attacked him, instead, his blades scraping against the armor.

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  • "Ah, you -blam!-er!" [i]Rhodes stumbled back. Losing his aim. Once he regained focus he took a shot at the bladedancers legs.[/i]

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  • The Hunter collapsed.

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  • "The bloody hell's your problem mate?" [i]Rhodes says in anger.[/i]

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  • "I don't know his problem. He attacked first," Chase said. The Hunter's ghost appeared, "He tends to burst into random moments of rage."

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  • "A psychopath eh? Do you know him at all?" [i]Rhodes look down at his chest, noticing a large cut going across, blood could be seen.[/i] "Piece of shit broke through my armor, bastard."

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  • "I don't know him."

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  • "Eh, dirtbag on the ground, think you can explain your problem mate?" [i]Rhodes attempts to ask the Bladedancer.[/i]

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 8/7/2017 7:58:38 PM
    Cylus was on his way to pick up a shipment for his armory when he saw the boy in jean shorts and the werewolf clash. Q, who was accompanying him, watched as the whole ordeal played out. [quote]*I don't like werewolves, but I also don't like jean shorts. This is [b][i]unacceptable![/i][/b]* he shouted and laughed.[/quote] Cylus shook his head and approached the situation. Neither of the brawlers saw him coming, so he took his opportunity to suckerpunch the hunter across the jaw. He turned to the man in jean shorts and nodded as if to accept a thank you, but sent a suckerpunch into his face. With Q laughing in the background, Cylus stood over the two people, the indigo glowing eyes on his helmet narrowing. He stared at the Puma as it watched him, but seemed to be utterly calm and in control of the situation. "You ladies should really take your fight elsewhere. There are kids around here!" he said, almost sarcastically.

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  • "Excuse me?" Chase asked. He seemed very unhappy to be called lady. The Bladedancer recovered, and lunged at Cylus.

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  • Q had an arrow nocked before the Hunter even got to his feet, shooting it at the figure's ribs. It was one of his specialized arrows, a blunt end used for knocking people out, or in this case, punching their ribs. Even with that armor, they'd take one hell of a hit. "You heard me." Cylus said calmly.

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  • The Hunter was knocked down, his state of rage was gone. "I'm just mad that you called me a lady," Chase said, "The only lady here is my puma, Tigress." The Titan put his sword on his back. Tigress nudged his hand. Chase rubbed her head.

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  • Cylus turned to gaze at the fallen hunter. "You'll get your turn. Be patient." He turned back to Chase and Tigress. "Tigress? Odd name for a Puma. Especially a puma with electric paws." he commented. "You got a name?" he asked, gazing at Chase.

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  • Edited by Splashback77: 8/7/2017 8:31:40 PM
    "I'm Chase," the Titan sighed, "And my Ghost, Puma, picked Tigress's name."

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  • "Ghost? So you're a guardian?" Cylus asked, one glowing eye of his helmet widening, as if he were raising a brow beneath it. Perhaps he was. "You don't look like a hunter. Hunters' pride is all in their look. No offense." he glances at the jean shorts. "Are you a uh- what was it... Warlock?" he asks, remembering the only other class of Guardian he had met.

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