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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
8/1/2017 2:21:01 PM
The door would not open. Instead, pounding footsteps could be heard coming from behind Stephanie; the source of them not even making an attempt at silence. There were other footsteps as well, however the loud sound of heavy armor slamming into the terrain would drown them out. If Stephanie could hear all of the footsteps, she would be able to determine that there were six figures coming up the mountain and towards her. The footsteps grew closer and closer, until they finally stopped about ten feet behind Stephanie. There were not six figures, but seven; one of them clearly had some sort of stealth profession. They stood in line with each other, most of their weapons raised–for caution purposes rather than to threaten the super soldier. First off, the most noticeable figure; they were clearly male, and also was clearly the one who had made all the noise. He was massive, yet not as tall as Stephanie; within his armor, he was eight feet in height. Raised in front of him was a massive, rather monstrous greatsword, seven feet in length, with its grip about 14 inches and held in both hands. The man stood within an armored exosuit which completely covered all of his skin; the exosuit was gunmetal gray in color, yet some of the larger plates of armor were painted with some kind of red and white pattern. Extending from the shoulders of the exosuit were two massive cannons, one cannon on each side of the armor. Judging by the barrels of the cannons alone, Stephanie could likely determine that within them would be massive, 30x173mm caliber bullets. Directly to the left of the massive exosuit was one who may as well have been considered a midget in comparison to the rest of her team and, of course, Stephanie. She stood at an almost comically short height of 5'3", although she seemed to be unbothered by her shortness; perhaps so many jabs have been made about it, she was used to it. She, unlike her teammates, was unarmed; she simply wore black combat pants and boots, a dark gray t-shirt and a kevlar vest. The only thing to suggest that she had a way to defend herself was the small sheathe at her left side, protecting a small, curved dagger. The dagger was no longer than seven or eight inches in length. The woman herself was... beautiful, in the angelic way. For her hair, she had a head of short, curly black hair that fell just above her jaw. Her pupils were a deep, sapphire blue, while her face had sharp, angular features, with thin lips and a small, perky nose. Gripped tightly in her right hand was... a first aid kit, of all things. To her right was another man. This one was a lot taller than the medic, standing at about 6'4". His attire was entirely black, consisting of a kevlar jacket–likely with carbon fiber plating underneath–combat pants, and combat boots. A holster at his left side held an M1911A1 pistol, while stowed on his back was an AR-15. Held in his hands, with its barrel trained on Stephanie was an AK-47–his choice of using this weapon over the assault rifle on his back was decided by the amount of dust in the air. Due to the crash landing creating massive amounts of dust, it would be likely that his AR-15 would jam. The man himself was muscular and stoic; he had a rectangular face with a well defined, square jaw. His hair was brown, however was buzz cut, so the color would be difficult to determine. His skin tone was tanned, likely from hours spent underneath the sun. The man's eyes were a surprisingly soft, caramel color. To the exosuit's right was another woman, 5'11" in height. This one looked rather similar to the man describe just now, with a tanned skin tone, well defined jaw, ovular face, brown hair that fell on her shoulders and soft, caramel colored eyes. They were probably siblings. This woman wore similar attire to the man as well; a black kevlar jacket, along with combat pants and boots. She, too, had a holster at her left side, with an M1911A1. But held in her hands was a black Barrett M107A1, a sniper rifle of the .50 BMG caliber–anti-material rifle, really. She simply held it diagonally against her torso, her legs poised to sprint back the moment she had a reason to and find cover. And to the sniper's right was a man, the shortest male of the team. He stood at an average height of 5'10", and really he looked like an average man, aside from the M1911A1 gripped in his right hand, its barrel trained at Stephanie. In his left hand was a wrench–a rather special wrench, at that. The man had a rather handsome face, with sharp features, a fair skin tone, and a head of shaggy, blond hair. He wore rectangular glasses in front of warm, golden eyes. For his attire, he wore similar clothing to what the medic wore; a kevlar vest, dark gray t-shirt, black combat pants and boots. All-in-all, this man seemed rather average... if you ignored the robot standing right behind him. The robot was a tall figure, about 6'6" in height. Its chassis was made of the same stuff as the exosuit's armor was made of, suggesting that it was bulletproof. Its face was flat and expressionless, without the features of a human face aside from a single, electric blue camera lens in the center of its face, acting as an eye. Its right arm was raised, its hand having been transformed into the barrel of an assault rifle, aimed at Stephanie. To the man and robot's right was the final member of the team, a woman with an unnatural beauty about her. She was the second shortest on her team, at 5'6". She didn't even wear protection; she wore casual attire, with a white t-shirt, black, knee length shorts, and a pair of black running shoes. Her skin was unnaturally pale, similar to her snow white hair. And they provided great contrast to her scarlet pupils. Holstered at her left side was yet another M1911A1, while her hands held no firearms. Speaking of her hands, her right arm was bionic, made of sleek, black metal and machinery. It was the exact size and shape of her left arm, just... robotic. Now that descriptions are done, the exosuit spoke. Boris: [i]"We mean no harm; we have simply come to investigate the figure that had fallen from the sky."[/i] The medic had a worried expression on her face, her eyebrows slightly furrowed as she examined Stephanie, searching for any wounds she might have that would need curing.

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